Welcome to DAYTIME FANS UNITE!...DAYTIME FANS UNITE was created for and supported by Martha Byrne. It is also supported by many other soap stars past and present and behind the scenes people. This page is concentrating on uniting all soap fans as one! The soap fans NEED to be heard and what better way than through positive energy. Our main goal is to let everyone know that soaps still matter to us and to show how many fans we can unite together. Our goal is to get 100K LIKES on the page as we work together in the efforts to SAVE OUR SOAPS!
If you're on Facebook give it a look. Hit the link.
Save the few soaps that are remaining or to bring back what has been lost?
ReplyDeleteI "LIKED" that FB page weeks ago and click on it eveeryday. Its a great site-photos, memories,reminiscing and a big effort to save the soaps, the genre!!!