Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Krys Meyer: New Kid at GH?

According to Facebook, he is!  We shall SEE!!! Remember, an African American kid is joining  the cast...he looks fun!! Shawn's Friend's son "TJ" might be coming to town.


  1. Minus the Urkel shades, he looks adorable. Don't get me wrong, I love Shawn, but I need a new emotion from this man, he’s too stiff! Having a rebellious teenage boy giving him a run for his money sounds entertaining to me.

  2. YES he looks alot like Urkel. How fun, a new friend for Spinelli to play with!!!

  3. WOAH! It's Steve Urkel!!!! :) Er Steve Urkel Jr!!!! :)

    Steve: Did I do that?


  4. My2Cents2 said...How fun, a new friend for Spinelli to play with!!!
    Hahaha and Spinelli can nickname him Urkal! ROFL!

  5. Hi I'm new i bet he knows more then Spin this will be fun wonder will Carly see him

  6. FYI...there is an article on soap net about Brandon Buddy and his one day on the set.

  7. Tracey said...Hi I'm new
    Hi Tracey! Welcome to the blog! :)

  8. he looks like a 21st century Urkel. LOVE the glasses. lmao


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...