Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday: I needed a Xanax.

 PHEW! What a day! My car didn't start and I had a blood pressure episode!! LOL. I have not had a car not start since I was like 22 years old and driving clunkers. Or left the lights on. Had to call a tow truck guy who figured it was the battery and jumped it. No idea why. This is the same car that had it's wipers fail 2 weeks ago. ;/ Forester---Subaru. Not making me happy. I had Outbacks for 20 years with not one problem? Just got this last May. Booooooooo. 

Anyway, now that that's over, it's time for NEWS!! Geesh, the All My Children "may be canceled" news is all over the net and twitter. Even the actors are wondering what's up! The magazines are mum. We'll have to wait and see! 

OLTL: I so love David and Dorian! I want them to have a spin-off on TV Land!

GENERAL HOSPITAL: It was another hard day to watch. I am glad for the organ talk--it's so needed in the world. I don't think it should be Joss' kidneys because it came from left field. It could have been any kid down the hall. 

Such great performances today-- all the actors on GH got kudos. I especially loved the touch with Nikolas going to Luke, should have been Bobbie but--eh. Nikolas was a good one too.

They called Monica over the PA system. Idiots. That's such a slap! LOL  She needs to BE THERE, not being called over the PA system... there are so many people missing from this.

Laura Wright and Becky Herbst were great.  It's all moving so fast isn't it?? Really fast.

Why not have Maxie and Mac talk to Liz about donation?? Where are they? Why are Dante and SAM heading this 'investigation'.??!! 

This was a great show acting wise. Story arc is a fail. FAIL, Fail. 

 Wubber David wrote me a long email about visions for GH and I wanted to share this bit with you all:
Oh, one more. Audrey comes back for 2 days. She announces her character retirement and they have a big going away for her (and Rachel) with a big party in the Lobby. They rename a wing the "Steve and Audrey Hardy Wing". Before she leaves she has a box of stuff from her office. In it is a photo of Emily (Nurse Jesse), Steve Bernardino and Rachel. She takes it and walked behind the nurses station and puts it on a shelf. Then as she walked out, she turns around, a montage has the nurses she's worked with over the years, and she waves to her granddaughter Liz behind the desk and walks out.....

FUN STUFF: I think that this Gossary of GH terms from 2007 is a HILARIOUS read. Even after 4 years, it holds up. 

STUPID SHEEZE: There's a rumor out there that there may be a newbie coming from Dante's past. This had better be BS.

TWITTER STUFF: Got a RT today from GEORGE!! Heh, he asked us to make a "Frankenstein"-- 

I said: Cheney's head, Omorosa's body, Justin Bieber's old hair, Glen Beck's brain and 'Elaine's" dance moves


  1. Very Powerful day..better than yesterday by far. So why can't we have more writing like this on a regular basis?

  2. I always like sam and dante, I don't get it why today's scenes bothererd you so muych.

  3. I am bothered because there was No Mac in the scenes. No Tracy...no Monica. No Audrey... Liz never said goodbye to Jake. Lucky never even mentioned Laura. Where was Lulu?
    I'm sorry, I expect more from my soap than this minimal bullshit they call a story.

  4. Dear anonymous
    because Sam is not a cop!!she would not have access to the info MAINLY because she is a suspect!!!sheesh sloppy sloppy writing there, Nan

  5. I agree Karen. It feels rushed. So choppy. And L&L not saying goodbye but hovering by the door screamed that TPTB didn't wanna pay the kid to lay there. Some of the best BJ scenes were Tony and Bobbie saying goodbye. Not hovering in the hallway...

  6. I think I may have figured this out.

    If Bobbie was there for Carly, she could have looked down at Joss, teary-eyed, and then there would be a flashback to the BJ story so we see that Bobbie would know what Carly and Liz are feeling and going through.

    But then the viewers would know that Guza is a hack and that this isnt an original, brilliant storyline that he is trying to pass on us. We are supposed to believe that this is creative and original. It's not. And while the acting is very very good, the writing is a piece of... (expletive deletive)

    I realize that finances probably kept Monica and Bobbie away from the canvas, but it is also highly plausible that Guza is hell bent on keeping this story autonomous and in his mind, 1994 didnt exist.

    My 2 cents...

  7. Sam not only is not a cop but also is the significant other of the biggest mobster in town. Gee, let's let the mobsters son & the other mobsters lover "work" a case. Stupid & unbelievable even with soap standards.I would rather have it be mac and a even a newbie he hires to investigate. Sam need not be anywhere near that child, sorry.
    Yes Liz has made many many mistakes (disgusting ones at that) but never would she threaten a child. Never. So for me to even fathom her having a replacement with jason I could vomit.

