Monday, November 28, 2011

7 More Weeks of One of the Best Shows on Television

OLTL is leaving us...and it's so sad. Did you see the Evan's family today?? MATTHEW!! Oh that was so good.... dang. PIE fight!! Loved the Evans family.
THIS is how a soap is supposed to be..take your breath away roller-coaster ride. I so hope Ron C and the whole OLTL writing team end up in a fab job. They deserve it. It will be so hard to watch these last few weeks. I was so excited to see what they would do online. 

GENERAL HOSPITAL:  Ingo is taping his scenes tomorrow...wonder what Jax will be up to this time!? More "kidnapping" more "Fake  Death"..what?

TV By the Numbers is saying The Chew posted all time highs during Thanksgiving week. Great. Whatever it still sucks the damn life out of Daytime TV.
Matt in the turkey hat. LOL 

Robin had her big boots on the bed. They talked about the Thanksgiving dinner that Scrubs had...and we never SAW IT!  ;/ That turkey hat Matt had on, EMMA made! Geesh, they could have shown it. Instead we got to see  SKate in the hotel room. wow, thanks

Sonny and Kate. I just. TOO SOON PEOPLE!! Kate said they did it in the back of a deli truck? Uh, they said about a million times she NEVER SLEPT WITH SONNY in HS!! God, makes me mad. "You left me standing on the street corner"-- ;/ really? NO, we haven't heard that 10 million times. They also went out TO DINNER when everyone else was going to BED! ahahahaaa.

JaSam: If Sam had found out if she was raped or not right after it happened, she wouldn't be all upset now! JASON--I'm MAD! MAD! Angry! I'm Angry!
Lulu and Dante--poor Lulu has to put a dang sweater on!! Geesh, it's November LOL 

Scrubs Angst over Lisa
Sonny Angst over Deke
Jason Angst over Franco
Lulu Angst over Cop Work
M&M Sex.

They are SO setting up an HIV story with Robin, they've mentioned it so much. She's got that wound, it won't heal. ugh.


  1. Hope everyone had a good Turkey day!

    I could hardly stay alert and awake during GH. Maybe it is a throwback of the tryptophan in the turkey, but I doubt it! The show...Can be summed up with; Sonny/Kate snorefest...Thanks, Karen, for confirming the story background that Kate and Sonny never "got wild" in HS; thought I was dreaming. I guess the writers do not think we catch details! Sonny the Dimple Machine is still lurking in the past and taking his trip back to Bensonhurst with Kate, who is encouraging him to "use his words" (It's healthier than using a gun, I suppose!), Jasam are still hoping the conversation will take the Franco issue away (rather than actively dealing with it) and Jason is still flipping out and blaming himself, Maxie and Matt were comic relief again, Lulu's still worried over Dante and behaving like a mother hen, while he's there with his fingers in his ears..."Lalalala...must fight crime, must fight crime..." Her fears might be a bit irrational (OK, no woman wants her man killed in the line of duty, but then people can die at any time, even if they aren't in a dangerous profession.) but he's not listening. Well, he did agree to take it easy with a desk job for a while, but any bets as to how long that will last? Lulu, I don't think he is the man for you if death is that much of an issue for you (and some women will not get involved with cops or firemen for that reason) and it might be better to look elsewhere or better still, be on your own for a while and sort yourself out before taking on a partner. Uh, oh...Robin's not feeling well. It's starting already! Like with Lucky's scenes, I am going to have a problem watching Robin's knowing that Kim is going. I think of how the AIDS story was done with Stone years ago and I have serious doubts that this group of pen pushers on GH can deliver the same kind of story for Robin, but we'll see. As Karen said, it would have been nice to see what actually happened with Scrubs on Thanksgiving...we didn't see it! Swiss cheese in the storylines again.

    The show has been in doom and gloom mode for some time, and even though this was supposed to be a heartwarming day of romance, from the looks of the scenes, it fell flatter than a pancake! None of the couples were truly happy and if they were, like with Scrubs, the bottom is about to fall out quickly! Ain't love grand?

  2. What the hell?! Did I miss a show or something?!!?!

    Lulu and Dante: Wait! So Lulu found him lying on the ground unconscious? And she took him home and didn't take him to the hospital? Dante says he is out of shape ROFL! Dante is gonna take a bath. :) Forget Lulu! I'll give you a bath! :)

    Robin and Patrick: They had thanksgiving dinner and she walked out of the dinner and went to bed??!!?! Poor Robin is so scared! :(

    Jason and Sam: Zzzzzzzzzz. Jason is so angry! Are we back to when Jason Morgan was born? Sam is crying tho. I rather see Sam cry than Jason get angry. Poor Sam. :( Sam crying wasn't boring.

    Maxie and Matt: Matt says thanks to Emma Drake, he found out that feathers turn Maxie on! Ewwww! Leave Emma out of it!!! Later after she is asleep, he says you don't need to know about this. Know about what? That you are leaving or something else?

