Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Drama In My Daytime!

Ok, I posted this on facebook because I thought it was funny, thinking it said Vodka MARGARITA--ahahhhaa WHOOPS. Parents forgive me!! Hee hee It's still a riot. I'm keeping it up. Hopefully potential employers won't take a peek!

OLTL Was on FIRE! and I'm not talking Jack Manning the PYRO-bug!! It's only Wed and Nat tells Brody about the DNA....and Vimal having a crisis. OMG,  Vimal didn't tell and then Brody walks in! AND IT'S WED!! Oh, you kill me OLTL!
I like the arraigned marriage talk. So Bollywood.
David "Dorian and I have Skype Sex 10x a day" !! 
HUGE SHOW TODAY!! VIMAL and Rama trapped by the fire!! Jon and Natalie!! eeeeeee! Todd stalking with a gun!!   :thud: 

Coleman, "Long day?" Steve: YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!! YEAH CAUSE it's still HALLOWEEN! This day has lasted 8 days, not counting the weekend. 
Lisa's in the harbor.
Why would it matter if Pat's shoes are wet  NOW if Lisa 'died' on the boat? 
Steve's drinking in Jake's..AND MATT WALKS in...Now Monday Liz was coding again and we see..nothing. Matt walkin' in the bar. Ahaahhahahaaaa. 
In one "day/night" Sonny has talked with Kate 3x, Alexis 3x, Diane, Krissy-- and Olivia oh AND he fought with Carly in Jake's!!
Johnny and the WRENCH..did you get the hint?? WRENCH--"NO NOT THAT ONE"! heh

KeMo and Steve were awesome today. I so wish it wasn't so choppy with other scenes. And, btw, a woman would know if she you know. SHE'D KNOW!
Shower curtain was back up in the hut..interesting since it was ripped down.

NANCY LEE GRAHN is on facebook and wants more She is cheeky and fun!! Loves her fans.. here's the NLG LINK!


  1. While I understood why any woman would want to shower after being raped , I found myself angry that Jason wasn't strong enough to insist that she go to a hospital. Wrong on so many levels. So many tests that need to be done and psychological as well as physical treatment is needed. It was realistic that neither of them would want to do anything but live in denial of what happened because it is horrific to be drugged and sexually assaulted. No woman wants to remember that trauma.
    I still can't stand seeing them on screen but they hit the right note in their portrayal of sadness after being victimized.
    I still find Sam annoying because she refused to let Jason focus on Franco knowing how dangerous Franco is. All that I've heard is how much she understands his job and that she can handle the danger so she's his match. She nearly lost her life because of him and now there is the implication of rape. She lives in denial like every other woman he has been with including Liz.
    I'm not enjoying this show and today's episode made me realize that I need to get rid of it from my life permanently.

  2. OMG, ITA Karen, A WOMAN WOULD KNOW!! I KEPT SAYING THAT TO MYSELF!! Of course, they should call the cops and go to the hospital, she could have a disease, she might get PG, THEY NEED EVIDENCE!! AND IT IS STILL THE SAME NIGHT!!

  3. OMG, it's nighttime in Hawaii, upstate NY and Ireland all at the same time! And the night has lasted for a month! It's a miracle!!

  4. I WISH Sam had been STRONGER!! She's older, a PI and knows the ramifications of rape. I get you fall apart but for once, make the woman PISSED OFF about it. I don't know.

  5. The show made me angry. They will have them go back to PC and hide it! Seriously?!!Terrible writing! OF course, It's all about Jason and Sam hunting Franco down and exacting their own revenge because they are the "favorite couple". Franco probably didn't do it but he created the doubt and pain in their minds and that is the gist of Garin Wolf's storyline. It's more darkness for a failing show. He and Guza are continuing their duty to tank the show. Heard Guza and Frons had visions of placing GH on at night hence the push for ongoing mob/sonny focus and portrayal of women as an extension of men on the show. Sad.
    I was completely disgusted with Jason and Sam, especially Sam for not heeding Carly's warning. Stupid. He had kidknapped Sam, Lulu, and Carly previously. Sam was just plain stupid! No woman or man deserves this horrific assault and this should not have been written in to the show. GH has a poor record of dealing with the subject of rape ( including Michael's planned by Franco as well ).

