Thursday, November 17, 2011

JJ Says GoodBye!

Thank you so much to everyone for your amazing support and heartfelt words. I'm truly amazed and grateful. Jonathan

This was on twitter at 12:50 today. 

 Also on twitter, Hillary B Smith from OLTL said everyone was asked to clean out their dressing rooms today, even those staying with PP. That's disturbing since they were supposed to stay right there. Someone I know is visiting the set today, Last day of taping for many actors and said it's horrible. I'm so sad. I have a bad feeling they may never make it to the net. BOOO!! I so hope they do, they'd do a bang up job if allowed.

Ok, I was at a brain trauma workshop today so I'll be missing OLTL and GH..I did DVR them!! Maybe Sonya and 2cents can give a rundown and everyone else too!?

This was fun:
Today's show was ___________________________ (OLTL)

Today's show was ___________________________ (GH)


  1. Today's GH was difficult to watch...well, at least for me. Part of me, when I see episodes like today, understands the constant "heaviness" that was getting to Jonathan Jackson. Sure, daytime dramas have drama, angst and negative issues; that's part of the canvas. But, they also have a bit of comedy sometimes and some light moments. They have balance...which GH has lost a long time ago. GH sometimes goes for comedy (I think they were trying to do that with Spixie and Matt today.) but it just doesn't come off well, for the most part!

    The constant snarking and backbiting on the show is really starting to get to me.

    OK,'ve made your point with dad. Back off now, please! I am not saying Luke doesn't deserve the ire she's dishing out. He does, but they are taking it a yard too far now and making Lulu miserable and unlikable now.

    Did the GH hospital staff ever hear of professionalism on the job? You put aside your personal issues when you're at work. Monica has a right to be upset with Liz, but as she realized later, it wasn't the time and place to vent. Not to mention they made Liz look like a bad mom for the zillionth time. I know professional staff have to be on watch for youngsters who have bruising and need to exercise caution with that, but it seemed a bit extreme.

    Other than to create the idea that Maggie is the rebel doctor that dances to a different drummer, just what the heck is everyone's problem with this woman? Robin's always snarking at her. I found it funny today that they made a big toodoo today about Maggie treating Aiden, but when Dr. Terrell arrived, he was treating Joss in the blink of an eye and no one seemed to have a major issue with it!

    Olivia and Kate...Wake me up when women on this show stop having chinwags about saving a it Luke, Sonny, Jason, Johnny, Steve or whoever! Their banter was a waste of airtime!

    Jasam...I think there is more to Jason flipping out beyond his being upset about Franco's actions with Sam. Between what Monica said to Lulu about wishing to have the old Jason back and seeing him have these weird moments, I cannot help but think he's in for some sort of transformation. And as cute as Spinelli might be, I honestly wouldn't want the guy as a third wheel in my home if I just got married.

    Luke and Tracy...Jane Elliot always saves the day with scenes. I wish they'd use her more. Though, I could do without the whole "Luke's a rebel" garbage. It doesn't wash anymore.

    Maxie...comic relief that was a waste of time. The actress is getting annoying and I keep wanting Kirsten back!

    I guess Jonathan Jackson filmed his final scenes today. I would like to think they are going to do more with his exit than prove he's just like his dad by taking a long walk into the sunset!

  2. It's being said all around the internet that Prospect Park won't be going forward with OLTL. They don't even have the money to rent the studio :(

  3. I'm here Karen! :) Where is 2cents? :)

    Luke and Lulu: Lulu! Stop being rude to your father!!!!! He was trying to help! Luke was trying to tell Lulu and Tracy that Lucky told him to bring him to the hospital! Lulu doesn't believe him!!! UGH! I'm glad Tracy was trying to stop Lulu.

    Luke and Tracy: Luke says he has given up hope. :'( The ghost of Christmas past, present, and future should help Luke!!!!

    Monica: Damn Monica! She is so rude to Liz! You can forgive Jason but you can't forgive Liz?! Oh damn it now she says she should apologize to Liz! :( And her wish about Jason. :( That she wants the old Jason back. I know how you feel Monica. :( Now I just want to hug her!!! :(

    Liz and Aidan: Wow deja vu!!! It felt like it was little baby Lulu there with Laura over the crib! :(

    Jason and Sam: So sad!!!!!!!! :'( He is trying to help her and she needs to be alone. :( What was that song at the end of the show? Who sings it? I liked it.