  8. Karen, did you hear the rumor that Becky has been approached w/ some "enticing offers" from two different shows (I assume soaps)?

    If true, think she'd leave? I sure would...

    GH was OK today. Becky, JJ, SBu, and LW saved it for me! Great acting as usual. Becky made me tear up after she slapped Jason and told him off. I so felt and understood her pain.

  9. They keep it up it will be GH cancelled not AMC

  10. I think there was no good bye scene with jake, is because FRANCO has him. I really hope RH has other job offers. she is too good for general mobster.

  11. I honestly think they don't have Jake showing because the boy is still really young and there was no way they could keep him still as death.
    At least have them come out the door saying they just said goodbye to him though..

  12. Brenda's son is alive... his name is Lucian.

  13. Can someone explain something for me. I have been watching GH for a number of years. I remember that when Jason became brain damaged in the auto accident caused by a drunk AJ, he lost all his emotions which is why he is such a good hit man for Sonny. Has history been rewritten again or did I miss something?????

  14. David's vision that you shared is priceless. That's what good stories are made of.

    This is all probably being manufactured so Joss has an excuse to act out when she's older, like Maxie did/does. As if being Carly's daughter isn't enough.

    Not having Gram, Bobbie, Monica is disgusting.

  15. I just watched yesterday's episode (I wasn't home yesterday) and yes it was flawed but my Gosh those actors are sooo good! They really made me cry!
    I can't believe anyone would blame Sam, even if she made huge mistakes in the past. In the past. Nobody (not even Liz) is perfect and none of this is Sam's fault. I'm sorry to say this because this is clearly a pro- Liz blog, but I'm trying to be objective here, Sam and Siobhan behaviour was respectful and supportive. I love JaSam and absolutely love LuSh, but I did not want Jake to die nor Joss to be sick. What is sick is that GH would choose to use children in such a tragic storyline...

  16. I think his emotions have slowly come back over the years.

    We get that Sam did that to Liz' kids WE GET THAT. Ok!? OK!!! I personally don't care who Jason was with but GH's history has been forgotten and rewritten a million times. It's not the first.

  17. this in NO WAY shape or Form is "Pro Liz" or "Anti-Sam"..I think fighting over the characters like that is frankly idiotic. I talk about THE WRITING.

  18. I agree, Karen, I've never understood the fighting over characters.

    It all comes down to the writing, which is so bad it's almost comical.

    Laura Wright is a great actress, and damn that woman can cry. She's the best at that since Genie! But OMG I can't take much more of Carly! Her daughter is terminally ill, her bff just lost his child, and she's up on the roof making it all about her. I wanted to reach through the screen and shake her.

    I, too, felt this was rushed. No good bye to Jake, one minute Liz is saying you are not cutting up my child and the next scene she's telling Carly she signed the papers. I hate you, Bob Guza. I really, really hate you.

  19. I could totally get behind a Sam and Dante storyline...then write the couple out...

    I liked that Alexis was part of the storyline today. Micheal and Kristina even mentioned that Alexis had cancer. Guess what...so did Grandma Monica!!!

    I am beginning to REALLY REALLY dislike Kristina.

    I hate but understand GH does not use its vets (Monica, Bobie, etc.) but where are Morgan, Molly and Spinelli. I would love a Molly and Jason scene...or a Molly and Carly scene.

  20. Hmmmm. They certainly made it a point (a few times, even) that Liz could not see Jake before his surgery. How unusual. No goodbye scene was done for Jake. Strange.

    Guza has left the door wide open for yet another body switch, eh?

    Someone get out the Fronkey!

  21. I thought about the body switch possibility but wouldn't Patrick know?? I so wonder if they'd have a "harvesting" organ story and switch some poor kid's body--they'd have to have it pretty warm. I guess it could be that Jake wasn't even hit?

    Hard to do that even for Guza.

  22. I think Kristina can sense something isn't right about Abby. I think in the end her instincts will be correct. Abby probably works for the Balkan or Franco, would be my guess, and Kristina's instincts could be right. JMO

  23. Hi everyone.

    You know what I posted earlier how Guza might be purposely keeping the vets out of this storyline to make it as autonomous as possible from the 1994 story?

    Here is another fact. No Maxie. And you couldnt have the 94 story without her! Where is she?

