Friday, November 4, 2011


Ugh, OLTL--Stupid RAMA had to come in.  I love that John came in with Nat all in her dress..ahh You know I'm a sap! Then Brody comes in-- geesh, Natalie acted so stupid. At least Jessica was there at the end..phew!
Jack still can't act-- ugh..that poor girl that has to work with him!! 
David Vickers the doggie was so cute today!! "You wanna be a toilet brush with legs"??? heh.
I don't know if that guy from the water is dead or alive? I'm never sure on this show!
Rama and Vimal have an arranged marriage? I didn't know that! 

Diane and Max coming in loaded!! HEH!!! Loved it "What's for dinner besides Family Frickasie!" I do love her character-- she's  hysterical. Nice fun scenes there. 

I LOVE Alexis!!!! Why can't she and Sonny just pair up? Do IT! 
Awww, Ethan and Krissy He gave her a bracelet. LEXI I'LL MISS YOU!!

great line: "Ya BEAT THE GRIMM reaper you're GETTIN' OUTTA HERE" says Diane to Krissy!! AHAHAHAHA

Carly's Shawn's stalker now? Ok..whatever. It's her birthday soon? Great, everyone was born in November LOL.
AZ and his peanut butter--why are they IN THE GARAGE? I mean, why wouldn't they hide out in their own apartment? They aren't 'hiding'-- ?? Ugh.  Talking about Claudia makes me miss her even more!!  MICHAEL mentioned CLAUDIA TOO!!! Hmmmmmmmm a whole lotta Claudia mentions today?!
JaSam: Finally some movement. I hope they know each other's writing?? KeMo looked great today.  There's Jason in a rubber room and the monkey on the TV! yeah!! Finally, finally finally! It's only 4 weeks? 

BIGGEST MESS UP? Michael said it was 2 years since Claudia died. Ergo, it was JOSS' birthday!!  But Carly is out drinking???? Cause "her" birthday is in a few days? ahahahhahaa. Idiots.

AAHAH,  NLG Tweeted  this today: 
Nancy Lee Grahn
BREAKING NEWS: Kim Kardashian to replace Lexi Ainsworth as new Kristina


  1. Loved it on OLTL when Todd asked Louie where he had been,he answered Pine Valley etc.

  2. OLTL: Yes Karen! Rama and Vimal have an arranged marriage! I'm surprised you didn't know! :)


    Honeymoon from hell: Oh I get it!!!! :) Is this supposed to be like the movie Psycho? Is Franco Norman Bates? :)

    Dinner party: Okay I'm so confused. Why is Diane so drunk? And why is she with Max and Milo? Why is Diane so angry with Sonny? It's like she is acting like they were dating and he broke up with her. There is a couple things that cracked me up. :) When Max talked about how the last time Alexis defended Sonny, well we all love Kristina. ROFL! And then when Diane said to Sonny you have a lawyer right here. And Alexis looks around and says where? ROFL! The goodbye hugs to Kristina were great! Can Milo and Krissy date? We can call them Missy or Kilo haha! :) Michael feels bad that 2 years ago he killed Claudio! WOW!!!! It's amazing he feels bad.

    Papa Z and Johnny: Johnny and the plastic fork hahahaha! What did Papa Z mean when he said that Claudia is his daughter, more than you will ever know? Huh?!

    Jake's: Hahaha that is my Carly! Get right into the date and then try to get him jealous. :) She don't want to sleep with Coleman. Too bad. Oh there is Johnny. Well forget Coleman. :) Hey it's working! It's bothering Sean! :) That woman should have just walked out of the date. Oh Carly kisses Johnny hahaha! When Sean was dancing with his date, I saw him look at Carly while she was talking to Coleman hahaha! This is good stuff. :) Oh oh Sonny sees Carly kissing Johnny! More good stuff! :) OH Carly says to Sean that Joss is with her GRANDMOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-0 Joss is with BOBBIE?!!?!?!!?! :)

  3. Yeah, even NLG knows the kind of recast Kristina they're looking for. Ugh. Stupid, stupid, stupid GH.

  4. THANK the G*Ds they heard me!!!!!
    Alexis, Diane, Max & Milo today!!!!! Oh yea, Sonny too!!!!

    Nice job Mr & Mrs Wolfie Guza!!!

  5. the dog/Ford scenes were adorable, the dog is a much better actor than the kid playing Jack!
    I felt sorry for John today, but we all know its going to be ok!
    and Tea! why does everyone take their pee stick into the living room, wouldnt you leave it in the bathroom while waiting?
    Poor Tomas, how can such a good looking man be such a dull character?

  6. A few questions..when Michael killed Claudia, I had just undergone my first surgery, so I wasn't paying attention.
    Jos & Carly share the same b-day???

