Wednesday, March 2, 2011
The Princess Bride Awakes!!
NEW SCOOPS ARE UP and wait until you see when Lucky and Siobhan are getting married!! Cloggin' they are. Alas, it looks like the BJ/Maxie story is going to be redux. Too bad Bobbie, Tony, Felicia and Frisco are ALL OFF the show for any historical impact.
Sam's deafness is represented by tubular bells!! ahahaha. The scenes with the Davis girls were priceless!! So cute.
Theo won't tell Suzy where Brenda is. The dialog between Jules and Brenda was SOOOOOOO cheesy, it was so Batman. Zing! The butler (Jules) wants to be a knife-thrower!! ahahhahahaaa. (head back laughing) If I were Brenda and was told a body switch was happening, I would have asked WHO the body was he put in the limo!!
Molly freaks out over Shawn's pillow fight. LOL.. I don't know why it just cracked me up.
I'm tired of Lisa. There...they just pushed it and pushed it too far.
Nikolas and Booke Lyn ugh... what a slow moving dull story.
Why did they bother having Franco on for those two pitiful scenes? I mean-- really. What a waste. Was it JUST because of the Oscars? If so... why didn't they film a bit more? Monday's phone call was stupid. IT's not like they used his GH stint to promote the Oscars. I just don't get it. Jason didn't even mention it to anyone. Bizarre.
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My Ankle!!
Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...
Meredith Baxter This morning it was announced that television icon Meredith Baxter will be taking over the role of Monica Quartermaine....
Well, ratings are out. So much for getting rid of Dan and Chris!!! How'd that work out for ya? You see my friends, it's not ONLY T...
Up and down week for me when it came to enjoyment. It seemed like things were shuffled up wrong in the editing room and it made me scratch...
What's so wrong about them getting married on St. patrick's day? It really is a big deal for Irish citizens...
ReplyDeleteDo you think it's true Liz and Jax will bond after Jake/Jss storyline and eventually fall in love?Poor Carly...
ReplyDeleteI can't really see them working (they do share the fact they're boring, though...) but hey, whatever keeps Liz away from Lucky and Jason sits well w/ me! Plus, it would be nice to see Jax and Liz move on to someone new and have a decent s/l. They're great actors, btw, and both veterans, they should definitely be onscreen more....
I didn't say anything was WRONG with it at all!! I want to celebrate it...but it will come when Jake is hit so celebrating seems mean.
ReplyDeleteSo, there are going to be multiple people on the road when Jake gets hit...hmm. Where did I see this before...When Sam was hit, when Kristina's boyfriend was hit...Geez. Get a new storyline!
ReplyDeleteI don't like this storyline anyway. Why kill off another Quartermaine? Just so Sam can have Jason ALL to herself? I would love for Sam to have a kid (especially, right after she almost got blown to smitherines!!). maybe a little girl and her and Jake can have a little sister.
If they must have Jake hit, lets have him live instead. Thus, reveiling him a Quartermaine and then Monica and Edward can finally bond with their (great) grandson...
Really? A maxie/bj redo? why cant they come up with something original? the first time was tasteless, so why not kill off another kid? i guess sonny can just repopulate good old port chuck some more! get some real writing already!
ReplyDeleteI am sick to death about this story of Jake. Is it not enough that Liz gets no airtime? Is it not enough that they crushed the fans hopes of a liason wedding? Is it not enough that jason now isn't even shown with Jake or Liz? (oh sorry, they had one scene in the past what 15 months?)Is it not enough that because of Sam jake was threatened as an infant & kidnapped? I guess not. Instead they want to ruin any attachment Liason has. This was the one thing Liason fans could hold onto was that they created a child. Why not just make him lucky's instead of killing him?
ReplyDeleteI will always always believe that making Jason Jake's father has been the stupidest, most absurd thing GH has ever done! There has never been any point to it except to have the poor kid kidnapped and now possibly killed. Then again, has there ever been any purpose to any of the kids Elizabeth has had? They impregnate her and then all she does is talk about the double shifts she has to work in order to "make ends meet" And Lucky is no better as a father than Jason! Seriously, when was the last time Lucky even saw Cam and Jake?
ReplyDeleteIt is a pitiful attempt by Guza to try to recreate stories already written by previous writers because that bafoon wouldn't know an original idea if it walked up and slapped him in the face!
