Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Robin Scoops & Rumors Came My Way...

Some spoilers are surfacing on Robin-- and I've put them up on the Wubs Net. Seems the Lisa murder heats up and Robin wants to deflect the focus, especially since she realizes she's ill. As more comes in, I'll let you know!! This story is EVOLVING however, so who knows where it will end up. Sources say Feb Sweeps will be "poignant".


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In a normal setting, Robin's storyline would be 'Must See'.
    However, considering had badly the writing, editing, producing, directing has been done on this show in the past 2 years, 6 months especially, I am positive this must see storyline will turn to crap. And will be played out and written all wrong.
    Robin is sick. That will be heartbreaking to watch since she has been on the show since a little girl. We have watched her grow up before us. It will be yet another reminder of how brutal this show has turned into.
    Goodness, if the character Robin wanted to leave, let her go off to see her parents!!!
    Why ANOTHER dark storyline??

  3. I pray they don't kill her off. I know she wants to leave, but do they really have to have her character die? It's almost like they want to make sure no original characters remain, well accept the fav 3 of course. It's ok that she gets sick, it's a real struggle that should be brought into play now and then, but they should also show that she fights and that being HIV positive doesn't always mean you will die. Have her getting better then go off to visit her parents, anything but killing off another core character!

  4. It is OK for Robin to get sick. But it is unacceptable to allow her to die of aids.
    NOT because she is a fan favorite, but because of the illness she is carrying around, doesn't need to end in death.

  5. I believe that the TPTB want GH to tank, it is their plan to kill our beloved shows. Is it to late for Oprah to save her network, she could buy the rights and save her network and mend our broken hearts. Hmmmm...Dear Santa....

  6. Dear Santa or Dear Oprah??

    I think O would rather have a network that is a failure than to please all her loyal fans for as many years as they did. Without the fans, there would have been no Oprah. Did she forget that?

  7. TPTB will use the cheesey excuse that no one is watching GH so that is the reason that they are cancelling the show....put the blame on the viewers and not take the blame for bad writing, directing, acting of the younger cheaper actors...it will never be ABCs fault just you watch...they might even move up the cancellation in hopes of saving money...I hope all their replacement shows tank as most do after the usual tidal of the same type show on every channel...we've had talk shows before, how to shows before and game shows up the wazoo...they all ended because people got tired of the same old drivel


Sunday Surgery: Valentine Vivisection

                                             I'm really hoping my weekly broken-record blog musings isn't wearing on you. Maybe it...