Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Morgue

Vanessa's Charities are up on the S&B site, all of them. Check them out and think about a Holiday Donation!

LUKE in a mullett!! ahahhaaaaaaaa. I just found this and had to post!I also watched a You Tube when Lucky had a gambling debt! Oh good, times, good times. He's smoking can't DO that anymore on ABC (Disney owned) shows. Seriously. Pan Am couldn't even have smoking sections on the plane!

I think Franco put a spell on Jason...Fronkey WUB Spell LOL

I love LULU's BOOTS!! Maxie mentioned Lulu dressing like a hooker. yeah!! Maxie goes to meet
AZ and then Lulu boozes it. Maxie and AZ were really fun today! "I know I shouldn't say it to you, ruthless mob boss, but you are making me mad!!"

You know that Julie Briggs Love Boat chick didn't really kill Lisa. She was captured in the alley, remember? And Mulva knows she probably didn't do it. You know it's bad when she's smarter than Mac!!

WOW, great Abby scene. They kept that under wraps very well. Just got out this week. Nice job and Chad was awesome. We knew she was probably dying but there was no announcement that she was leaving the show.  Bye Abner.

Sonny: NO CHRISTMAS.......NO REINDEER and if God Came, his eyes were closed!! ahahhaa........ oh my. I about died when he said "They stole the blinking baby Jesus"! ahahaa. Those dang Bensonhurst scenes need some PEOPLE in them. It's a ghost town.


  1. Karen...what did I miss? The last time I saw Michael him & Sam were on a flight to Chicago. How did they know to go to the hospital??
    Did editing skip a day and forget to tell us? Why is Abbey dead?
    WOW. I was shocked when he was in the morgue throwing back the sheet and there she was!!!

    Did you know that Franco James works over at Southwest General?
    lol. LOVED OLTL today. Roxie & Shawn & David talking about the past OLTL storylines. Only instead of using the characters names they replaced. Either way, we knew who she was speaking about. Karen Wolek! Marco Dane!!

    2 good shows. WOW What a SHOCKER today is!!!!!

  2. If it wasn't for the Sam and Michael scenes today, GH would have been a complete snoozefest. Lord knows Michael's been getting on my last nerve lately, but kudos to Chad for rocking those scenes today. GH hasn't made me cry in some time...well, thinking about what GH USED TO be? Yeah, that has!

    Lulu and Maxie...An absolutely pointless scene. I've said before, if the current writers allowed Maxie to pull her head out of her own butt lately, they could have had the two young ladies have a fruitful conversation about being with a policeman who may potentially get shot and killed. Wouldn't Maxie have more to offer than "just go sort the shoes?" Too much like work to have a nod the past too often. And Maxie telling Lulu she dresses like a hooker and she's jerking a man around? Ms. Jones wrote the book on that one! Julie looks increasingly bored in her scenes these days. I would too if they had me whining around like a 12 year old and hitting the bottle, rather than acting like an adult and hitting the problem head on. But then again, when you consider a lot of folks in PC, they are either running away from problems or skirting the issue, so this is typical PC behavior.

    Dante...Lulu, please don't marry this man. The marriage may last as long as the recent Kardashian marriage if they go ahead with it. Mr. "So what else is new." Mr. Sensitive. If this Lulu thing doesn't work out, something tells me Mulva will be lying in wait!

    Julie Briggs...I would imagine Papa Z offed her. I doubt she's the real killer. Sorry, not solved!

    Bensonsnore...Maybe Kate called someone to spruce up Sonny's old house? She could call that guy that fixes up houses that used to be on Oprah all the time. It'll need one heck of a paint job to remove the graffiti!

    Jason...Sam may not have a home to come back to. If he wants to quit being a hitman, Jason could find work as a housewrecker...literally!

    I am still unclear as to what Sam saw on the DVD. Franco could still be yanking their chains and he didn't do the deed with Sam at all.

    Robin...PULEEESE just tell your husband what is wrong! He is owed that much!

