Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Soaps Today: OLTL SHOCKER of an ENDING!!

Ah, SO hard to watch..I read the Deadline article right before OLTL as  I was out shopping for new water glasses before that. I really had a tough time watching the last Turkey Day episodes.
OLTL  is family rich and having Matthew narrate the show was awesome. 

Roxy: "All fire and hot lather"-- she said about the volcano. She's so priceless. Loved her with Niles. 
Vicki's shirt was hideous though LOL...ewww. Wow, Jessica and Ford walked right in! The whole family together. awww. Jessica went to visit Brody.
Vicky's toast was so nice...Roxy and John hitting each other was cute. 
I cried when Shane went to see Brody-- and gave him the comic book!!! SNIFF good gravy, that did it. GREAT scene.

OMG..THE ENDING!!!!!!!! THE ENDING!!!!!!!!!! 
I had no clue. Thought he'd be back. WOW. That's a soap. I guess RC decided to let him go---just like the show.
THAT'S a soap...pathos, connected stories...and SURPRISING us good or bad. #OLTL deserves SO MUCH MORE.

I CAN'T EVEN SEE TO Talk about GH!! Geesh. Let's see, Tracy gets flowers from AZ... usual Q stuff going on...Shawn and Carly in Kelly's.  Sam and Jason talking about Franco. Sonny and Kate stuff. It's just like Brenda  all over again. WILL SHE LOVE  Sonny?? WILL the woman fall for the bad boy??!! Whatever. I don't care. Great Thanksgiving listening to them argue.
Sam wearing "An outfit" to go the the Q's-- and it's BLACK. ugh. Edward looks dapper but the Q house is basically empty because they are ALL DEAD. Edward knew about the tainted money. 
Joss is in a porta crib? What? uh..okay. Whatever.
THIS WAS A PATHETIC Thanksgiving show!! Who remembers when Mike would feed the dock workers and homeless on Thanksgiving?! 
My fave thing was Edward's periwinkle blue shirt and bow tie. That's it..oh and Tracy yelling at Jason. heh. 
TODAY'S SHOW WAS about Jason's sorrow and Sonny's angst. Nice. Great. Thanks. Oh, and Dante was hurt. ahahahaa.


  1. GH was pathetic today...Spot on, Karen! :-)

    More bad news with Prospect Park. I brace myself for more bad news with the soaps each week, which is so depressing! Anyhoo...Watching GH these days is like watching a car run on gas fumes. It's running out of power and it seems evident that it's going to conk out!

    In the past, holiday epsisodes usually don't bore me. They are often a heartwarming break from the mob or any heavy drama going on in the storylines. On soaps like GH, holiday episodes are usually a time for families, but then most of our core families on the show are either being killed off or fragmented, so it wasn't a surprise to not see entire families, outside of the Q's celebrating together today. Quartermaine pizza this year. Breaking tradition again, writers? You could have cut the tension at the Q's with a knife! Tracy was on overdrive (No sign of Mr. Luke today) and the most dramatic thing was the turkey dinner did get smashed at the end by Jason's outburst. I kind of wished Jasam would have stayed home and ordered in Chinese food!

    Lulu and Dante...OK, Lulu can't cook. We know that. And Dante, would it have been too much to ask for you to put the badge down for one day? I can see what's going to happen here. He's going to get hurt yet again and Lulu's going to duck and run away again...maybe for good. It's inevitable! Poor Lulu was left talking to a turkey while Dante went off to fight the bad guys!

    Shawn and Carly/Sonny and Kate...Was beyond bored with the banter. Couldn't they let Bensonhurst rest for one day?

    Just my humble opinion, but this Thanksgiving episode was the worst one in my recent memory with GH. Makes me scared to wonder what they'll do for Christmas! Maybe they'll have a mob hit for that episode?

  2. I had to pick my jaw off the floor with OLTL's ending...loved the narrative by Matthew...I was expecting him to open his eyes when Bo and Nora was at his bedside...what a great way to acknowledge the characters on this soap present and past...gee Iam going to miss this soap.

