Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Richard Simms Pens Book!

Just in time for your Christmas list and now available on Kindle. 

Richard has  written a book that will surely tickle your funny bone and have you thinking about all those nasty people devoid of manners. 
In his funny, fast-paced and most definitely furious first book, Simms  looks inside himself and, to be fair, at all of us in hopes of answering these questions. Better still, he offers common-sense solutions that just might make us think as well as laugh. Pick up “Crimes Against Civility” for the nipping-rather-than-biting social commentary and out-of-left-field pop-culture name-dropping, then stay for the subtext. A book may not be able to change the world, but if it’s very good (and this one is), it might at least change your mind. 

Richard is on howrudeareyou.com , hosts weekly podcasts and is active on twitter. @howrudeareyou Richard is also editor of Soaps In Depth.

To order just go through Amazon and hit the Kindle addition and you can read it on your Kindle or laptop/computer on the Cloud! The link will be on Wubs Net later today as well. Enjoy!


  1. He's the editor for Soaps In Depth and is on twitter. He's pretty funny..


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...