    The ABC lineup with the new shows coming to replace the ones from the fall season that were canned still look like garbage. Work It...looks like a Bosom Buddies rehash with the two guys dressing in drag. It's going to take a magician to pull ABC out the ashes their in!

    I am still stuck on if it's night or day or what day it actually is on GH, but I stopped looking for attention to detail.

  3. Mulva, Dante, and Mac: Oh so that Briggs person confesses to Lisa's murder because Lisa found out Briggs and that guy who died were having an affair?!!? That the guy was married. Mulva has a feeling something isn't right.

    Papa Z and Maxie: HOLY CRAP! Papa Z planned the whole story with Briggs and HE killed Briggs!! Maxie doesn't want to hear what he did!!!! What a delicious scene. Papa Z has the line of the day! He says that when people talk to Maxie they get dizzy ROFL! I want more scenes with them!

    Maxie and Lulu: Lulu is still all whiny whiny about Dante. Then she makes love to Kate's alcohol!

    Dante and Lulu: She wants her ring back! Wait is she drunk?

    Michael and Abby: She died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was quick! Damn Chad Duell did a fantastic job!!!! What a great actor!

    Jason: Jason is having more strange episodes! GET SOME HELP!!!!! But oh oh he sees the dvd!!! Franco says we are going to be a daddy! DOH!

    Sonny and Kate: The Sonny part was great!!!!! But why did he have to tell her all this? Why couldn't it been someone else?

  4. SPOILER FYI from GH2:
    'Surprise! Apparently as Lucky boards the plane leaving Port Charles, he runs into his real life wife,
    Lisa Vultaggio (who played Hannah on GH at one time) and his two other real life children!'
    Per GH2 new spoilers, Lulu's drinking is just beginning!

    I agree, it was a snoozefest with the exception of Chad's awesome performance. KEMO was Kemo. BLAH.
    I did like my Jason's scenes today. I am starting to like his character actor again!!!!!

  5. Sonya: Dante and Lulu: She wants her ring back! Wait is she drunk?

    A duh YEA she is buzzed Sonya!
    And this is just the beginning!

  6. Melodybluez said...The ABC lineup with the new shows coming to replace the ones from the fall season that were canned still look like garbage. Work It...looks like a Bosom Buddies rehash with the two guys dressing in drag.
    I loved Bosom Buddies back then! :) And I can't wait to watch work it. It looks so funny! :)

    My2Cents2 said...SPOILER FYI from GH2:
    'Surprise! Apparently as Lucky boards the plane leaving Port Charles, he runs into his real life wife, Lisa Vultaggio (who played Hannah on GH at one time) and his two other real life children!'
    Oh wow!!! That is awesome! :) Can't wait to see that! :)

  7. My2Cents2 said... A duh YEA she is buzzed Sonya!
    I can just see it now. She gets the ring back and then when she is sober, I am giving you the ring back! Then when she is drunk, I want the ring back!! ROFL! And so on and so on. :) Until Dante's head explodes. :)

    And this is just the beginning!
    Hmmm I wonder if my scenario is gonna happen ROFL!

  8. loved OLTL today! the Southwest Hospital comments were so funny!
    Destiny's mother and Nora were also a hoot, and all of them when Destiny stormed out....remember, you wanted him to wake up!!!
    And John and good
    love her red coat....
    did you notice all the people shopping in Angel Square...lots of them...
    David and the Boy with the Chipmonk Tattoo. too funny

  9. they showed Michael talking to Abby on the phone when a crane hit her!

    Didn't hear the Franco JAMES i haven't watched OLTL yet

  10. YES Michael was talking to Abbey on the phone, we seen that, but how did he know she was in a morgue? Weird. Like a missed show.

    OLTL was a hoot. I have a feeling...(because I don't read spoilers for this soap) that the kids end up giving the baby up for adoption.

    Sonya...You are a HOOT!

