Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Mad are YOU at GH? FAT TUESDAY!

Ok...first of all this pic was tweeted by KeMo today---it's Maurice and his doggie.  I can't remember the dog's name but he made an appearance on The View when he was on. If any of you know it's name post it please!!

I decided to ditch AMC for a long while-- I just lost interest in the show and can't be bothered to watch something that bores me. (GH is an exception because of the WUB site!!)  Yesterday, even with the Tad humor, I just couldn't deal. 

OLTL was awesome today, I liked Rex and Bo!! heh... I think Vickers might be coming back!! I think the Cutter/Dorian thing is inspired! TOO bad GH threw away Monica, Leslie and Bobbie. ;/ idiots.

So, the sheeze is hitting the fan over the Jake news. It's another "event" for GH.  It's not like we ever see the kids anyway. This will happen, we probably won't see Joss again until next year.  Daytime Confidential has a poll up about the whole thing asking if you are still going to watch! VOTE HERE!  
By  the way, I couldn't even find a pic with JJ as Lucky with the kids!!

 HAPPY FAT TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!! Here's your WUB BEADS! Hope you are eating something fun!! Although I am not religious,  I will be giving up bread for lent. I like the idea-- so I'm eating a bunch of pumpernickel tonight! 

BADGER BOB was in the shot today!! Why doesn't Brenda just LIE? Lead the Balkan on a goose chase. Why does Sonny think it's about HIM now?? Geesh!! It's not ABOUT YOU Sonny!!! He also thinks Balkan is doing this for him. First of all the writers are totally turning the key on this. The Balkan could not have known Sonny would survive the limo bomb--ergo, how COULD he torture him? Secondly THIS IS ABOUT BRENDA'S BABY---not Sonny's life!!  ugh, I hate this writing!!!!!!
The idiot butler went back to the Bat Cave?? WHY? Good Lord. He's like a weird Spinelli. If that's even possible.

I am so over Brooke and Nikolas-- anyone else? Liz and Nik were like in 3rd grade at the nurse's desk talking about Brooke. Poor sick people that just wanted to go to GH for some care. Then, Nikolas goes home and Brooke yells "I want to have sex with you TONIGHT" really loud. LOL Quite a hot little scene there. That's the longest sex scene GH has done in awhile--even longer than S&Bs!! LOL

Abby and Michael say the same shit everyday. EVERY time..and always in Kelly's!! LOL. "And my Soul Feels Free" .......:thud: Kittens are crying everywhere. Carly walks in. Where's Shawn? Still at her house? Note we haven't seen Josslyn in FOREVER-- ;/

Lante was on, talking about Brenda and the baby. 

Wow, today's show was ALL OVER the place!!  


Bus Crash--Done.


Brenda Bat Cave--Done

Then everyone will move on to the Joss/Jake story. Then that will be DONE. Nothing ever ties in.


  1. Nick and Brooklyn were just creepy!

  2. Karen, I can't remember JJ being in one scene with both Jake and Cam!

    And as Sonny was on his rant (and throwing barware...), I thought the same thing...Of course he thinks this is all about him! Everything always has to be about Sonny!

  3. Brooklyn acted like she was a virgin! ROFL! Come one Brookie! If you want to have sex with Nik just do it!!! :) And then they do! Man that was hot. :)

  4. didn't JJ and Liz and Nik have a picnic in the backyard or was that with Greg Vaughn too? I remember a kiddie pool

  5. Karen I think it was w/GV..
    JJ's Lucky was not much w/Jake...

    BTW what about Michael's rape reveal?? that was after the bus accident week before the wedding we almost forgot

  6. Karen, there was the hospital scene w/ Liz, Lucky, Siobhan, Cam, and Jake after the "Epic Bus Crash" (RME).

    It's starting to look like Liz is GH's punching bag lol. Poor her...

  7. The Nik/Brook fans are saying they were on fire. God I wish Brook was on fire. I thought the scenes were weird. He walks in on her rambling like some schitzo and apparently instead of shoving her crazy hooker butt in a straight jacket he's turned on by it.

  8. The biggest crime to this whole Jack-Josselyn story is that Bobbie probably isn't going to get one second of airtime. How could they leave her out when she was part of the original BJ-Maxie story and also not to mention, Joss' grandmother.

  9. Oh wow. Jack haha, I'm thinking OLTL. *JAKE.

  10. On the last post karen made an Anon poster suggested Franco kidnap Jake and lead everyone to believe he passed away. That way Jake can come back some day.

    Does this story have to include Carly as well. I mean really?