  24. I just watched GH and I can't believe how PAINFULLY bad it is! I mean Becky's emotion and reactions were the only thing worth watching and even that was poorly written. It's going by so quick you can't get invested (which is hard enough since you haven't seen Liz or Jake in forever!). Carly's an insensitive *itch and should have had to asked Liz for the kidney! I'm SO glad told Jason where to stick it. There are no people it's like the Twilight Zone not a hospital or town. I'm disgusted.

  25. I agree with Carrie. I will start with the best parts to try to keep this positive.
    These actors are doing such a good job. To make me near tears takes a lot of work.
    As for the writing: I do LOVE that it was Lucky that could talk Liz into the organ donation and not Jason. If maybe Jason waited a little big and grieved with Liz, it would have been better, but come on. You could see how much she was still hurting just by talking about him being hooked to life support.
    I also liked the Lucky/Luke/Nik scenes.
    I am really liking this Dante and Sam pairing, though I hate that Sam gets to help Dante with this case. Didn't Mac just tell him that the mob wouldn't help the PCPD anymore and vice versa? Yes, Sam is not in the mob, but her boyfriend is!!!

    Now for what I didn't like.
    Carly: Didn't even go to Liz herself. She went to Jax and Dr. Jackson and said, hey, Jake's DAD said we can have it. We need to get a test now to see if they are a match. Shouldn't Dr. Jackson still gotten permission from Liz and Lucky BEFORE he got the sample?
    Next, about Carly. On the roof she said it was Jason that saved Josslyn.NO, Carly. IT was Liz and Lucky and Jake that saved your kids life. You should be on your hands and knees to Liz and I still want to see a scene between these women!!!
    Sam: "I take Lexington because it is not that busy and there are no lights." Really, not that busy? Obviously everyone else thinks so since there were so many people on that road at that time!
    Liz: She wasn't even on in the last two segments!! Really. Lots of Lucky, lots of Carly, lots of Jason. No Liz. This would have been a good time to show her walking in Jake's room before they took him off life support.
    And to add onto that...Why didn't we get the scenes where Liz and Lucky finally decided to do the organ donation and sign the papers. Those could have been some really powerful scenes.

    I really hate doing all this ranting when the actors do such a good job, but the holes are ridiculous and when I should be all in the scenes, I get angry in the back of my mind because the writing just wasn't working.
    I'm just glad that I am not the only one that feels this way!

  26. I actually do understand people arguing over characters. I feel everyone has characters that they like or dislike. Even your favorite character may display qualities you dislike. I think if the portrayal of characters is great then it should draw the viewer in and incite thoughts and feelings. To the actors, I say kudos. The fighting over Liz/Sam is nothing new to GH as I am a longtime viewer and can remember the fighting over Monica/Leslie. Monica had slept with Leslie webber's husband and again it was good girl against bad girl scenario. I think people will always choose sides and can sometimes relate to these characters because of our own life experiences.
    The character of Carly continues to upset me because she again refuses to see that Liz is the one who saved joss, not jason. I think the fact that she is not respectful of Liz's loss speaks volumes about her poor character.I sadly think she will bad mouth Liz even after this sacrifice and GH will not have a character stand up against Carly ( given that jason rarely stands up to Carly ).
    I think because I am upset about the poor treatment of Liz's character ( bad writing ) , I feel the need to defend her. I still feel short changed by the very little interaction between Liz and jake, and Liz and Jason. I was happy with her honest outburst today with Jason.

  27. I get that Josslyn needs the kidney but Carly was like a vulture on roadkill. Literally. It made me sick. She didn't even get the three parents a moment to grieve. I thought that L&L2 were going to be there when Jake was taken off life support? strange.

  28. Acting: superb
    Writing: crap

  29. I have not watched Tuesday's episode. It is on my dvr. I had planned on watching through this week, and then ending it. But now, reading these posts, why bother?

  30. Even Alexis and Jax looked way more heartbroken about Liz losing her son. Jax was just about to ask how's Elizabeth until Carly interrupted about grabbing Jakes "spare parts." And Jax said it is hard to feel good about something that came from a tragedy for his friends.
    Best lines of the show:
    Liz: Why did it have to be Jake?
    Lucky: I don't know

    Nobody knows....

  31. Carly made me sick, and the fact that Jake was sacrificed for one of her kids was even worse. She was all over Jason for saving Joss' life, but Liz and Lucky saved her - they were the legal parents. Becky, JJ and Steve B. were phenomenal. How TPTB ever even considered letting Becky go is beyond me. I agree - acting A+, writing D-. If Liz needs a new love interest how about bringing back a changed Rick - Rick Hearst is never even seen on B&B anymore.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...