    Matt and Liz: What is with Matt bringing up Jason and Lucky? Jealous Matt? :)

    Maxie, Matt, and Spinny: At first I wasn't sure who that green faced person was! ROFL! Flowers! Oh oh from Franco? Spinny saved the day by stomping on them! Oh no wait! Matt is the one who sent the flowers! ROFL! Come on Matt break up with Maxie!!! NOW!!! When Matt and Maxie were hugging, Matt was thinking about Liz wasn't he? :)

    Maggie: Oh look who's here trying to help! Tamara Braun! ROFL! I swear they are sisters!!!! :)

    Olivia and Kate: Kate is yawning. Bored with this storyline eh? :) I'm confused. Olivia do you know if you are pregnant or not? If you know, then why aren't you freaked out?! Where is the pregnancy test?! Did you take a look at it or not?!

  4. Today show was nerve wrecking! How in the hell can Monica call Liz out on going after a married man....uhhh paging Monica Quartermane pot meet kettle on line one please hurry up and answer! Plus saying how Liz is a bad mother because other people watch her kids. We get it your mad about Jake but ummm look how all of your kids turned out so you have no room to talk. I'm glad Monica is getting screen time but I'm sure the could of found a better way to use her.


  5. This show loves to destroy characters people come to like. Monica is a totall bitch and always was. She owes Aidan's great grandmother ( Leslie ) many apologies for all the times she cheated with Rick ( leslie's husband ).She barely saw her own children with work and all the cheating she did on Alan. I remember her sleeping with Shaun Donelly when she was still with Alan.
    I had come to have sympathy for her when she finally valued her husband and her family but I do not value bad unprofessional attitude. She better damn well apologize.

  6. lisa said...She better damn well apologize.
    Monica said she wanted to. She felt bad. So I hope we get to see her apologize to Liz!

  7. Been on vacation the last week, haven't seen GH, didn't record GH... from the looks of it I didn't miss anything either lmao ;)

  8. Melody, Sonya..everyone THANK YOU!! I think I just want to see what Monica says. Geesh... MONICA was the BIGGEST HO back in the day! LOL

  9. Raven said the same thing Italyanboy

  10. kdmask said...

    Melody, Sonya..everyone THANK YOU!!
    You're welcome Karen! :)

    I think I just want to see what Monica says. Geesh... MONICA was the BIGGEST HO back in the day! LOL
    ROFL ROFL! But I still love her. :)

  11. Hi Karen,

    Hope your workshop went well. Just wanted to say thanks for the blogs. They always give me a smile and a chuckle!

    Oh...and yeah, I hadn't thought of Monica's past reputation! Was long ago, but yes, she's not exactly an angel in the faithfulness department! Funny how some folks in Port Chuck seem to forget the things they do when they are pointing out someone else's faults. I guess we all have a bit of selective memory...even in the real world sometimes! :-) How many times do we hear a GH character say..."I never judge, but.."

  12. Tracy should been with Monica when monica said , "jason is married." Tracy would have said to Monica, " Like that's ever stopped you !"

  13. Imagine Monica has the audacity to say that Liz, her daughter's bestfriend, could have abused Aidan and blames Liz for Jake's death. At least Steve stood up for his sister and told her it was an accident!
    I felt tears in my eyes when Liz went to see Aidan remembering what she went through with Jake. All of those people can go to hell. I would have sat by Aidan's side and told them that monica is not to come in. I would have torn a strip off Monica!

  14. Lulu excusing Monica's unprofessional attitude because she lost Jake! Her own Son should have opened his mouth. He is a grown man who should have told his own mother! Give me a break.The only people that call Monica on her bullshit are Tracy and Edward Q!

  15. I did love Liz and Matt's scene! I like their friendship and they both need eachother!

  16. I'm here Sonya!! lol We will agree to disagree in a few....

    I too have read off soapnet that OLTL may not happen.. On one hand I was crushed, on the other hand, where have they been promoting this new concept?? I see no advertising when and where to view the show in January. Its almost December now. We should have heard something by now. We have not.

    Maggie not only looks like Tams, she walks (carrys) herself like Tams as well. so funny ripping on Liz. I don't like her either. However, my reasons have nothing to do with Jake. Don't hold Jake against her. Jason is to blame as well.
    Liz don't look good with that hair dryed out. Remember when she use to wear it in the cutest styles? She was scary looking walking to Aiden's room today!