    Did I miss, or was it the editing, AGAIN, how did Jason get into that cage??

    Sonya...Papa Z has a secret. And he was wearing it today. Long ago, I thought Johnny was Trevor's son...Why did I get that feeling again today?

    LOVED the family scenes today, however, why did Sonny leave his party and go to Jakes?

    Michaels farewell to his sister/friend put a lump in my thought. I would rather they didn't recast Kristina. Let her be away at college. The end.

    And Carly. WTF?? You are my girl and you embarrssed me today with your slutty behavior.
    Nice to see Shawn show some respect for himself!!!!

    I give todays show a C+. Which is the best I have given it in months.
    Still want to know how Jason got into that cage/basement. Its hard to know these days what I missed and what the editing chopped away.
    Someone help me out on this question!

  7. My2Cents2 said...Nice job Mr & Mrs Wolfie Guza!!!

    My2Cents2 said...Did I miss, or was it the editing, AGAIN, how did Jason get into that cage??
    *Shrug* Norman Bates (Franco) grabbed him? :) Oh and Norman Bates is from the movie Psycho. :)

    Sonya...Papa Z has a secret. And he was wearing it today. Long ago, I thought Johnny was Trevor's son...Why did I get that feeling again today?
    Hmmm I used to think that Claudia was Johnny's mother. :) Back then I brought it up on the ABC board and people there got mad at me for saying that. :) Someone today on the soap central board (another soap board) says that maybe Claudia is Johnny's mother and Papa Z is Johnny's father. :) Woah! Interesting twist! :)

    LOVED the family scenes today, however, why did Sonny leave his party and go to Jakes?
    Well Cents the party was over! Alexis was taking Krissy to college. :)

  8. Thanks Sonya! I can count on you for answers. Except, did you answer how Jason got put into the basement? What is Franco stronger than Jason now?? I don't think so.
    You are as confused as me??

    I don't think you are so far off with Claudia being Johns mom. I thought that too for awhile, however, what was she,3 when he was born??

    Didn't you just love that big dummy Max today with Diane?? lol

  9. Oh yea..Sonny left the party way before it was over.
    He was gone before Dante & Michael left. Why Jakes??
    Did he go there looking for his bff Johnny?? Made no sense.
    However.......I don't want to spoil what was a half way descent show today.

    Off to OLTL

  10. My2Cents2 said...Thanks Sonya! I can count on you for answers. Except, did you answer how Jason got put into the basement? What is Franco stronger than Jason now?? I don't think so.
    You're welcome! :) Uhh well Jason drank that beer bottle on the table and so did Sam! So maybe there was drugs in it!!!

    I don't think you are so far off with Claudia being Johns mom. I thought that too for awhile, however, what was she,3 when he was born??
    ROFL! The ages can be fixed. :) This is a soap opera hahhahaha! She could have lied about her age for years so that Johnny wouldn't be suspicious. :)

    Didn't you just love that big dummy Max today with Diane?? lol
    Hahaha I love Max! I want Max and Diane to get back together!

  11. Very observant Sonya..I didn't catch they both drank from the bottle of beer. How stupid. Excuse but I don't pay close attention anymore. When Jason started talking to the stars, I went running for the hills!

    I did look up the show Diane was on. Cougar Town. And it isn't on anymore, or it didn't start to air. Does this mean Diane has more time for her GH family??? They need her!!!!!

  12. Sonny went looking for Carly after he overheard Michael telling Abby about killing Claudia. He did try calling Carly after he overheard Michael but she's not answering her phone. He knows Carly would hang at jakes.

  13. Thanks Lisa...that makes sense!

  14. Jason drank the beer left in the room, it was drugged, Franco grabbed him then. (That's my take)

    Carly said her bday was "in a few days" ..someone said it was Nov 5th on twitter-- Joss is a few days before that. I guess. who the hell knows.

    Diane had quit her job the same 'night' Sonny was having the party. It's lasted a week, so it's hard to tell. LOL

  15. Did anyone know this? A major network in Orlando dropped GH from its time slot??

  16. I so do not want Todd to have killed Victor. I'm thinking Mommy dearest did or had someone kidnapped him and frame Todd. I'm loven Roger being back, but I miss Trevor alot!!

  17. Todd didn't kill Victor.
    However, no Todd has been signed on with PP!

  18. MyTwoCentsWorth...A major network in Orlando dropped GH from its time slot??

    Well Orlando it is Disnyville that should say it all......

