Thursday, December 29, 2011

Western/Central NYers...Turning Stone AMC Party!

From Vincent Irizarry s FB Page:

It's official!!! Come join me, Bobbie Eakes, Walt Willey, and Lindsay Hartley on Valentine's Day weekend, Feb 18th, at the Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, NY for a fun-filled romantic evening of cabaret, with music accompaniment by Loren Gold. What better way to rekindle that spark between you and your valentine than spending it at a truly beautiful resort, with world class dining and casino, being serenaded by some of your Pine Valley favorites? Or, who knows? Maybe find love for the first time? Hmmmm...sounds promising : ) Get your tickets soon since seating is limited. Can't wait to see some of you there!!!
 FOR INFO: Turning Stone Casino


  1. i think Dr. David Haywood belongs on GH, what things he and Helena could stir up.....What fun!

  2. I'D LOVE IT! I've always said he's a CASSADINE !!

  3. It would be great, hope someombody else thinks of that! It would make a perfect storyline, also with Anna coming back....

  4. Cannot wait!!! so excited you are coming near my hometown!!!!


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...