Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kirsten Storms Tweets!!

Everyone has been thinking about Kirsten since she's been out and hoping she's well and she'll be returning soon to the show. This is her tweet from last night:

 I hope everyone is having a great holiday season w/the ones they love...fingers crossed you'll see more of me after the New Year!! ;)

You can follow her on Twitter @teenystweeting 
here's hoping we see her soon!  


  1. Thank You Karen for sharing that with us. I don't tweet, so when you share it means soo much!!

  2. I am SO HAPPY she finally said something. Her PR person should have gotten something out awhile ago, imo. Just like "thank you for the well wishes". It's been so scary not knowing ANYTHING.

  3. Karen, I just appreciate you share twitter comments to those of us who don't tweet.
    You ROCK!

    I also can't help but wonder if KS return has anything to do with the new writing/changes at GH.
    Whichever, glad she is healthy and returning to us!

  4. I also do not twitter or tweet! :O)
    so really appreciate the updates.......

  5. I honestly think she's been too ill to work. I think the plan was always to bring her back. I really like Jen Lilley because I think she's working so hard to do a good job with the part.Miss Kirsten though. It would be funny to somehow have like 2 Maxies.

  6. Jen has done a bang up job...
    Still I want KS back.

    I may be off for a bit...my mom is very sick, and has been in a nursing home. She just had a heart attack and went back to the hospital. I will check in when I can.

  7. I am so sorry to hear about your mom Cents; I will be sending all my best wishes your way.

  8. Thank You Adora. This is so hard for me.
    She is doing a little better, she wants to go home. Which is fine.
    That is where she should be at this point if the Dr can't do anymore for her.

    All of your kind words warms my heart. More than you know.

  9. My2cents...will be thinking of you and your mom. Are you nearby to her or do you need to travel?

  10. My prayers and thoughts are with you.

  11. Thank You for your thoughts. My mom was at the rehab up the street and she was rushed to the hospital late last night. Its all close to me.

    I just was there and she looked good. I can't help but wonder if the therapy is too much for her?
    Her lungs are failing, and they work you hard at rehab. Maybe she should come home where she is comfortable after she gets released from the hospital instead of going back to rehab.
    All I know is that I never lost a parent (I am lucky) and this is overwhelming to me.

    Thank You my friends for your kind thoughts. I need them. xoxoxoo

  12. Does anyone else find it weird that a person uses a message board to garner sympathy?

  13. Does anyone else think its ignorant to hide behind the name Anon and be so cruel to someone who is going thru such a horrible time.
    Sympathy? No its called compassion. And the people on this board that show it to me today, are genuine.

    Doesn't your ignorance get in the way of your day to day life????

  14. Sending positive thought your way, Cents, hang in there. The regulars know this is more than a "message board", so just ignore the ignorance!

  15. My2Cents, so sorry for all you are going through with your Mom, my thoughts and well wishes are with you and your family.

  16. Sometimes Anonymous is synonomous with Ignoramous.

    My2cents...it is overwhelming. I've been there. You have to be the mother now, basically. It's not easy but you can handle it.

  17. I am really upset that anyone would take the time to be so cruel to a person that all regular readers of this blog are familiar with and who is going through such a difficult time.

    I wish I could just delete the comment from your brain Cents. I am glad that you at least realize that our comments to you are sincere. I think hiding behind the anonymous shield has kept them from understanding the connections you start to feel by talking to people who you share common interests with on a daily basis.

    I've not had to deal with the loss of a parent in life yet, and it remains one of my greatest fears, so my advice may very well not be sound. Bringing her home and watching her slow decline is sure to be very hard on you and there is a lot to consider if you make that decision. Are you capable of dealing with her medical needs, or well off enough to make sure that someone is? My instinct is to say take her home if it's something you think can be managed, but there are too many factors involved for an uninvolved party to claim to know the answer. People can vary greatly in circumstances like this. Some people can't bear the thought of loved ones watching their health decline and other just want to be comfortable as long as they can. Some people feel they can't bear to watch a person they love suffer and others feel an obligation to do everything they can to make their loved ones comfortable and be by their side. None of these reactions are wrong in any way. You need to weigh the kind of person your mother is against the constant emotional strain you would be under bringing her home. I don't think there is an easy path at this time.

    I will be sincerely wishing that you find the strength to identify what is the right path for you and your mom. No matter what any nasty trolls may fling your way, you will remain in the hearts of the identifiable regulars on the board. I am sending a world of strength you way, I hope it reaches you!

    Please don't forget to take care of yourself during all of this!

  18. WOW. Ant Joan, Love4dogs, Adora, Mama, Aubrey what beautiful kind and loving words and thoughts from all of you. xoxo
    We thought she had a heart attack, as the facility she was at suggested that, but at the hospital they confirmed she did not.
    Her lungs have failed her. She is on oxygen 24/7 and in rehab. Rehab is too much for her. She needs to go home and live out her days there.
    Of course this is pulling my family apart instead of together. Just not a good time right now. Yet it is a part life we all have to face at one time.

    As far as all the Anons that came out of the closet, some I understood, some I did not. I can tell you I have been my2cents since the beginning of time here, and I have gone under the name JAQ at times as well. The rest of the the mumble jumble I didn't understand, however, I don't have the energy to understand such ignorance right now.
    I went to a site yesterday and saw that a animal named Tealita had found a post of mine on a question & answer forum about computers. She took the link and posted it on a forum. That was enough proof of harrassment, and the police are now watching her. (In her state) Daytime Confidential is well aware of her behavior and complaints and she is being watched their as well. She wouldn't dare post over there what she did here, they would throw her off. And she knows it. So she now found a new home to spread her hatred/ignorance. While Karen allows it, she is here to stay!
    I do apologize for the Anons coming here and hiding behind who they are. There are some very disturbed people in this world. I do know that most of these blog sites would never allow her behavior, so now she found a site that will, so I am afraid she will not go away soon.
    'Sometimes Anonymous is synonomous with Ignoramous'.
    Well said 4dogs!!!! lol

    Now lets talk GH. Why is Liz at Shadybrook if not to manipulate Lucky?? Liz is mad and hurt, but Shadybrook?? Though once I took a look at Ewan, I thought about checking into Shadybrook! YUMMY!

    NOT liking Maggie. aka LJ. I especially detest scenes with her and Patrick. How tacky to replace one Lisa for another with Patrick!

    Mulva...there is alot more to the story than meets the eye. I think she should go put her cop outfit back on and pull her hair back. She was easier to hate!
    Who is she? And who is her husband?
    Is her husband in Chicago? The weather is the same in Chicago than it is in NY. So why would he go somewhere cold in the wintertime?

    Robin & Jason scenes were touching. When 2 great vets share a scene, it usually doesn't fail to disapoint.

    Again my dear dear sweet good hearted friends, you have begun my day on a better 'note' today. Thank you for your support.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...