  11. Sam said they went to the hospital and they said to go there (It may have been the hospital morgue)

  12. My2Cents2 said...Sonya...You are a HOOT!
    Thanks!!! So are you!!!!! :) You and your Mr. and Mrs. Wolfie Guza! ROFL!

  13. I'm sorry but I could not stop laughing at jason staring into space with the "intense stone cold look". I find this ridiculous. Speed the story up!!! We do get to see what Sam saw on DVD at the end of the show. Franco talking about impregnating Sam. I find that I don't care whether he's playing them or not because they are boring. Besides I would be very surprised if Franco was the father. I think this is more fake angst for jasam as they will overcome this ( eyeroll ).
    The Abby death while not surprising was a good reveal, though I did feel like a scene was missing and just talked about. I only watch online once a week now but love the blog.

  14. Sonya: I can't help but wonder what is up with Mr & Mrs Wolfie Guza. They OUT or cleaning toilets?

    Jason ROCKED today!!!!!!!!

    Sonya..what is your theory about what happens to Lulu?

  15. When Micheal and Sam were calling around to hospitals looking for Abbey the other day someone called Micheal. They said they got his number from Abbeys phone and told him about the accident and what hospital she had been taken too....thats when they ran out the door and hoped on a plane. Think the whole thing is would they have pick him out of her phone to call and no Doc to tell them what happened. I always thought she was somehow working with Franco....

  16. When Micheal and Sam were calling around to hospitals looking for Abbey the other day someone called Micheal. They said they got his number from Abbeys phone and told him about the accident and what hospital she had been taken too....thats when they ran out the door and hoped on a plane. Think the whole thing is would they have pick him out of her phone to call and no Doc to tell them what happened. I always thought she was somehow working with Franco....

  17. Your right Michelle. Thanks!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. My2Cents2 said...Sonya: I can't help but wonder what is up with Mr & Mrs Wolfie Guza. They OUT or cleaning toilets?
    ROFL! Yeah they could be out cleaning toilets! :)

    Sonya..what is your theory about what happens to Lulu?
    You mean after she asks for the ring back and then gives it back to Dante and then wants it back? :) Hmmm maybe drink and drive and then get in a car accident.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. you go......

    "I would pay a network/cable/satellite provider to save my soaps!"

    I really think this is an important cause, and I'd like to encourage you to add your signature, too. It's free and takes just a few seconds of your time.


  22. You & I Sonya are nothing short of a genious. That is what I think will happen to Lulu as well.

    I mean, did you see her stop for a cocktail in Kate's office? LMAO!

  23. My2Cents2 said...You & I Sonya are nothing short of a genious. That is what I think will happen to Lulu as well.
    We are brilliant! ROFL!

    I mean, did you see her stop for a cocktail in Kate's office? LMAO!
    Yeah I sure did!! First she makes love to her own alcohol and now she is making love to Kate's alcohol in her office!!!! Damn Lulu!!!!

  24. Apparently they are going to bring in extras to play the Falconeri family at Lulu and Dante's wedding. They bring in so many new people and not the vets we want. Michael may see Jax at the airport on the way back to port Charles ( rumors ).

  25. Maybe that Random Bensonhurst lady will show up!

  26. But is there really going to be a wedding????

    Sonya...I know Lulu's problem is not funny, but I am in such a good mood today, why not have a little fun at her expense?

  27. Maybe the bensonhurst lady will show, LOL :) , Karen.

  28. kdmask said...Maybe that Random Bensonhurst lady will show up!
    And then Kate will go all Connie on her again ROFL!

    My2Cents2 said...Sonya...I know Lulu's problem is not funny, but I am in such a good mood today, why not have a little fun at her expense?
    Hahahaha that's great that you are in a good mood. :) I'm sure a lot of people are having fun at her expense. :)

  29. OK-I am going to post this because I just read this off GH2. I think its fantastic news, and for now I am excited and want to share with you.
    I hope Karen is OK with it.

    GH: Not So Fast!

