Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Propect Park Deal Dead...2:55pm

Prospect Park released a statement that the online soap deal is done. So sorry for OLTL and AMC. Crews, actors, families... viewers. 
ABC should be ashamed. Why? They didn't give a damn about these shows..and they didn't even TRY to get SoapNet up and running properly. 

 The company released this statement: “After five months of negotiations with various guilds, hundreds of presentations to potential financial and technology partners, and a hope that we could pioneer a new network for the future, it is with great disappointment that we are suspending our aspirations to revive One Life to Live and All My Children via online distribution. It is now becoming clear that mounting issues make our ability to meet our deadlines to get OLTL on the air in a reasonable time period following its Jan. 13, 2012 ABC finale impossible.


  1. I think they need to take a look at reinventing the soaps into a web-based genre instead of just trying to port the TV versions verbatim to the web. Instead of an hour-long show 5-days a week, try 30 minutes a week. Instead of renting a studio and using big sets and equipment, use a hand-held camera and work in actor's homes, local restaurants, etc. Start small, and then build. Funding will come if the small model works. They tried to bite off more than they could chew (no pun intended). I still think there could be a future if they re-assess.

  2. Here's what I don't understand. Worldwide, the soap/serial format is strong. In fact the telenovas have helped Spanish language TV into top spots in the US market, and Indian serials are hits worldwide. Why can't US networks make it work? I guess we can turn to these other shows, and raise their ratings.

  3. One more thing, so sorry for all the fans of these legendary shows. It's sad they have been disappointed and have to suffer the pain again. It's a rotten way to start the holidays.

  4. Could this mean with Prospect Park soap colapse, that OLTL writers will be heading to GH?

  5. too bad this has happened and I's love to say I'm surprised but I'm not all the soaps will just be memories soon--really sad for all the folks that will be out of work.

  6. that is the only rainbow in this story. Will the writers go to GH and give us a final farewell with dignity & class that they showed us with OLTL??

    From your ears...

  7. Kassie (Blair) made a classy statement on
    I don't know where to channel my anger. I have to give KUDO's to PP for trying to get a production company together, to give the fans what they so desperately wanted. Remember, they went and talked to lots of networks for help, and were turned down.

    On the other hand, they couldn't of made this announcement 6 weeks ago?? OLTL wrapped up their storylines based on moving on to PP.

    ABC can kiss my ass. They have the money to help fund PP off the ground. They chose not to.

  8. Let's give credit where it's due. Brian Frons' selection of the last executive producer on AMC still baffles the daytime industry. There was a glimmer of hope with the exec at OLL but even with his optimism, it was an overated asset PP couldn't take to lenders and ABC couldn't take to the bank. GH...Good Luck. Even if the Chew and The Revolution don't make it, I'm sure Brian has ten more in his desk drawer.This man is the Mariano Rivera of Daytime..."The Closer." Ann Sweeney... either you're blind or you never cared.

    Former 30 Year AMC Staff Member

  9. EXACTLY Anon....if the Chew fails, or the Revolution or Katie Couric it makes no difference. ABC wanted out of the soap business during the daytime.

    I am putting a letter together right now, it will do know good, but I am taking sentences out of posts from everyone to let PP & Frons know how hurt we are by their games.


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