As for Franco the character ....couldn't care less! He comes, he goes....whatever. When he's not around, I think nothing about him. When he is, I listen and then move on to the next scene.
I totally agree ANON. Why can't us Liason fans have one thing that will forever be Jason/Liz? We will obviously never have them toegether as a couple, so keep Jake alive!!
ReplyDeleteDori, GH hardly ever shows anybody parenting their kids. Every once in a while we get the token scene of Carly and Jax with Joss, but that is because Carly MUST be on our screen at least four out of five days per week. But with that, Morgan was supposedly at home with a broken leg and instead of being with him, Carly was all over town sneering at Brenda and Dante. We are supposed to believe that Lucky spends his Thursday evenings with Cam and Jake, but when have we ever seen it? When was the last time we saw Nik with Aiden? And we are supposed to care when the big reveal comes that Lucky is really Aiden's father? And by the way, where is Spencer? Next time we see him, he'll be 16 and running away from bording school! Even if Jason was revealed as Jake's father, we would never see them together, so really, what's the difference?
ReplyDeleteOLTL manages scenes in which the main characters actually interact with their children in a positive manner. Imagine that!
And I honestly believe that if they do go ahead and kill Jake off, which it certainly looks like they are going to do, it may be it for me and GH. If Guza is willing to go this far to force the fans into backing JaSam, then I think enough is enough. It can be the JaSam/Sonny show and nobody will be watching it...
I'm sooo disgusted. For one by a couple of comments on here (clear anti-Liz supports), and GH's great big epic child-killing plan.
ReplyDeleteFirst thing's first though. Hi Karen, I love you on twitter and love your blog. But I just need to know one thing. Do you dislike Liz and love Sam, or what? It's totally fine whatever the answer, but I just need to know because I need to categorize people. I need Liz support lol, it seems very bleak these days. And I find myself deciphering between your posts and tweets on if it was sarcastic, anti-Liz or pro-Sam driven, whatever. THIS IS NOT A DIG towards you. LOVE you. Just need to know.
@2nd Anon, Do you not remember Liz and Jax had a story before? She was pregnant w/ his child through surrogacy. Also, their protrayers, yes IR and RH, dated before in the past. They can work. But as for boring, that's opinion and a little biased coming from who I assume you're a fan of, but I respect it.
Onto Jake. I actually don't mind a BJ/Maxie redux. Just not w/ JAKE. GH is in need of an emotional, meaty, human story, instead of the ever so present senseless mob crimes taking the lives of many cherished characters. I say NO to JAKE because this is just wrong. For one, the kid has been through a lot in his 3-4 years of existence. The kid almost died at birth, has been kidnapped twice, almost died in a house fire, almost blown up, was in an accident involving his great grandpa Edward, and got the shaft from his biodad. I can't help but to think he was destined to be killed off from the beginning.
So now what's going to happen? Edward mistakenly and unknowingly due to dementia runs over the great grandson he never knew he had? Monica fins out Jake is her grandson at the hospital as he takes his last breath? Lucky goes into his self-righteous/judgmental mode, berating and blaming Liz for EVERYTHING? Or wait, after his death, Liz allows Carly to use Jake's remains for a sick Joss. But after the fact, Liz finds out it was Carly that killed jake in the first place? SMDH. *sigh*
Welp. Sucks to be a Liz and/or Liason. Girl can't catch a break. I applaud RH for dealing w/ such mess.
We all need to write in about Jake's death. This is awful
ReplyDeleteI feel like I was kicked in the gut.
I just sent an e-mail off to TPTB regarding my disgust over Jake's impending death...
ReplyDeleteIt is very clear that jake will be killed in order to break all ties between Jason and Liz to promote Jason and Sam as a couple. I still remember Frons on soapnet trying to promote jasam in a summer video preview. I new then that they would try and get rid of Liz.
ReplyDeleteI think Liz and Jax would be a smoking hot couple/supercouple. He could give her a beautiful wedding and life. I would love to see Liz make it to Italy like she always dreamed. She and jason always talked about going to Italy together. I would love to see Liz pampered and loved in a real relationship that lasts.
I am sad that the longtime love and friendship Liz shared with Jason will not be honored in the upcoming storyline. There will be no more excuses for Jason/Sam if they fail to capture the "supercouple stardom".
I hope that sense will prevail eventually as ratings will eventually drop after Brenda/Sonny storyline winds down.