  6. I FF'd through most of this episode again. Even the Jasam seems were not satisfying. Why, when he knew there were cameras there, didn't he look for them or have someone come and sweep the room before Sam went back in the shower. It's ridiculous.

    I'm also convinced they're having Sonny with every woman on the show because they're desperate for chemistry, but it's just not working. All those scenes sporatically intermixed among actually plotlines are so disjointed and frankly quite boring. I'm at the point that seeing him and Kate together actually makes me nauseous.

    And I like Shawn but I can't stand him with carly. She is so iritating. He's way too intelligent for her.

    And then they have Johnny interacting randomly with all the women too. Gawd. Stop looking for chemistry; focus on plotlines and see what happens. This show is just becoming too painful.

  7. I was also angry about them not having Sam get a rape kit done. I am so sick of the women of these shows being either victimized or irritating. I just hate this storyline. I am not even a JaSam fan but would it have killed them to have them trying to adjust to life as newly weds. I also wish that they would not rush Carly into any new relationships. I love the character but I just think that she should take a step back before jumping into another relationship.

  8. This is when Jason needed to step up and be stronger for both of them as her husband! They are both wounded and traumatized but he should not have allowed her to shower! Go to the hospital immediately! He reacted the same way he did with Michael. Don't push to get him help and hide the problem until it bubbles to the surface later. More harm comes to you. Aweful!
    It is all about the jason revenge plot and having him show his cold blooded nature. He is 'STONE COLD'! We know! DUMB!

  9. Please don't shoot me but I felt nothing during the whole scene with Jason/Sam and the shower. I think it's because almost every woman on GH has already been through this and we've seen it so much. Nothing against the actors I'm just over it. I'm also over the fact that Olivia is going around town fainting everywhere.....we get it she's suppose to be pregnant!!!!!


  10. Sam probably thought it was jason because it was her way of coping and trying to survive the sexual assault. She was drugged and could not stop it, so you will yourself to get through it by pretending it was jason. Aweful situation and aweful writing. I still don't want to see her on screen and I think this storyline was trying to grab ratings by using the rape storyline. They try to make sam more sympathetic or have the viewer feel empathy but I didn't. I thought Kelly did a good job of the portrayal but I don't like Sam.

  11. Karen,
    No a woman would not necessarily know. That is one of the effects of rohypnol (sp) assuming that's what he used to drug her. The victim has no memory of the event at all.

  12. I think Steve is the worst brother EVER!! His sister is so sick and codes and nearly dies and he doesn't talk about it!!Matt and Steve don't even discuss her condition!! WOW!!! The only person to see Liz is Matt!! Where is Gram?!! Who is watching her children while she is sick in hospital?!!

  13. Steve is a dolt!!!

  14. Karen! Vodka marijuana!!! ROFL!


    Honeymoon from hell: NO SAM NO DON'T TAKE A SHOWER!!!! Okay you are not ready to go to the hospital fine! But don't take a shower!!! I can't believe she took a shower! If Liz was there she would talk to her about not taking a shower!

    Steve: Hey Steve! You are gonna be a papa! :) Allegedly :)

    Kate's car: Kate is something REALLY wrong with your car? Or are you making it up just so Sonny can show up? :) You didn't want Johnny to help you and you didn't look very happy when Olivia showed up with Sonny hahaha! OH SONNY ALMOST SLAMMED THE HOOD ON KATE'S FINGERS!!! :-0 Aren't you going to apologize to her?!

    Ronnie: Ronnie and his mental notes hahahaha!

    Patrick and Robin: Love love love. :) Oh oh!!! She needs more stitches!!!

  15. Didn't watch GH yet...but who is the thud?? Jack or Todd?? I would go with Jack. That kid is insane.

    Yea..Todd is getting paranoid, which is giving it all away.

    How many times has Vimal broke about his knowledge, only to not go ahead with it? I put no hope in him spitting out the goods......
    Why doesn't someone take a look at that baby.
    He looks like Jaaaaawwwn.

  16. That is GH's idea of love in the afternoon!! Horrible!

  17. GH wasn't my idea of Love in the Afternoon today either...I think they have long forgotten what that is on soaps.

    The Jasam scenes, I just could not tolerate. I understand a woman, believing she's been assaulted just wants to be left alone and is traumatized, but geeze, Sam...go to the hospital immediately and don't shower! Franco is a psycho so heaven knows what he could have done to you! Jason not more emphatically insisting she go seek medical attention was just ridiculous. Of course, they needed to play it this way for the plot, so if and when Sam gets preggars, we can have yet another "Who's the baby daddy story." Not liking this one and we have already had so many similar stories with women who aren't quite sure who their child's father is.