  3. OLTL's ending was excellent. Odd, after years of being the third best soap on ABC, in recent years, it's gotten good while AMC and GH stagnated.

    Best use of voiceover in a LONG time. In any visual medium. Ending was BOFFO- perfect soapiness.

  4. I'm still teary eyed about it. I thought for sure Matthew would be back, but I guess just like real life we don't all get happy endings. Boooohoooo :( It was so good, well written, well acted, the timeline was perfect, nothing dropped, all details spot on. I'm gonna miss this show. :(

  5. OLTL: Oh Karen!!!! I thought he was going to open his eyes at the end!!!!! But when Matthew said what he said at the end of the show, I felt like someone kicked me in the stomach!!!! :'(


    Shawn and Carly: Metrocourt turkey vs Shawn's turkey! Shawn's Turkey WON!! YAY! :) I just love their scenes. :) Michael didn't like hearing Carly is with Shawn! :) They are dancing and hmmm is someone watching outside? Jax? Look at Joss's hair awww! Adorable! :)

    Jason and Sam: She wants to deal with what happened to her in her own way. Um Sam? You are not dealing with it!!

    Sonny and Kate: Oh look Kate isn't there. Oh wait there she is! She went clothes shopping for Sonny! Talking more about the past. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    The Q home: LOVE IT!!!! Tracy snarking. Monica telling her to stop. Ahh the good old days! :) WOAH THEY GOT A TURKEY!!!! Edward wanted a turkey!!! YAY!!!! :) Tracy calls Luke. She wants him to join them. Luke belongs with Laura! He better be with Laura for thanksgiving! Oh Papa Z sent Tracy flowers ROFL! Oh the delivery guy is cute. Alice is there YAY! The Q family song YAY! Oh damn it it was disrupted by anger boy!!! (Where is Taggart when you need him?) I didn't like that at all!!! I was singing along with them!! Go back to singing Q's!!! I hope Friday they go back to singing!!! Damn Jason were you raped by Franco too??!!?! Oh wait it's because you are in love with Franco and that makes you angry!! You want Sonny to be your one and only!

    Dante and Lulu: Lulu full of flour!! ROFL! She burns the pie! Your mother you are not hahaha! Dante has to get a pie from her mother who apparently bakes tons of pies ROFL!

    Dante: Oh no! Wake up Dante! Wake up!!!! :(

  6. Melodybluez said... and the most dramatic thing was the turkey dinner did get smashed at the end by Jason's outburst.
    No the turkey didn't get smashed. :) It's still there and okay! :)

  7. the least GH could have done was have a half way ok thanksgiving with the Q's and then have Jason flip out over pie or something.
    plus, half the cast wasn't even ON.

  8. Even one life to live kills off kids like GH.

  9. OLTL what an amazing show, what a wonderful cast, I loved the show today, feeling a bit teary eyed cause its the last one...I thought yesterday was emotional when Bo left the PD and all his officers lined up...but today was such an emotional shocker...but they know how to do it....and yes, its soapy....I love and am so going to miss soapy....

  10. Karen--Is it to late for Oprah to save her network and buy our soaps?

  11. OLTL was sad but great at the same time. I love how Matthew was the voice for the show and how he talked about everyone. I just wish that they would of had him say something about Destiny and the baby! What can I say about GH....nothing really half way through I went in the kitchen and began to make my cornbread for my dressing {sigh}! smh



  12. Karen says the least GH could have done was have a half way ok thanksgiving with the Q's and then have Jason flip out over pie or something.
    Jason to flip out over pie? ROFL!

    Paranoid Jason: Wait! Don't touch the pumpkin pie!!! Franco might have done something to it!!!

    *flips over the table with the pie on it*


  13. Anonymous said...
    Karen--Is it to late for Oprah to save her network and buy our soaps?

    she was already asked and her answer was...kind of like...pffft dont bother me!

