Tuesday, November 22, 2011

JR Wins DWTS!!

Sorry West Coasters, I have to get to bed and can't wait to congratulate our boy JR from #AMC for taking home the Mirror Ball! Although I was sad Rikki Lake went first, I was so happy he took first place. Here's hoping he moves on to some great projects in the future!


  1. Congrats JR but was I the only one that saw a commerical for Jimmy Kimmel saying we will have the DWTS winner and showed JR and Karina.I thought this was a live show and noone knew the winner oops I forgot the show is on ABC

  2. I watched!!! I am so excited and happy that he won!!!!!! WOOT WOOT! :)

  3. I am on the east coast, and the JKL commercial showed all three finalists, and said the winner would be on that night.

    SO happy for J.R. I never watched AMC, but I knew of him from the promos that ran at the end of OLTL and GH, and through the soap mags. He has beyond inspired me these past couple months. He deserves nothing but the best out of life!

  4. I think it's ironic that JR winning would have likely brought many curious people to watch him on AMC and increase their ratings, only, oops, his show was canceled. I am very happy for him, because he showed such class and enthusiasm the whole season. I hope this win, and the attention he got from the show, jumpstart his career. ABC keeps missing the boat on too much.

    Honestly think the fan vote for JR was tops the whole season. Beyond the fact he was so good, he had the support of a wide variety of people, from soap fans to veterans. And he deserved every bit of it! Congrats JR!

  5. JR is a class act! they all work so hard, I am so glad he won!!!!

  6. I also think Rikki deserved to be in the top 2. I also think Rob K will date Cheryl..she seems bitten by the kardasian reality bug. ugh

  7. I was very surprised to see Ricki leave first. I thought, she was the best dancer in all honesty.
    I think the end comes down to popularity, and that JR was!!
    He is an example of 'human strength'
    Congrats to all 3!!!


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