    I have been thinking the same thing someone else said about how it seems they are sticking some of the GH men (Johnny, Sonny, Matt, for example) with several different women randomly to see what "sticks." It really does nothing to establish chemistry, if that's what they are trying to do. That's something that is there naturally or it isn't! Even when GH has had it with characters in the last couple years, they've screwed it up, as they just did with Ethan and Krissy. The two actors did have something special...whatever it was and when they recast the role, it's just not going to be there in the same way.

    So Lisa is supposedly dead now (for the moment) and so the whodunnit starts. Of course they had to bring Patrick into that equation, so they had him out late only to return home with wet shoes. Could have been anyone, but it would be nice if they'd go with a culprit who is least someone NOT a Zacharra, since either father or son would be the most logical. I shudder to think we will need to wait until February for that reveal! The PCPD sure are slow!

    Ronnie annoys me with his "bad cop" schtick. When he's with Dante, it's ultimate good cop/bad cop!

    Heck, if Olivia would not have been fainting, I bet she would have fixed Kate's car in nothing flat. She can pole dance, cook, fix cars, boats, you name it! That's a woman with some major skills!

    I guess they are trying to make Steve all dark now. He's even forgotten about his sister in the hospital who has flatlined. And as someone else said...who is minding the kids? I can only assume Grandma Audrey is! Steve is too busy thinking about possible impending fatherhood and the nudoc coming to town to watch his nephews. Well, at least Coleman has been getting some business lately!

  18. By all accounts, it seems, that Sam will have indeed been raped by Franco and that she will remember what he did to her. Kelly Monaco requested a closed set for the big reveal and for jason Franco showdown.
    Franco wanted to leave behind something/someone for him to be remembered by.
    When a show resorts to this, for a couple that clearly doesn't bring in ratings , it wreaks of desperation. Garin's interview on SOD is telling.

  19. why would jasam seek help for rape?they are both stone cold robots, thats why. they can take on the world and still come out alive! I think they are transformers.

  20. 'KeMo and Steve were awesome today. I so wish it wasn't so choppy with other scenes. And, btw, a woman would know if she you know. SHE'D KNOW!!
    Shower curtain was back up in the hut..interesting since it was ripped down.'
    I LOVE Jason. Back to loving him!Him and Kemo were DYNOMITE today.
    I don't believe she was raped though.
    The shower curtain?? Really?? How stupid and lazy are those people behind the scenes?? When I saw that, my stomach turned! NO EXCUSE for having that back up!
    As far as what they should or shouldn't have done afterwards, hopefully none of us will ever have to know what it is like to be raped or thought to of been raped. So no comment from me how they handled it. Nobody knows how and what they would do at the time.
    Once she is preggers they will find out its Jason's baby.

    Still Emma's birthday night?? Then its still Halloweenie??

    I don't like MyCarly anymore. Is it because she is a grown women and should behave as such?
    Her and soldier boy....ICK!!!!
    Carly should be home. Being a mother or running Metro Court. How does the love of your life walk out, and only in soaps do you fall for someone else a week later??
    Especially at Carly's age??
    Was it me, or did anyone think it kinda strange for them to be having a conversation while there is a dead body floating in front of them?? Eeerie.

    I didn't FF thru anything today.

    I wouldn't be so hard on Steve. Remember, this is a poorly written, edited, directed show. Its not his fault his sister goes 'code blue' every Monday and is forgotten about until the next Monday.

    Can Sonny & Kate get thru an episode without going down memory lane?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Kemo & SB are ROBOTS??

    Though Kemo is not a all time favorite of mine, how are her and Jason ROBOTS?
    The way they look at one another, there are no need for sex scenes.
    Their love is felt. There looks, touch's, says it all.
    Jason is Jason. He shows more love toward her than any other women he has had a relationship with on GH.
    I happened to of loved him & Courtney, and I still have to admit he never loved anyone like he does Kemo.
    Sadly. lol

    Again, where is my first post?