  14. since Kristen(Starr) and Eddie(Matthew) Alderson have opted not to stay with OLTL when and if they go to the internet,this was a good way to usher Matthew out,even though it was very sad.

  15. OLTL was so powerful today and heartfelt. If nothing else it's going out with a bang!

  16. By the way there will BE NO INTERNET SOAPS, it was announced today

  17. Happy Thanksgiving to all!!


  19. Maybe not a good thought, but with all the soap drama with the cancellations, people leaving etc., (which is actually more drama than what we're seeing on shows like GH lately) I cannot help but have this sickening feeling that the whole Prospect Park thing was a sham to keep the viewers tuned in to the remaining soaps. Guess I just feel bummed out about the whole thing and feel we've been jerked around from the beginning. The powers that be know full well GH is a goner, yet they haven't said a thing formally. They cannot tell us they are still protecting Katie Couric by doing that. They are doing it to keep what little viewers they have left. Just all a bunch of BS with Frons and that lot in charge of things!

  20. Tracy Q was the best thing on GH today. Loved her comments to jason. I loved when she said her father and sister in law would be only too happy to clean up jason's mess if he shot her. That's what monica and Edward Q have become to me, pathetic enablers grovelling for jason's approval. Hate it. Jason has treated his mother poorly for years.

  21. Okay, I have a confession to make. I am a fan of dark storylines. It's not uncommon for me to skip holiday episodes because I hate how they bring the stories to an instant halt and, out of nowhere, we are thrust into a hard to imagine, bright and happy fairy tale. I found it particularly unbearable under Guza, where each day was filled with darkness and then we were suddenly flung into a nice, pretty box with a shiny bow on top. It is something that has always driven me crazy.

    I also have been annoyed by the lack of cliffhangers at the end of the week recently, or WORSE - getting one only to have the topic completely avoided on Monday. (This Monday having no trace of Liz or Aiden is a good example.)

    All that said, even I found today's episode to be disturbing. It actually started relatively well, but as it got closer to the Jason scene (that EW had put online) I started realizing how very much I did NOT want to see the story go there. Lulu gulping her wine and rushing out to get in - you guessed it - her car, and Dante collapsing was just the icing on the cake.

    Honestly, I just wish the order of emotions could have been reversed. The show starting on a darker note and then lightening up to show people together could have made for a better mix; leaving viewers on a happier note while not pretending there is no angst in Port Charles.

    Between the end of the episode and far too much time brooding over Robin's departure, plus the Prospect Park news, I am finding myself quite a bit more depressed than any show should make a person.

    I also really wish they had shown Patrick, Robin and Emma instead of Sonny and Kate. If that story goes as planned this was their last chance to celebrate together. They could have put together a beautiful and touching Thanksgiving for them to remember.

  22. I agree i couldn't take GH today why is Sonny and Kate on if they was not having fun this was the Sonny Kate Jason Sam show WTF my Sharly was cut all though the show that was a big let down the thing we seen was a half dance

  23. Why do I watch such garbage?
    Why wasn't Carly with Morgan at school? What did she throw Jos in that portable crib she schleps around? I can't stand watching Carly behave like she is now. FF thru ALL her crap today.

    FF thru Sonny. Wasn't in the mood today to go down 'Memory Lane' AGAIN. And AGAIN..

    Nice to see Lulu take the last gulp of wine before she left in her car looking for Dante.
    Here we go again.

    Tracey is classic. No matter how wrong and out of line she is, she is classic.
    I 'get' how Jason felt being home for the Holidays. I have similar feelings being around my family.
    To have Mathew narrate the episode was genious writing. It even surprised me. What didn't surprise me was Mathew dying. I knew he wasn't back for good, so what else could it have been, but to come back to die. So no surprise there.
    To have him narrate his good-byes and then die was heartfelt. Too bad he never learned of his baby.

    STFU Roxie!!! Am I the only one who finds Gnat disgusting, that she is ready to marry one guy on Friday, and today she is ready to jump another guys bones. Yea that is what it comes down to. Does she have no compassion for Brody?? Glad Jessica, showed class and went to see him. Always was team Jessie.
    Please Jawn, I understand your loyalty to that baby. But think think about Gnat. Why do you want that skank??