    Kate and Sonny: Hmmmm? She is angry at him for not going in his home that he was abused in, and that he just walked away from her and nodded in the car. Then he talks about the past and she is all happy and laughing. HUH?!!?! She talks about the brownstone. The one he lived as a child. She said brownstone twice, and it reminded me of Bobbie's brownstone!!!!

    Did we miss an episode? Nah it can't be!! We missed everything that happened damn it!!!

  3. YES it was like a whole show was missing

  4. kdmask said...YES it was like a whole show was missing
    Yes Karen!!!! A whole show was missing!!!

  5. I wondered if I missed an episode as well. I admit to being "in and out" sometimes with GH. If I start getting bored, then I start puttering about so I don't fall asleep! But, yes, the old Fast Forward Time Machine in Port Chuck was evident today!

  6. That is what is wrong with GH. The veiwers WANT to see the Happy Thanksgiving stuff; NOT all Angst all the time.

    I can't watch Sam crying and Jason yelling ALL the time. They went from boring to tedious in about 2 seconds.

  7. All you do is complain about how slow story lines are moving and now finally a story line moves quickly and all you can complain about is it's going too fast?! Make up your damn mind or shut up already!

  8. Anonymous said...All you do is complain about how slow story lines are moving and now finally a story line moves quickly and all you can complain about is it's going too fast?! Make up your damn mind or shut up already!
    Huh?! What on earth are you talking about? Nothing is going too fast. And how rude! don't tell people to shut up!

  9. UM SONYA- did you read what the post said apparently the SKate story line is going too fast... well every other story line has been going too slow (for some people)and don't tell me what to do!

  10. Hey Anonymous you don't like being told what to do, well, you are telling other people what to do. Listen to your own advice.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Thank You Sonya! I thought I missed a show as well!!! We went from Dante being knocked out on the ground to him walking into the 'room' with Lulu. Confused. Either that or I just don't care.

    FF'd thru everything except Robin & Patrick. And Jasam. I didn't ff thru Robin because I know there is an upcoming storyline.

    Watching Jasam, and FFing like I do, did Sam ever get checked out after the 'rape'.
    This entire show is a nightmare, not sure what I saw or had nighmares over.
    Me BAD. I so thought Mathew was a 'goner'. Well, he still could be considering he is about to find out he is going to be a daddy!!

    Really confused about Tomas/Todd.
    Todd a serial killer now??
    Please I hope they didn't write him off going to prison. Or dying!
    However they wrote him out, its done. We can't do anything about it, can we?

  13. So surprised (not) that anon is posting as anon. You are not welcome here. Take your rudeness elsewhere. Oh and merry frickin christmas

  14. My2Cents2 said...Thank You Sonya! I thought I missed a show as well!!! We went from Dante being knocked out on the ground to him walking into the 'room' with Lulu. Confused. Either that or I just don't care.
    You're welcome! :) The show was just so confusing.

    Me BAD. I so thought Mathew was a 'goner'. Well, he still could be considering he is about to find out he is going to be a daddy!!
    Hahaha they better tell him quick that he is a daddy! :) It was so strange his heart stopped but now he is okay and talking! :) Why did his heart stop?

    Jen said...Oh and merry frickin christmas
    ROFL! And a happy freakin new year! :)

  15. Anonymous, ergo NO NAME, at least put your name on.
    AND I NEVER said it moved too fast I SAID IT SKIPPED TIME. Big difference. Plus the fact the Skate shit was already done to death first time around.
    GH can't edit or keep continuity worth anything.
    And PS it's MY BLOG, I can say whatever I want. DUH

  16. Karen..why bother with ignorance?
    Remove her computer ID so she can't post here.

  17. Sonya..I really thought Mathew was dead. My reason? Because he was never signed on to PP.Destiny was.
    Well, I know why PP stopped asking people to join there FAKE show....there is NO SHOW!

    I thought the pie stuff was stupid.

    My concern now is what are they doing to the character of Todd?

  18. On a more positive note, there is a new episode of pretty!


    Hey, I dont't even know how to block computers on here LOL

  20. Karen you don't need to explain yourself to anyone. Least of all someone who hides behind the name 'Anon'. May as well write the name 'Weasel' in.

  21. The Official Jason Cook Page
    ‎" @arie_fire : @thisisjasoncook have you spoken to Kirsten since she took her medical leave? Miss seeing you two on screen!" //She is consumed with resting and getting better. As soon as she is feeling well again we'll be talking. I'm hoping like everyone that she gets better soon.

  22. Anonymous--Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed? We do not need your unplesant attitude here.

  23. I FF'd through most of it too. Listened to some of the patrick/Robin stuff. She has a headache and looks like she's sweating. Shouldn't that make patrick sit up and take notice.?

    And did Lulu actually get out of bed in the middle of the night to have a drink? Another reason to continue FFing through her scenes.