  23. Sam in Jason's arms at the end telling him she feels safe with him made me laugh. Really?!! You feel safe after the man that has stalked jason because he is obssessed with jason being a killer, just raped you!!No telling what you may have contracted from him and you feel safe? Not buying it, sorry.I can't stand this couple. Wake me up after she gives birth to Franco's baby and leaves to go find her real father. I also heard that Garin is going to reveal that she was , in fact, raped. The idea will be is their love strong enough to hold them together and raise Franco's baby. This will happen unless Garin leaves and re-writes occur.

  24. Well, Jasam gets their baby in a twisted messed up way. Be careful what you wish for jasammers. Terrible writing.

  25. For once , I would like to see this show have a victim go and get help when they absolutely need it . The victim has nothing to be ashamed of though that's exactly what the attacker counts on. I wish they would not try to cover it up.

  26. How someone survives or chooses to survive after a rape is that woman's choice. They have to get through it whatever way works for her and her only. Nobody can tell her what works for her and nobody is an expert on how she should get through that but herself...and her husband/boyfriend should be her support system, not try to force her to do something that she can't handle doing. We never have the right to judge how anyone decides to try to survive a very ugly situation.

  27. ANON-I AGREE!!!!

    NOT for anyone to JUDGE!!

  28. It's not about judging. It's about wanting someone to get the help they deserve and need. Is it easy? Not ever! I was beyond devastated! There are aweful medical issues to deal with. It comes from a place of caring. Not judgement.

  29. Did anyone notice that nov.8 episode of GH, Franco's feet were bloody or were his feet covered in paint?

  30. I feel absolutely nothing for Sam; this was the same woman that hired a stripper for Michael after his rape and told Em to basically just jump back on the horse. So, no I felt absolutely nothing at all for her; perhaps she should just take her own advice. This is the ride or die chick that can fit Jason's life. I did however feel and see red and rage at Jason wanting to exact revenge on Franco for messing with his wife. Where the hell was this revenge and rage when his wife went after his son or where was this revenge when Luke KILLED his son? This is why I no longer watch this crap. An enforcer for the mob can't be bothered to exact revenge on behalf of his own son, but he marries the woman that wanted him gone in the first place. Maybe he should divorce his wife and marry Franco or at least become his BFF. I hate Jason with a passion.

  31. It's called karma baby, coming back to bite her in the asp for all the crap she's pulled and gotten away with.

  32. Sonya said: "If Liz was there she would talk to her about not taking a shower!"

    This comment made me SO sad. It brought back memories of Amber's Emily waking up next to a dead guy, without her clothes on, and freaking out. Liz stopped her from taking a shower and took her straight to a clinic to get checked. It was such a well done storyline. I hate reminders of things done properly in the past. =(

    For anyone interested in the story I am talking about, you can see it here: 2:14 in she tells Lucky she wants to take a shower and he won't let her. Then Liz shows up to help her work through her fear. *sigh*

    Anon said: "Did anyone notice that nov.8 episode of GH, Franco's feet were bloody or were his feet covered in paint?"

    That drove me crazy!!! It was just the sides of his feet, there wasn't an ounce of red on the bottom so he wasn't leaving footprints nor was it stained to indicate it ever had anything on the bottom to begin with. What was the point of that?!?!

  33. KARMA?? Really? What kind of a miserable person thinks like that?

    Judging or wanting what is best, still until we are all in that situation, we don't know what we would do. Yesterday, BOTH were in SHOCK.

    However much I don't like someone, I wouldn't wish a RAPE on them.
    SHAME on you for writing such filth.

  34. OMG, of COURSE a woman has a right to feel whatever after a rape and us not judge her..

    I AM JUDGING A SOAP'S WRITING!! THE WRITING! THE WRITING!!!!!!! They CHOSE to tell the story this way. Period. Geesh

  35. Steve & Kelly WERE terrific, but just like Jake's death, it was a cheap way to make their honeymoon interesting & show what are actors can do after over a month in a half of boredom. Wouldn;t you get the hell out of there and come come or go to another hotel where there are no cameras?

    On a side note, after watching dirty soap I like Sam so much more because I like Kelly so much more.

  36. I blame the writing, and the writing only.
    These are actors who are doing what they are told.

    A rape story is not something GH needed to go with. Not now when there ratings are so low. Did they use the rape to gain viewers? Is that what they think it takes to get a good story??

