Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sunday Surgery: Crash Cart

My hubby calls what's happening at GH  a "re-org"...they have them at Xerox all the time. Managers and VPs switch around, take over--change things hoping for for a new outcome. 
Well, welcome to our re-org. 

You know I'm a champion of the greatest soap I see right now on TV: OLTL. You also know I love the  writing of Ron C. To have him come over WITH the same EP that did that soap? :THUD: I can't quite wrap my head around it. Guza,  JFP, Frons and  Co. had a hold on GH for so long it's not fathomable what could happen. ANYTHING can happen. ANYTHING.
Ah, that so intrigues me!! There's been a boys-town attitude at the show forever. Women are shrews, abused and shoved into stupid situations daily. Yes, OLTL has their share of strippers, gold  diggers and victims but they somehow have a brain and great character. I can only hope it translates to GH. Don't let FV's statement fool you, he doesn't want to alienate the fans of GH by suggesting huge changes now. They'll work with the frame and then tweek.  I'm also not a fool, to save GH it's going to take a giant act of mother nature. Period-- with Couric coming? We can only hope one of the newer shows in the daytime fails.

 There is also going be endless speculation on who's staying and going. Will any OLTL characters be brought over (or actors)??  Wishlists will be all over. I'm sure I'll have mine-- but my biggest wish? That GH gets back to constant, fluid, great STORYTELLING. Everything else? Window decoration. We know there are awesome actors at the ready. Let's get cooking on some great stuff. 

The new team is officially coming in January, meaning by Feb sweeps we'll see the big changes. In the meantime, there are going to be a lot of anxious actors on the set of GH.  Old favorites might not be getting the 78,000 hours of airtime as they have in the past. On OLTL the character integration is phenomenal.  There's going to be a lot of budget cutting and fat-trimming as well. It's almost like we'll be watching and waiting for 2 whole months knowing it all could be changed or gone. 

FRONS is out!! . In a span of 7 months Guza, Jill and now Frons have left the ABC daytime canvas.  Why it didn't happen a couple of years ago is beyond me. We know the damage that's been done. I don't even think GH is slated to be on a lot of fall schedules. Then again, if a miracle happens and it gets ratings rivaling Y&R?? Who knows... we could all hunt down the Nielson boxers and force them to watch.  

SCENES OF THE WEEK: I had to go with two...Robin on the bridge and Monica's freak out with Pat, Steve then  Luke.  Kim was stellar and Leslie was back in her bitchy Monica days. Ah, it was glorious to watch.

NOT the SCENE OF THE WEEK: ugh.. Carly blabbering her mouth off to Shawn about..well, absolutely nothing. 
 EVEN Shawn wanted her to shut up:

Bitch, please.

The whole SKate in the hotel, out of the the hotel stuff was boring too. I loved how they left and then came back to talk about it-- we never saw ANY of it!! LOL.. Tomorrow Sonny will be inside his House O'Pain!! We know Maurice will be great, but revisiting this so far along when it's been done, done, done and without Mike Corbin? Oy.
In the Future: Looks Like LuLu and Dante are getting hitched the week of Dec. 19th with Olivia and Sonny looking on. Awwww. Think Luke will make it? Anyone from Lulu's side? Ethan is going to get trapped in Wyndemere. Liz will be wandering around Shadybrook. Franco should get shot by Jason. 
Have a good one! I am hoping this week is a bit calmer on the soapie front. I could use the rest!


  1. PS that is a real photo of a real crash cart drawer!! LOL

  2. Why they didn't get rid of these clowns years ago?? Because they were such 'high up' people, one has to give them a chance. Or two. Or three.
    My only question remains the same.
    How is this going to influence the continuation or end of GH? We won't know yet. But I do believe things will get better. They can't get worse, rock bottom has been hit, there is no place to go but up. But is it too late?

    Best scenes were Uncle Mac & Robin.
    Second best was Monica slapping Luke. (not sure she has room to do that though)

    Worse scenes. Hard to say since I ff thru them. Guessing I would have to say anything Carly & Shawn, Sonny & Bensonhurst.
    As a sudden big fan of NuKate, I can only say she is good, but not as Kate Howard. Kate Howard, whoever she is, would never SNIFF after Sonny like this.

  3. I'm going to start recording again next wk and see what they put out--i only watch if i hear the show is fabu on a particular day otherwise I delete. I'm happy with what has happened and will wait and see. I'll turn GH back on and watch live if they clean it up.
    My wish is that they start now to rectify a lot of the problems. I'm hoping they give EW a terrific s/l and no LS or jm--get rid of Franco he was boring from the jump. I won't miss JJ sorry L&L2 lovers he didn't fit (not that he isn't a good actor but he is no longer right for that part), I will miss KMc--if they are smart they will do exactly what you said spread the wealth in stories and airtime. Personally I'm sick to death of the mob and all the characters surrounding it--they missed a golden opportunity when jm had his surgery and woke up still jm with no JQ integration.
    stop with the newbies use what you have-let Kristina stay off canvas for a yr send Michael out of town with abby and sam and then send sonny looking for them--works for me.