    STFU Lulu. I am getting real sick of you. We know your dad is a piece of crap. Let it go for now. There is a baby who is sick. Always a treat when we get to see Tracey once a month!!!! LOVE her!

    Jason & Sam are sad. But you know what Sonya?? Its nice to see Kemo doing something besides sitting on the couch waiting to be Jason's 'lapdog'.

    I didn't know who green face was either in the beginning!!!! Hasn't KS been gone 2 months already??

    No, Olivia is not preggers Sonya.
    How do I know that? I don't! lol

    I didn't ff thru anything today.
    I give today a B-. That is the best I have given it for 2 years!

    Haven't watched OLTL yet.....

  17. I found the end very moving when Liz was going in to see Aiden, but Lulu looked intensely bored through the whole thing. It almost ruined the scene. That's happened a few times lately when she's looked bored or smirky at inappropriate times. Is it the actress? or is the character that far gone. It gets so I flip ahead every time I see her on screen now. I'm totally sick of her. Wish she was the one going.

  18. Will someone please explain why Monica is still hatin on Liz but hugging Jason? Is she forgetting she was a surgeon while her kids were growing up, and therefore not around, not to mention affairs? Liz's kids are not neglected. Maybe go talk to Carly, but not liz. This really pisses me off!

  19. Oh and BTW, For once they made a mother look the way she really would if she was fighting an infection, fever, etc. No make up, no hair done, etc. She should look like crap instead of having eyeliner & lipstick on. I would bet Becky fought for that.
    I'm sure the Liz haters loved hearing what Monica said, but let's not forget it was jason;s final decision not to tell his family. And really he doesn't even consider them family so that's crap and we all know it. Hope we don;t have to see stupid red lass anymore, I am so done and tired of having to FF'd thru her!

  20. I also was very moved when Liz went to see Aiden. The music that was playing, the way she looked, it was almost eerie--very well done. It's amazing what those actors can do when given any decent material. It amazes me to watch the actors day in and day out--they do such a great job with the crappy writing they are given, they are truly amazing, and the heart and soul of the show.

    The way they had Liz's hair, and not much make-up, they looked like they were trying to make her look like she actually is sick in the hospital, which she is. No one lies in a hospital bed for days with perfect hair and make-up, at least no one in real life. In TV and the movies, women get up in the morning with perfect hair and make-up. I appreciate the attempt to make Liz look like she's been in the hospital--of course, she's so beautiful, there is nothing they could do to make her actually look bad!!

  21. Here we go again....talking about Liz and someone has to bring in Carly. WHY?? WHY?? I have never read anywhere that Carly deserves the 'Mother of the Year' award. So why must she be brought in when the subject isn't about her?

    If you watch GH as long as I have, you will know Monica slept with a married man. Monica was quite the ho. I agree.
    I am a Liz hater. With good reason. None which have to do with Jake.
    Even I knew Monica was out of line with what she said to Liz. Keeping Jake a secret was Jason's idea. And if she is blaming Liz for Jakes death, then in reality we could blame her mothering skills on AJ's death.
    I am a HUGE Monica fan. Mostly because she is a VET of GH.
    Liz's hair. I made the comment how bad her hair looked. IMO it has looked bad for over a year now. She wears is down. She does nothing with it anymore. However, when I was in the hospital with my sugeries, I remember my hair hadn't been washed in almost a month!!! YIKES was I sight for 'sore eyes'!!!

    Lulu. All I can say is, I am not sure if this is the role she is playing now or she is truly bored. But it shows with her performance.
    I think she is bored with the show.
    She came on at a time the show had some 'substance' to it. Now it is on a downward spiral and its bringing her down.


  22. The best "moment" of the show was Liz and Aidan. And yeah, BH bravely forgoes the makeup and hair to look like a real patient- bravo to her. Jane Elliot looked fabulous yesterday. On the whole pretty boring, as well indicated by the ratings.

  23. Am I the only one who remembers that Liz's father was married to Monica at one time??

    Is that why Monica is a bytch to Liz?

  24. My2Cents2 said...I'm here Sonya!! lol
    Hahaha YAY! :)

    We will agree to disagree in a few....
    Hahaha okay!! :( :)

    Maggie not only looks like Tams, she walks (carrys) herself like Tams as well.
    I AGREE!!!! It's strange.