  11. All the storylines are crap...I haven't watched a full episode since Brenda arrived on the scene. I read the daily breakdown of that days show to see if anything of interest has been shown ...so far nothing...mob related stories and gunfights do not highlight romance. This show has no link to its past characters and anyone that might add some useful background to a story forgotten...it would be nice if Lucky and Liz got back together but then the writers would have to make them the next Steve and Audrey and that would never do because "The Mob" rules...so this crap will go on until there is no one watching to justify spending money on this soap and it will fade into the background just like many of the others.

  12. If we have to endure this ridiculous story, can we at least get Liz & Lucky back together? Why the hell did they bring JJ back if they were not going to put them together? Ugh, makes me so angry. I said I would keep watching now that Becky is staying, now I don't know...and whatever happened to love in the afternoon? Maybe I'm old fashioned but Broke & Nik today was more like soft core porn.

  13. Rhonda everything includes Carly, Sonny, Dante (and Sam to have something to do).

    I have to admit I will watch to see how it plays out with Jake's story. But only because I know the actors will bring it. I am thoroughly disgusted. I may be able to accept it if and only if Jake was being kidnapped by franco like someone said. AND if Jasam didn't get a baby. Have Sam have another one night stand and have it be that dude's baby, just not Jason's.

  14. I thought Brenda was soooo funny today, with asking the butler guy: Family? Girlfriend? Dog?? Plant??? Oh, then your calling, yes, I understand, just like me! I was LMAO, and played the scene again. Did no one else think that this was hilarious? Also, the butler dude reminds me of the guy on Chuck.

    I also thought, like Karen did, that Brenda should just lead Balkie on a wild goose chase, but, of course, if she does give him info as to where the baby is, he then might just kill her. I thought that VM was AMAZING in her scenes with the butler, and with Balkie, she bring such emotion, and such fire to her scenes, she's definitely hit her stride again, just watch her eyes, there's NO ONE like her. (Except for Sonny, the male version.)

    I also can't believe that the writers made him say that the Balkie crap is all about him. Like someone said, how did Balkie know that Sonny would take his time getting into the limo, and not blow up?

    Jason and Sam watching that sappy love story movie, and Jason's reaction to Sam's reaction to the movie's ending were PRICELESS! I'm surprised that no one mentioned this, either.

    And no one yet has commented on my theory of Suzanne's protecting Brenda all along. I'm starting to feel very alone here . . .

  15. I haven't watch a full episode in forever. I read the re-cap to see if anything interesting happened and then youtube the scenes I want to watch. Sadly, this soap has become a mockery of what it once was.

    I don't plan on watching the Jake/Joss storyline. I know Becky & Steve and JJ will bring it in the scenes, but it is heartbreaking to see another Quartermaine killed on the alter of Jason/Sam/Sonny/Carly. And yes, he is a Quartermaine. I doubt the writers will allow screentime for Monica or Edward dealing with the aftermath of Jakes death. They didn't know he was their grandson/great grandson. Which is an opportunity lost. If a child had to die, why not Spencer? I can't remember the last time I saw him. He hasn't been in a scene with his brother since the kid was born.

    I am done with the soap. I'll start watching OLTL or YR and actually see some love in the afternoon. If I want to see the mob, I'll watch my old Sopranos or Godfather dvd's.

  16. I know he's a dad in real life, but in the few scenes he's shared with Cam and Jake, JJ has been really awkward. TC isn't very good playing a father either.

    You gotta give credit to Greg Vaughan for playing Lucky the daddy really well. It seemed like those kids, especially the actor who plays Cameron, bonded with him and were really comfortable around him.

    I really started to like GV's Lucky when he reunited with Liz while she was pregnant with Cameron and stepped up to be a family. Too bad Guza had to destroy that.

  17. AntJoan, I'm pretty sure somebody else commented and agreed with your theory in an earlier post, but I am also starting to agree with you. There is something weird (other than the obvious) about Theo and Suzanne's relationship.

    And anonymous, I agree, GV did an excellent job in scenes with the kids. It is so odd that there have been so few scenes of JJ with the kids.

    To the other anon, I also agree that it could have been Spencer. He barely exists and having Spencer die and Aiden turn out to be Lucky could have sent Nik all "Cassadine" which could have been interesting, or if he is leaving the canvas now that his pilot has been picked up, it could have explained his departure...Sadly, this would make too much sense for Guza et al to have thought of it...instead, Nik has a kid that we never see and a child that he thinks is his kid that we never see him with, and we are supposed to care about the big paternity reveal...

    I also like the idea that Franco kidnaps Jake and everyone thinks he has died- that would be the only way of turning this sad story around. I might even stick around to watch it...

    As far as Brooke and Nik, I can't comment- I ff'd through it as I did most of today's show...

  18. The dog is a long haired Akita and he was on with Maurice on 'The View' on March 12, 2009. His name is 'Cain'.
    You can find the show on The Official Media Vault.