  4. I too have become a fan of nuKate. I still don't like her as much as MW but I do like her. Has anyone else noticed she has sort of adapted that Brooklyn accent that Olivia has? I wonder if that is being more comfortable/herself or just something she is trying...

  5. Anon-- the changes won't even START until Feb at least... these next 2 months will be old stuff. It's going to be like watching Dead Man Walking

  6. Ok so I will admit, I am not a General Hospital guru or anything, but my wife loves the heck out of the show, so I thought I would throw a bit of info out there regarding a new, cool way you can stay up-to-date with the latest episodes and clips. If you missed the last episode, or just want to catch a bit of GH to satisfy your cravings, there is a cool new website designed just for you. features thousands of clips, episodes and more for DISH subscribers. I found it through work at DISH, and it's a great way to check out a clip of any number of shows to see if you'd like it, or to get caught up in case you missed this week's episode!! Ace of Cakes, General Hospital, Dancing with the Stars and more are just a few of the featured shows. With Sling Technology, you can also watch LIVE TV on your computer, or set and watch DVR recordings!! It is a very cool site, and will save you a ton of time pre-checking shows before you actually watch the whole thing on TV!! Check out for more info!

  7. If FV & RC are both starting in Jan, won't there be a lapse where FV is working off scrips already written/supervised by GW? It'll take a few extra weeks for RC's scripts to start, won't it? Unless RC has already started with the writers or something. If not, then it won't be a simultaneous transition (not that you've said it would be). There's always a lag there, for scripts to be written, approved, distributed, then filmed.

  8. As a HUGE OLTL fan, and therefore a huge fan of RC, I will start watching GH again in February. I will not turn it on any sooner. I would not do this when GW took over because Frons was still in the picture and I knew there would be no changes. With Frons gone, and knowing RC's work,I am optimistic that GH will change for the better- God knows it can't get much worse.

    RE: the picture of LW- notice Carly is still sneering. That constant sneer was part of the reason I stopped watching GH...

  9. BIG LAPSE between now & February.
    HOPE for the best, EXPECT the worse until then.

  10. I'll start watching in February. Not before. I hope the new regime gives GH a decent ending.

  11. I'm still grieving OLTL so it is hard for me to feel great about any of this...but it really is good news for GH. Except where will I get my Ted King fix, or my Jerry verDorn fix? Maybe Jerry could show up as a canny businessman trying to put ELQ out of business. He's such a good, warm, likable actor, even when he's supposed to be a schemer.
    How I'll miss Viki and Blaire and Tea. Even Todd. I can see John McBaine fitting in, though.

    I want to see good stories for Nancy Lee and Rebecca. I hope nice things can happen for these two excellent actors. I can't see Ron writing for Tony G, just not his style, this bad boy gone worse. Maybe he can get Luke back to the real Luke, but I doubt it can be done now. And I cannot imagine how Sonny can remain front and center all the time--this crude, misogynistic, under-educated criminal/killer as romantic hero? It was a strain even for Guza to pretend he was a hero.
    Ron could write well for Lucky and Lulu, but so much damage has been done to the whole show...what a mammoth job for any writer to take on.

  12. bob...yes, I said the changes won't be until Feb Sweeps I'm thinking

  13. I did not watch OLTL so this Bree person is new to me. Based on her picture I find she looks a lot like Becky (Liz). Way back when there was a rumor of Liz's sister Sarah making her way back to Port Charles. If "Bree" is coming to GH perhaps she could be cast as Sarah Webber as opposed to another mob-centric character a la Gina.

    That said, if Gina gives JE (Tracey) a story of her own, seperate from Luke then I could look forward to that. Personally however I'd rather have Tracey and Jax in a storyline together...not romantically, either as business partners or business rival.

  14. I would LOVE for Jessie to come to GH..however, I just don't see that happening until GH decides if they are coming or going. jmo

  15. Per December 9th Entertainment Weekly: Brian Frons says, "Daytime viewers are saying that if they are going to give us an hour a day, we need to give them something that is going to improve thir lives. A daytime show that can sell cookbooks or offer online weight-loss tips is much better than, say, a soap opera that doesn't."

  16. Maybe his idiotic comments like that are what got him fired!

  17. I hope the sucker can only get a job at a 7/11

  18. Hopefully with this change we will get some good storytelling during GH's Swan Song. The End Game was to destroy AMC-OLTL-GH, and Frons and his hatchet team were successful. They moved on to to their next victim. So sad; I have been watching GH since 1975, as a kid. I hope GH survives. I am boycotting the other crap they are putting on now, and even though I like Katie Couric, I won't watch her if GH disappears.
    My sister used to go to Super Soap Weekend, every year,and then one year,she said, "Disney says this is the last one." Maybe that is when ABC knew they were dumping our beloved soaps.

  19. Unfortunately Mr.Frons doesn't need a job!

  20. They could make it a night-time soap, like DHW's. Once a week is better then nothing.

  21. I just hope that beyond wishing for GH to continue, the new regime lets it go out with a bang, like OLTL. I would really hate after all these years to have it all end with most viewers not too unhappy to see it go.

  22. I don't know what to think anymore. Reading daytime one would think there may be hope up ahead!


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...