    Jason & Sam are sad. But you know what Sonya?? Its nice to see Kemo doing something besides sitting on the couch waiting to be Jason's 'lapdog'.
    Oh I agree with that! So glad she isn't waiting for Jason or walking on egg shells anymore! :)

    No, Olivia is not preggers Sonya.
    How do I know that? I don't! lol
    Well okay then! ROFL!

  25. Cents says However, when I was in the hospital with my sugeries, I remember my hair hadn't been washed in almost a month!!! YIKES was I sight for 'sore eyes'!!!
    WOAH! Almost a month?!!?! Poor thing!!! You must felt soooooo dirty!!! *comfort*

  26. You shouldn't be looking good if you've developed pneumonia and been resuscitated twice. I applaud them for trying to make Liz look like a sick patient. As for how she looks daily , she is, without a doubt one of the most beautiful actresses on the show.

  27. hair was so dirty it stuck together. I had my sister in law buy me barretts, and I put them all over my head. (I have short hair as it is) She called me 'Sheneka'. I couldn't shower. Or bend. Ohhh that first shower was heaven!!!
    I understand Liz is sick, however, what has happend to her hair these past 2 years? She used to wear it adorable in so many styles. Not it hangs looking dry.
    As far as her being the most beautiful women on the show, LMAO!

    Olivia is not preggers. Why? Because all of a sudden she stopped getting light headed!!
    Also because Stevie thinks she is!!
    Maybe GH forgot they gave her the stick??

    I am interested in LJ with Steve storyline. That is about it.

  28. I admit two cents I am a carly hater. You hate liz, I hate carly. Used to love carly under tamara. laura wright grates on my nerves, as carly. even tho I love the actress. I guess that's why i bring up Carly when someone is Liz hatin. No one is the bigger hypocrite than Carly, or the worst mother. But she's fun to hate, which is what soaps are made of. I give you kudos, two cents for loving monica yet knowing she overstepped over liz esp when you hate liz.

  29. Rhonda....I am not so 'in love' with Carly lately. It isn't her, its the lack of acting. I loved Tams in the role.
    As far as 'HATING' Liz, I don't hate her. I just think the general viewers 'buy into' her sneaky behavior. I don't hate her. You know who I do HATE?? Not sure if you watch OLTL or not, but I hate Gnatalie!!!!!!!!!

  30. My 2 Cents , I said Rebecca Herbst is ONE OF the most beautiful actresses on the show , I did not say she was the most beautiful! That , for me, would be Laura on her first wedding to Luke.
    I feel because you hate the character of Liz (you may deny it) that you find nothing good to say about her. For myself, I hate both Carly and Sam and don't really have anything good to say about them.

  31. Lisa...there is alot to dislike about Becky's character Liz. So yes I dislike her. HATE?? No that is too strong so don't accuse me of that. If I hated her, would I have cried for her when she loss Jake? I don't think so.

    I'm not crazy about Carly or Sam. Carly is being written like an idiot & Sam just needs to go away.
    Believe what you want. Its a soap.
    But please don't tell me how I feel.

  32. My2Cents2 hair was so dirty it stuck together. I had my sister in law buy me barretts, and I put them all over my head. (I have short hair as it is) She called me 'Sheneka'. I couldn't shower. Or bend. Ohhh that first shower was heaven!!!
    You poor thing!! Did the doctors not allow you to wash your hair? Or you just couldn't move? Sheneka! ROFL!

  33. I couldn't shower due to me being hooked up to a box that was taking in the drainage.
    I couldn't bend over to put my head in the sink because they ripped over my rib cage and it hurts just to breathe, let alone bend!!!!

  34. My2Cents2 said... I couldn't shower due to me being hooked up to a box that was taking in the drainage. I couldn't bend over to put my head in the sink because they ripped over my rib cage and it hurts just to breathe, let alone bend!!!!
    OUCH OUCH OUCH!!! You poor thing!!! :(

  35. Sonya...I am a SOLDIER at heart!!

    OMG..what did John say today about Delore's name?

  36. My2Cents2 said...Sonya...I am a SOLDIER at heart!!
    Oh! Well good! :)

    OMG..what did John say today about Delore's name?
    I have no idea!


Sunday Surgery: Valentine Vivisection

                                             I'm really hoping my weekly broken-record blog musings isn't wearing on you. Maybe it...