    Sam and jason: I reiterate what everyone else has said. Too much crying and screaming. FF.

  24. Anonymous is probably to stupid to spell there name .

  25. Now on to Sonny going into the closet. Can't wait. (roll eyes)

  26. Blogger My2Cents2 said...Sonya..I really thought Mathew was dead.
    Me too! I kept telling the doctors to save him!

    My reason? Because he was never signed on to PP.Destiny was.Well, I know why PP stopped asking people to join there FAKE show....there is NO SHOW!
    *Shakes head in sadness*

    I thought the pie stuff was stupid.
    Really? I thought it was cute. :)

    My concern now is what are they doing to the character of Todd?
    I have no idea!!!! I don't want him to go to jail!

  27. Hey why didn't they show the Q's today!?!? How come they didn't show them resinging the song?!!?! That's just not fair. :( Well here are the Q's singing for Thanksgiving in 2000. :)

    Watch it at 7:23. It made me cry. :'(

  28. Oh and I forgot to mention, just watch the montage, cus at the end of the clip they show the Q's singing again. :) During the montage they play the Q's song. :)

  29. Yesterdays show (s) both disapointed me.
    OLTL-I have no interest in watching Todd turn back into the monster he once was. His children just lost Victor, now they are going to lose Todd? Looks like it.
    At least, this is how we will know the ending to be?? Since no PP on the horizon, the end is the end.
    HATE Gnat. Why Jawn has anything to say to her other than 'visitation rights' is beyond me. FF thru all those scenes!
    Mama pie throwing pies around was stupid IMO. Her getting bossy with her son's life like she did, she should have been 'shut down'.
    Then we have Todd turning into a pyscho. AGAIN. Or so it seems. Hopefully I am wrong. So for me, this show disapointed yesterday.

    End this show NOW. Put us out of our misery at the same time you are ending OLTL. Let the pain be over. Pain of losing OLTL, and the pain of watching GH.

    Sounds like there is still no news on KS. WEIRD. She even coming back?

    Sonya...I agree. What was Monica's reaction to Jason's outburst? LOVE Tracey, but you don't talk the way she did to Jason & Sam in Monica's house!!! Where was THAT fight?? Waiting on that scene too.
    Which won't happen!!!
    Pissed me off when the first thing out of Jason's mouth was 'hows Michael'? Michael is a brat. Ask how your mother was doing!!!!!

  30. My2Cents2 said...Mama pie throwing pies around was stupid IMO. Her getting bossy with her son's life like she did, she should have been 'shut down'.
    Well she is a mama! :) She just wants what's best for her son! If Viv doesn't want to marry Shaun, then she should let him go cus he wants to get married!!! I'll marry you Shaun! ;)

    Sonya...I agree. What was Monica's reaction to Jason's outburst?
    Yeah!!! Come on writers give us that!

    LOVE Tracey, but you don't talk the way she did to Jason & Sam in Monica's house!!!
    Alan gave it to her!!!! ROFL!

  31. I'm still waiting to see the Lucky, Liz and Aiden reunion in the hospital. And as for the missing day, could this get any worse? I thought I missed Friday, but it wasn't on. I can't take anymore of Sonny and Kate reminiscing - boring beyond compare. No wonder MB is raving about it - no one would watch it. Everyone was in bed, LOL. Matt was so cute, though. Does Jason have yet another brain tumour? I am trying to hang in there but it's getting harder. Dominic Z. sure has some ugly tattoos.

  32. Sonya...parents want what is best for their children. I agree 100%.
    I also agree if she don't want to marry Shawn I will. However, discuss it with your son privately, not in the manner Mama did. Mama too pushy. Heck she will get the girl running faster.....

    LindaV..its hard on all of us watching. That is why I FF thru yesterday. I want rent a Maxie returned and our Maxie brought back!
    I have had alot of missing days. Remember back when Jake died?
    I didn't know what was what back then on that show.
    That, IMO is why its hard to get excited about anything Mr & Mrs Wolfie have planned for the future.

    Them tatoo's on Dante are suppose to be a 'turn on'??????? WTF???

    Has Sam been checked out?? Wouldn't she know if she was raped by a kit or something? WTF??

  33. My2Cents2, it would seem to me that with something as serious as rape, Sam would want to know for sure. Especially if she is pregant, as rumoured. Just ridiculous. B&B may not always be great, but at least it is only 1/2 hr. and I get to see Jack Wagner and Scott Clifton.

  34. Ohh I agree about Sam.
    No doubt this story is yet another failure by the Wolfie Guza's!!!!

    Shouldn't she be checked for diseases at least?

  35. My2Cents2 said..However, discuss it with your son privately, not in the manner Mama did. Mama too pushy. Heck she will get the girl running faster.....
    Okay you are right. You have a good point. :)

    Has Sam been checked out?? Wouldn't she know if she was raped by a kit or something? WTF??
    No she didn't get checked out. She took a shower instead!!! BAH!


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