Wednesday, December 28, 2011

AND PS. from Today's GH

Just when in the HELL did Michael have the time...and better yet, WHY did he go to New Zealand?? He was gone for what? 2 days? Even in GH time that's stupid. LOL


  1. I don't watch the show but that is beyond ridiculous.

  2. HE went to New Zesland to spread Abby's ashes in a field that she cut a picture out of a magazine (remember the purple flowers he was searching for with Carly?) It's a place she wanted to go one day b/c she thought it looked like heaven.... but the timing was indeed unrealistic

  3. I just wish we would have seen the scene where Michael saw Jax!!!

  4. OFF TOPIC..anyone hear anything about NuKristina?? Wasn't she suppose to start back at Christmas? Read a few rumors for January, and there was no mention of her.

  5. I heard Michael mention NZ yesterday, and didn't know what he meant, then, when he later spoke about going for Abner, I remembered why he went, but couldn't figure out WHEN he went, you all are right, it makes no sense.

  6. Michael might as well have spread her ashes in the harbor for as much attention as they paid to this storyline! why dont they have actual funerals on this show?? and where is her family?? her 18 year old bf gets her body???

  7. Apparently there is no NuKristina right now. Still hoping and praying for Lexi's return - even if it is just to escort Nathan off of GH!

  8. Sonya, that would have been great to have Michael see Jax. These idiots don't have a clue as to how to do anything right. That's why we have absolutely no drama.

  9. I heard Lexi may come back now that the new writers are on board!!!

    The lavender field thing, I had NO IDEA that was in NZ. NONE. LOL.. and I payed attention to that whole thing. To have had him go to NZ, "see" Jax, spread her ashes in 2 days? STUPID... and really weird.

  10. I am thinking old Kristina may just be back. Remember folks, with the new writers on board, we are going to see alot of choppy unexplained scenes this month. I don't believe they want to start anything to big when it is going to get axed.
    There will have to be a 'write-off' for Ethan. Robin just may stay yet........Do NOT see her dying. Worse scenerio she goes to another country for new therapy.
    Dr Steve, Maggie, Papa Z have been supposingly in this drug/Jake story for 6 months now. Still nothing is being shown.
    We have some kind of trauma this week at the NYEves party. I read it last a few days. A few days to them could be weeks for us!

    Abby had no friends but hookers. GH isn't going to put on a show of all hookers to attend her funeral. Still they wrote her off fast.

    Waiting on Ol come back. Yes maybe it will be to escort Ethan off.

  11. LindaV said...Sonya, that would have been great to have Michael see Jax. These idiots don't have a clue as to how to do anything right. That's why we have absolutely no drama.
    Yeah it would have been great to have Michael see Jax and we get to see it!! GH used to be great with drama! Come on writers damn!

  12. I think that scene may have been cut with Michael seeing Jax.

    Just like alot of stuff with Abby was cut.

    We saw NO sign of Alexis during the holidays. Something had to be cut there as well.

    Cut cut, chop chop

  13. Yup...GH is worse than a food processor; chop, slice, dice. Lante suddenly ended up in NYC the other day (never saw the Ground Zero visit) and now Michael is suddenly back from New Zealand. Of course they weren't going to show any burial scenes for Abby. They didn't even show any for Jake. Scrubs also had a Thanksgiving celebration we never saw. We just suddenly saw Matt with some hat on his head which Emma made and heard him talking about the celebration. Total swiss cheese with the scenes! Budgets must be in dire straits!

    I would imagine the changing of the guard will result in a lot of changes overall. If Ethan is going, then why bring Krissy back? Just leave her at Yale. I think it is anyone's guess as to what we'll actually see happening with storylines and also comings/goings. The latest crop of comings/goings have Spinelli getting written out and Ethan going. So, who knows if they will go ahead with that. For the viewers, this is going to be more dizzying than a New Year's hangover!

  14. I'm hoping that by Valentine's Day I will either be kissing Cartini or kissing GH goodbye!

  15. Anonymous said...I'm hoping that by Valentine's Day I will either be kissing Cartini or kissing GH goodbye!
    Cartini? Who or what is that? :)


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...