Wednesday, November 16, 2011

30 Years of Luke And Laura...

 Cupcakes made by LauraAKB to celebrate the Day!

Ok, not 30 years..we know that. God forbid GH keeps vet couples on the show. It was 30 years ago that we watched Laura come down the aisle in her overgrown headpiece and puff-tastic gown. Just Post Princess Di, THIS WAS THE WEDDING to Watch!! Oh to be a teen then. Not only was there a royal wedding that year, LUKE AND LAURA finally tied the knot!

In the end, we won't get very much except Luke talking to "himself" and maybe a passing mention of Laura. They trashed her character in so many ways, I can't stand it. Last time when they had an "anniversary" Luke was married to Tracy and lied to Laura about it. *sigh* 

 Watch Part One here... Laura arrives and so does Helena Cassadine. This is when they had great shoots OUTSIDE. FUNKY '80's fashions!! Enjoy


  1. Happy 30th anniversary Luke and Laura!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  2. A milestone day indeed for GH History! :-) I was 15 and watching with my mom back then!

  3. Tell me it isn't so. 30 yrs ? Positive side, I can still remember it.

  4. I remember friends came over and we had a reception
    that was before vcr's so I think we got 'sick' that day and left work early!

  5. Karen, thanks for posting this!!! I have been watching a lot of old episodes and loving it. Imagine filming outside!! I absolutely loved their wedding. Laura was radiant and Luke was ecstatic and so in love!!What they did to them now is a crime!


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...