  19. Did see GH last night. Some things were interesting...

    Papa Z and Johnny...Mmmm...wonder if the old man has any secrets up his sleeve? Long ago, I thought it would be an interesting twist to have Johnny be Trevor's son and I honestly thought they were going to do that until they had Trevor go barking mad and jump off the hospital roof during the infamous "toxic balls" storyline. I am not sure if Johnny was ever aware of why Claudia was sent away when he was a boy...she was boinking Trevor in the hopes he would get sent away and dear old Dad sent her away instead! Johnny still keeps those rose colored glasses on with his sister. She wasn't exactly a saint and she would have offed her brother in a second if it would have meant Dad would have given her the power she sought. Viewers used to wonder if Claudia was really Johnny's mom. That would be a bit icky...not that GH hasn't done icky before! The Z siblings used to have a bit of an icky relationship!

    Diane and Max...that was amusing! Beer cans in the coy pond! :-)

    Franco and Jasam...well it was nice to see Franco actually do something! I am not sure how Jason got into the room either, other than maybe his drink was spiked. The cell Jason was in looked a bit like the cell Johnny was locked up in years ago when he was composing a song for Lulu on the wall.

    Krissy's dinner...very bittersweet. I loved the goodbye with Krissy and Ethan. They had chemistry and the boat was missed there! I shall miss her.

    Dante...Does this guy need the sky to fall in on him? Hey, Columbo...Your girlfriend does NOT want to get married! She's not wearing her ring, doesn't want to announce it, keeps changing the a clue! Normal young women do not act like this...they usually cannot stop showing their engagement ring off and want to tell everyone the happy news! And Lulu...there is honesty and then there is just stupidity! I love my husband dearly, but there are things I just don't tell him simply because it would be opening up a hornet's nest to tell him and not telling him minor things isn't that big of a deal! If Olivia wants you to keep mum about the dizzy spells, then just shut up about it and not feel as though you need to report every little thing to Dante. I do like Lulu and I am praying that the changing of the writing guard at GH will bring better writing for Lulu. like for her goes up and down, but generally I do like her. I didn't on Friday though. I kept asking myself..."How old is this woman?" She was acting like a teenager, just grabbing anyone who walked into Jakes so she could irritate Sean. If Spinelli had walked in, she most likely would have grabbed him! Johnny was as good as a diversion as any. Unfortunately, this will be just another reason for Sonny to hate Johnny. He keeps offering himself up to be "used" and when he does, it usually backfires!

    Joss was with her grandma? Wow...a Bobbie mention. Maybe she'll be the next Audrey...someone that gets basically mentioned as a babysitter all the time! I wish we'd actually see Bobbie. They have Jackie Zeman doing these Zestra commercials, so she's alive and well!

    I guess we have a few more weeks until we see new scripts.

    Oh well...have a good weekend!

  20. MyTwoCentsWorth??????

  21. So Sorry My2Cents2, forgive me
    I just can't read...LOL

    Disneyville......they own Orlando!

  22. There is nothing to be forgiven for Kat! lol
    (I was just wondering if that is how people view me with that name)

  23. Orlando, Florida's Channel 9 (WFTV) is giving General Hospital's time slot away to Steve Harvey's talk show in the fall of 2012.

    One fears this is just the beginning. ABC has given an hour of programming back to affiliates in exchange for them agreeing to air Katie Couric's talk show

  24. I saw that information about Orlando while reading Perkie's Observations today. Yup, seems like it is only the beginning. I keep waiting for the big announcement about GH since Raven mentioned it in April. Not sure what they are waiting for, other than they want to keep the viewers (or what is left of them) tuned in, since The Chew is tanking (not a big surprise) and OLTL only has a few more months to go.

  25. My2Cents2 said...(I was just wondering if that is how people view me with that name)
    Hahahhaa not me. :) I think of you as my2cents or cents. :) Where did you get your handle anyway? :)

  26. Thank you AGAIN dear Sonya!!

    My2Cents?? Well....I came up with the name because I like to SHARE my 2 cents!! Don't ya think it fits me?? lol

  27. My2Cents2 said...Thank you AGAIN dear Sonya!!
    You're welcome AGAIN! :)

    My2Cents?? Well....I came up with the name because I like to SHARE my 2 cents!! Don't ya think it fits me?? lol
    Hahahaha yes it fits you very well. :)

  28. I want Jax back Sonya!!!!
    I posted email address's on today's blog.

    How many emails can I send to Frons & Sweeney before it becomes a 'stalking issue'?? lol

  29. My2Cents2 said...I want Jax back Sonya!!!!I posted email address's on today's blog.
    You did post email addresses? Cool. :) Yeah I want Jax back too! I love my Jax!

    How many emails can I send to Frons & Sweeney before it becomes a 'stalking issue'?? lol
    Hmm good question! ROFL!

  30. Sonya did you get the email address?
    Here it is again....THANK YOU!!!!

  31. My2Cents2 said..Sonya did you get the email address? Here it is again....THANK YOU!!!!
    No I didn't get it. Thanks Cents! :)


Sunday Surgery: Valentine Vivisection

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