    Posted by ghhshirley on Friday, December 16, 2011

    Rumorville: Carolyn Hinsey, longtime soap opera editor/columnist and author, had the following to say on her facebook page:

    "WARNING: Anyone who posts here that another soap is being cancelled will be blocked. Trust me: Frank [Valentini] and Ron [Carvilati] are not uprooting their lives to move to LA without a long term promise and the time they need to fix General Hospital. I know a LOT more than you do. So save it, losers."

  30. Sam and Michael were directed to room 419 which turned out to be the morgue. We saw Lulu pour a drink in Kate's office but she didn't drink it and left it on the desk. TPTP seriously overestimate the charm of Sonny as evidenced by the endless scenes with Kate in NY. They are not fascinating to watch - I've ffwd. all of their scenes and I know I didn't miss a thing. Chad was fantastic yesterday. I'm kind of sorry to see Abby go - she was a nice person. Jason looks like his head is going to explode.

  31. First of all. Do hospital staff just let people go into the morgue to see their loved ones? And without supervision especially??
    I thought Chad played Michael very well, but I was too busy criticizing this scenario in my head, to fully appreciate the scene.

    Just caught up on a week and a half of OLTL. LOVE IT!! The fake soap is canceled and it's Roxy to the rescue!!
    Don't know if anyone else here is a fan of Family Guy, but they had a reference when Rex was telling his son what they can watch on TV. HE was naming all the Christmas movies on and one of them was KISS saves Santa, which is a make believe show on Family Guy. Loved it!!

  32. LindaV-PERFECT. Though CHad was outstanding, there were other questions going thru my mind to fully appreciation his great acting.
    Is it me, or is Sam just BLAH??

  33. I think that Mac is relieved to find a confession to Lisa's murder because it takes his beloved girls off the hook--otherwise, I don't think he'd believe it so fast!

    Is it me, or are NLG's ta-ta's looking HUGE lately? I couldn't take my eyes off of her cleavage during her scenes, not a look most lawyers would sport at a police station.

    The Bensonhurst scenes are awful, although MB is so great that he can make anything look good. First of all, there is not graffiti in Bensonhurst, it is NOT the ghetto, Brooklyn has many beautiful neighborhoods, there is crime in Bensonhurst, lots of mob stuff, but not street gangs.

    I also saw Lulu put down the drink in Kate's office and not drink it.

    Let us all have a moment of silence for poor Abner.

  34. Mac is most certainly looking to close the case so his girls aren't implicated.
    All I know is I am seeing lots more Uncle these days. I truly believe this nonsense of a story that Alexis is telling Preston or whatever his name is about her and Mac is going to lead somewhere.
    (For Mac & Alexis)

    YES NLG boobies do look fuller. She is 'smartening up' When these scenes were shot, she didn't know Frons was out along with Mr & Mrs Wolfie Guzas. So she was just giving them what they like. Boobies! Hopefully now, we can get back to good story writing, and less boobs, sex in showers, and halfr naked people walking around Wyndemere.

  35. My2Cents2, Sam is blah lately. How are we supposed to feel sorry for her when we don't even know if she was raped? Just because Franco alludes to her being pregnant in the dvd? I think Nancy's boobs do look bigger, but she seems a little heavier (but still in great shape). Maybe she had a lift? Always enjoy seeing her - she is a ray of sunshine and I love her with Mac. I would love ME with Mac. JY once sent an autographed photo to my house and he actually addressed it himself.

  36. How are we suppose to feel for someone who doesn't care enough about herself to go to a Doctor and get checked from the 'supposed rape'?
    Jason's reaction, I find very normal to all of this. I know I am alone with those thoughts. But considering what Franco supposingly did to him and Sam & Michael, I get where Jason is coming from.

    Speaking of Michael, are we about to get a dose of his anger!

    Maybe NLG did get a 'lift'. If she can afford it why not??

    JY sent a photo of himself to you?
    Did he not have my address??
    How long ago was this??

    I wish I knew how to photoshop. I would love to do a photo of me and JZ or Uncle Mac with me!


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...