Nik and brooklyn pairing is forced and terrible. I just find that they are forcing couples down viewers throats. I recognize that every couple will have some fans but i find many of the couples boring because of lack of romance and committment.
I guess Edward and tracy will be gone from the show totally erasing a veteran family from the show to promote the corinthos clan. Just sad.
@Anonymous #5:
ReplyDeletePlease stop complaining about the lack of Liz's supporters... if that was true, RH would have had to leave GH. Instead, she got her job back. I wish Emily, Georgie, and all the other amazing characters and actors that had to leave this soap had the same amount of supporters RH has....
It's quite funny how it has been constantly stated Jason cannot be domesticated. But, this is extreme. Killing off his only child!!
ReplyDeleteI know Jason can only be a father to Sonny and Carly's kids...however how ridiculous can you become?
Lisa you are right...Frons' need to constantly promote Jasam has become sad. They don't know what to do with Sam if she's not paired with Jason. Just tired of repeating this as it has become excessive. How many times must it be said? Will they get a hint? Probably not!
If Jasam get a child if/when Jake dies, this will be the biggest insult to the fans of not only Liason, but Elizabeth and Jason fans also.
Why must Jason's child die? Better yet, why must a child die to begin with? Enough with killing the Quartermaines already!! Fans actually like this family and want to see more of them as their is very little left.
Save the Q's...they are an endangerd species.
Why don't all Jake bocott the day gets hit by a car .This is the most sick heartbreak story line I have ever heard of .Maxi and BJ were older children .Liaison fans need to unite and save Jake .Just so Jason and Sam can have a baby who cares they are destroyed Jason and liz. I still think sam and Ethan two cons would be a great couple .And I like to Sam with lucky .Jason and Sam just don't work GH needs to and get over it and move on . Killind jake is just wrong .Especially after that cute scene in the hospital come on,fix the story line before you screw yourselves forever And the fans
ReplyDeleteSecond to the last Anon: Are you serious? Guza & Co. has never liked Elizabeth. They saved her job to save their ass. Period. Even Robin's portrayer said it perfectly in her lastest ineterview that Karen had a link to: Jason will never be with anyone else other than Sam unless Kemo leaves the show. Most of us don't care anymore if Liz is no longer with Jason. We don't want this Jason, the one who would love the woman that did all the crap she did to his own son. We just don't want Jake to die, Capiche?
ReplyDelete@Anonymous #7.
ReplyDeleteThere's a difference between Liz and RH support. That's a character and its portrayer. Many LOVE Becky, but not the character she portrays. All I'm saying is that I need the most Liz support possible, and to know who's w/ me, because these days the character isn't appreciated, being trashed, and shown little support.
Becky got her job back because like the previous commenter said, so ABC can save their ass. Yes her fan support forced their hand,but there's more than Becky fans concerning GH. Many were just in an uproar because she's a legacy character, and her exit made no sense especially in light of what was assumed... leeway and acceptance for the Jasam pairing and baby. Also, because Becky is so loved, many just wanted her to have a job, the job that she loved, the job that was taken away from her. It had very little to do w/ who she played in that instance.
Anon 8, you just got me thinking after mentioning the last scene that Jason had with Jake in the hospital.
ReplyDeleteWhen they were talking about bikes, and Jason said that you (Jake) should always wear a helmet could be a red herring for what's going to happen when the hit & run takes place.
Maybe Jake is riding his bike on the driveway and rides into the road and gets hit but isn't wearing a helmet???
Still a load of BS to kill off a child from 2 legacy families.
Just to point out, someone had posted on this comment thread that Guza can't come up with anything original (unless it has to do with bombs, guns, etc) and recycles great stories from the 90's.
Sometimes I just think, they (90's writers/producers) were just ahead of their time in terms knowing what would be a good story.
Like I said before, Sonny was a good supporting character, not a lead character.
If they wanted to go this route, it would have been more cerebral to have Jason struggle with trying to stay legit and his ties to the mob after his accident as he was a child of legacy family.
Still could have shown the mob, but to a far lesser extent.
Still could have shown the Q's trying to keep Jason from making a mistake.
Obviously after the accident, he was no longer going to be a doctor, but it would have been a nice story to see him pulled into the ELQ fold and struggling with the mob influence and ties to Sonny.
Oh the lost possibilities...