    To say 'karma' on anyone is shameful. I still can't get over that statement which was made by 'Anon'.
    Such hatred inside of people, should be directed eleswhere, not on a board where people come to discuss, complain, vent.
    I don't like KEMO that much.
    Point being, if it happened again to Liz, would someone say Karma about her?? I don't think so.

    As much as I dispise the character of Liz, I actually cried for her when Jake died. It wasn't until months afterwards when she went back to her old ways, did my dislike return for her.

    Sorry, this was my time to vent.

  37. Gee, a body is floating in the water near the dock. Heaven forbid they should even try to show a mannequin in the water to make this scene dramatic. No, we have to see Carly and Shawn looking in the water and discussing it. These writers have no clue as to what suspense is. Steve and KeMo were good yesterday, but this storyline really lost momentum, and it could have been really exciting.

  38. No LindaV they weren't discussing the body. They were talking about their feelings inside of them which weren't even related to the body.

    Soldier Boy.....LEAVE!!!!!!!

  39. My2Cents2, I guess seeing a body in the water is just an everyday, normal occurence in PC, that doesn't cause any excitment, LOL. And of course, Ronnie has to blame Sonny because he owns the warehouse. With assumptions like that no wonder the police can't solve anything.

  40. LindaV...Ronnie. Can they make his character any stupider??
    With Max & Milo, its cute. With Ronnie its not!!!!! lol

  41. Here's a question that I hope someone on here can answer. Assuming the actor who plays Jack on OLTL doesn't know anyone important, how in the world is he still employed? He might be the worst actor I have ever seen on any show at any time. Are the OLTL execs blind or stupid or beholden for some reason? And I heard he was signed to continue the role when it goes online which would've been a perfect opportunity to dump him and go with someone new.

    If they hired him when they were in a pinch and couldn't find anyone else, they certainly have had time to do it by now. Does anyone have an explanation?

  42. Oh sheese, My2Cents. The person that put that it was karma for Sam, never said anything about Liz, so why bring her in it? How do you know people won't say Karma to Liz. I saw some posters say that Jake's death was Karma.

    RitaPita, I was feeling the same way about Dirty Soap. I don't like the bad manners KEMO has sometimes, but I loved her episode with her family. I also liked when they had the girl on with leukemia, but I DIDN'T like how it was exposed on Dirty Soap that KEMO made the girls life better by bringing her to the set of GH and giving her lines. And I know some of the things that the girl said were scripted because you can see her look to the side of the camera and her eyes were moving like she was reading....I remember watching that episode of GH that she was on and thinking she was a fan brought in for winning a contest. So, I am glad it was for something like that.

  43. Adora said...This comment made me SO sad. It brought back memories of Amber's Emily waking up next to a dead guy, without her clothes on, and freaking out. Liz stopped her from taking a shower and took her straight to a clinic to get checked. It was such a well done storyline. I hate reminders of things done properly in the past. =(
    Yeah GH used to do storylines really well!!! :(

    LindaV said... Gee, a body is floating in the water near the dock. Heaven forbid they should even try to show a mannequin in the water to make this scene dramatic.
    Well.. We would probably make fun of the mannequin. ROFL! :)

  44. Your wrong Brender, Liz was brought into this conversation. Go back and read the post at 5:59AM.
    Liz was brought into this discussion. Isn't she always when it comes to Sam??

    Go back and re-read posts before you 'SHEESH' me. I won't pull Liz into anything until the next person does. Which is the case.

  45. I don't think Jack is such a bad actor as his character is bad.

    I happen to think Natalie is the worse actress on daytime, and look how long she has been around, now she is on to PP. WHY??
    She rolls her eyes and looks up instead of the camera. Not just once, but almost every scene for 5-6 years now.

    From Mr & Mrs Wolfie Guza

    "Bobbie [Spencer] will have her time. Yes. It's very interesting when it comes to the people who have contacted me and said they want to come back."
    Is that to be believed??

  47. Sonya, of course would make fun of the dummy, but they could a least try, LOL. Especially in the dark. On CSI, L&O, etc., we always get to see the body floating, not that I need that but it would be more believable to see Carly and Shawn standing there and have the body wash ashore and be shocked. Word of mouth just doesn't have the same impact. Shouldn't be too expensive to foot that bill. It's the little things that count.