    Vicki made a beautiful toast. How can one women have such class, then have Gnat for a daughter?
    I don't get it.
    Vicki has the ability to make everyone feel special and loved.
    I will miss her presence more than anyone once this show is done.
    Which from the news today is sooner than later.
    What do I know?? I know that PP is a production company that came forward to 'lease' the soaps from abc. They also approached many networks for support, and was turned away. I have to give them KUDOS for trying to take soaps to the next level.
    What I don't understand, is, why couldn't abc fund PP and help them get off the ground??

  24. My2Cents2 said...Tracey is classic. No matter how wrong and out of line she is, she is classic.
    Yes!!! Tracy is classic!!!! Hahahaha!

    Please Jawn, I understand your loyalty to that baby. But think think about Gnat. Why do you want that skank??
    I do NOT want John and Nat to be together!!!! Please no UGH! Jawn and Gnat! ROFL!

  25. OMG Sonya...we agree on something!!
    Gnat the Rat!! lol

  26. My2Cents2 said...OMG Sonya...we agree on something!!
    Hahaha YAY!!!! :)

    Gnat the Rat!! lol BELCH!!!!!!
    I do like her, but sometimes she can be annoying! I HATED Natalie and Jared together!! Her attitude with her family when she was with Jared UGH! I hated it! Natalie and Christian I loved together. :)

  27. Sonya...there is nothing about Gnat that I have ever liked. IMO she is unwatchable. Why would any man, who has been with her, who knows her, want her back??
    I guess I gave Jawn more credit than that.
    However, its a story. The viewers want them together (except me) and the show is over. So they want to give the viewers most everything.
    BELCH!!!!! NASTY NAT!!!

  28. My2Cents2 said...Sonya...there is nothing about Gnat that I have ever liked. IMO she is unwatchable. Why would any man, who has been with her, who knows her, want her back??
    I have no idea!!! It's craziness!!

    However, its a story. The viewers want them together (except me)
    I don't want them together either so we are in the same boat! :) What about Cord and Tina? Do you like them together? I do! Even back then I loved them together! :) Oh happy thanksgiving Cents and everyone! :)

  29. Cord & Tina...when did they leave?
    I was shocked yesterday when they mentioned they were gone already!!!!

    YEA I like Tina & Cord together.

  30. They did after they got married, but we didn't see it. That was their swan song I guess, the wedding itself.

  31. kdmask said...They did after they got married, but we didn't see it. That was their swan song I guess, the wedding itself.
    Oh! They are gone now? :( I thought maybe they were on their honeymoon and will be back.

  32. Sonya..they are gone. As will the entire cast in a few weeks! So glad we got to see Tina & Cord again though! Curious what happens between Blair & Tomas. Had they known the show was ending, would they have put her with Todd??
    Happy Vicki & Clint are living under one roof, clearly in love. Hey where's Echo been?? She hanging with ol Charlie?? He should be back in the next few weeks.
    Jessie leaves with Ford. :O)

    Mathew died! Though I knew it was coming, I didn't think it would be on their Thanksgiving show. Nor that they would write the show with him narrating it. Brillian.t

    What disapoints me, is the ending of OLTL was written with the intention of moving to PP.
    How would it have ended otherwise? We will never know!!!!

  33. My2Cents2 said...Sonya..they are gone.
    Well, at least we got to see them get back together and get married YAY! :)

    As will the entire cast in a few weeks!
    I know. :(

    What disapoints me, is the ending of OLTL was written with the intention of moving to PP.How would it have ended otherwise? We will never know!!!!
    Yeah this sucks!!!! AMC didn't get an ending! Just a stupid cliffhanger! Will OLTL just get a cliffhanger too? BAH!

  34. GH was just awful.In all the years I have watched this show I have never turned off a thanksgiving episode. This year I did. Watching food cook in my microwave is infinitely more interesting...


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