  48. 2Cents, you mean the one from Adora that just talks about how Liz helped Emily and said nothing about Karma? It wasn't even a mean comment that Adora made about Sam or Liz.
    I am talking about the Anon Karma one at 1:40 AM that you responded to by saying if Liz did that, nobody would be saying Karma....I meerly pointed out that you don't know that people wouldn't say karma to Liz when something bad happened to her....People did actually type karma to Liz when Jake died. So, I do read the posts. you just misunderstood what I was talking about.

  49. ' Adora said...
    Sonya said: "If Liz was there she would talk to her about not taking a shower!"

    I took that comment to mean that Liz can do no wrong.
    My apologies, if I read it wrong. lol

  50. LindaV said...Sonya, of course would make fun of the dummy, but they could a least try, LOL.
    Hahahaha yeah you are right they could have at least tried. :)

    My2Cents2 said... I took that comment to mean that Liz can do no wrong.
    Hahahaha I didn't say that! I would never say Liz can do no wrong! Silly goose! :)

  51. Oh puhleez miss penny get off your high horse. Sam has been using her body and sex to get what she wanted ever since she slithered into town. She laid down on her cancer-stricken mother's floor and had sex with her husband, so do I feel for her, absolutely positively not. I felt for Alexis as she watched her rolling around on her floor. I felt for Alexis again as she put on her little black bikini and tried to seduce Jerry. I felt for Cam & Jake as she hired armed men to hold them at gunpoint. I felt sorry for Elizabeth as she turned her away and refused to allow her to plead for her son's return on everyday hero. I felt for Elizabeth again when her baby was missing and she slithered over and told her they were even because both of their children were dead. I felt for Amelia whose father she killed because she was caught pilfering his accounts. I felt for Carly as she slept with Sonny and then moved across the hall from her flaunting her pregnant belly and threatening to abort the child every 2 seconds. I felt for Jax as she kept him from his father's side as he was dying. Sam is not a character worthy of sympathy and she'll most certainly get none from me. She has never paid for her any of her crimes, so cry me a river.

  52. If Liz were there she should tell her that now we are both even because we've both been raped. Just like the scanvenger did when Liz's baby was missing.

  53. anon at 8:57 well said.

  54. Mytwocents I think we can pull comments from way back when and can not once read something you said sympathic towards liz ever. I actually like both actresses, and have pulled for both characters, at separate times. And you know what? it's ok to hate Liz. But it's also ok for us to make comments about Steve & Kemo seeming like robots. It's a tv show. For the record, Kemo was great yesterday.

  55. Well sad Jen! Thank you.

  56. Oh yikes, wow, I can't believe I became a factor in this battle. I had no idea. =( You will likely not find a person more indifferent to the Sam VS. Liz war.

    One area I might have to agree in is that anything wrong with this story was wrong because of the writers; I think both characters entire existence probably deserves the same clause. (Which is probably further than I actually want my foot in the sea that is this war.)

    At any rate, I was definitely not saying Liz can do no wrong. All I was trying to say was how sad it is to see the decline in story writing from previous incarnations of similar stories.

  57. For the record, I am not about Liz vs Sam.
    It is about compassion toward a rape victim. Not about their pasts. Because if we go that route, this is a soap, who doesn't have a past?? Nobody that I can think of.
    A rape victim should never be judged from their past. They are a victim. So for whomever throws Sam's past around, is implying that she deserved this rape.

    IMO this was a bad bad stupid story and GH has hit an old time low in desperation to get attention.

  58. I really totally agree with you. This whole year has been littered with reasons to question the storyboard decisions that go on behind the scenes. Even the actors were disturbed enough by the plan for this story, as well as the HIV story, to voice their discomfort with the writing. It's rather unforgivable that TPTB couldn't see -or should I say didn't care- what a huge indicator that was of how the fans would react.

  59. This is the night that will not end! I bet they get back to PC before it ends. I to noticed the shower curtain
    I wish they had made her strong also but it's a twist to have her fall apart. The thought of being drugged and not knowing who was in your bed or what was done to you. Date Rape Drug.

  60. Jen..go back and pull my comments.
    There are plenty of sympathy for the character of Liz when Jake died.

    Go Pull.

  61. This IS the night that won't end, isn't it?? lol


Sunday Surgery: Valentine Vivisection

                                             I'm really hoping my weekly broken-record blog musings isn't wearing on you. Maybe it...