    Shirley, posting from 'Firefox'

  19. I think the question after Jake dies will be "ok, now what?" I have a sneaky suspicion that the answer will be a very
    Dissatisfying "ok, that's done....next scene, next story!"

  20. ::shudders:: Nik and Brooke creep me out too. They are so incredibly awkward together. I see no connection between the two of them just a whole lot of ickiness.

  21. I liked having Greg Vaughn on the show, but he was NOT Lucky Spencer. I don't know who he was, but he was not Luke Spencer's son. Vaughn was and is wonderful eye candy. He worked beautifully in scenes with Maxie and with Sam, but there was no chemistry there with either Liz or, (impossible, yes,I know) with Luke.

  22. I am upset about anyone saying that Jake is hardly seen so he will not be missed. Jake is an important part of what was a big relationship story between Jason and Liz. Jason and Liz made a beautiful child together. Liz and Jason have always loved each other since Lucky was presumed dead.They have been able to always confide in eachother and listen to eachother. Those of us who are fans of Liz/jason do not want to see Jake die. It is not alright and he will be missed.
    The best scenes are with jason holding jake after emily's funeral when he visited Liz. I loved to see jake clinging to him. I love jason picking up Cam after he brought jake home to Liz post kidknapping. They made a beautiful family picture. I loved jason giving Cam a toy ( that Liz couldn't find ) at christmas and then watching Liz and Cam playing together. There are many clips online of Liz's kids because they are adorable.
    While the kids that portray Sonny's kids are good actors, I can only stand to watch Molly. The others seem so annoying, and Michael is just intent on becoming Sonny ( ridiculous ). They show the Davis/Sonny kids to drum up support for Sam/Jason.
    The spoiler about Carly asking jason for jake's kidney is horrible since it implies that she doesn't even have enough empathy/courage to respectfully ask that of of Liz herself. She will use Jason to do it for her. It's a huge insult and I hope Liz unloads on both of them.Even when Michael was in a coma and carly told liz she did right in protecting jake from the mob, Liz told carly that she(carly) did the best she could showing empathy with carly. I also will be disgusted if people do not come foreward if they think they have hit jake. If Sam thinks so and doesn't reveal this to the police, then her character is mud ( no excuses ). This show seems to be alright with hit and run drivers since it happens often and they get away with it.
    I am glad becky is re-hired but if they just want her to be kicked every day, I will not be watching ( I watch much less and was a fan since luke and laura days ).
    Frons, JFP and Guza have really destroyed this show.

  23. You are right Lisa.....I quit watching a long long time ago.But when I did watch Greg Vaughn did a lot of great acting as Lucky.Now I watch AMC and OLTL only but come in here read everyones comments.When they get rid of Sonny and Carly I'll be back.Just they have run these two in the ground.

  24. AntJoan, you may not have seen the other posts, but a couple of us do agree with your theory of Suzanne actually protecting Brenda. I think she started to care for her, but there is also the element of Suzanne using Brenda to deflect Theo's attention from what she has been doing.

    When Sonny started his theory about it all being about him, I was hoping Jason would point out the Balkan was going after Brenda way before Sonny was back in her life. Then again, since everything on this show is about Sonny, he is only saying what we see on our screens. No matter how it starts out, everything is about Sonny. And of course he is the only one who walks away unscathed, which is why the whole thing is so ridiculous. Oh he feels bad for a short time then goes on his merry way. It's like Jax said when he talked to Carly. Sonny never learns. He just goes on hurting people.

    And is it just me, or is this whole need for a tranplant going to spring out of nowhere? We rarely see Joss, but in the course of a handful of episodes, she is going to be that sick? Why not have scenes of her having visits with Dr. Jackson, and a slow buildup, where we are shocked to realize what seemed a minor childhood illness is serious. Instead it drops out of nowhere, and as everyone has said will be forgotten just as fast. What would have been a better re-write of a past story is Nikolas/Lulu. Joss could have been sick, and Brenda is forced to admit the baby is Jax's and that baby's blood saves her. It makes no sense that despite this crisis, Jax and Carly grow apart, which has to be if Jax is not going to be on much. He would never abadon his little girl. One thing we have seen is he is a good father to the boys and Joss, and does all he can. Why would it change now?

  25. I thought Greg Vaughn played Lucky as LAURA's son... which was appropriate because he is the only child she got to raise from birth to adulthood. He got more of her influence than either one of his siblings. His Lucky wanted what his mother wanted, a stable family life and he got that with Liz, Cameron and then Jake.

    JJ's Lucky as Luke Jr. got annoying when he was a teen(you just wanted to smack him when they turned on Laura) and it's more so now. Especially since Luke isn't a great character anymore and just a lame, freeloading drunk. Lucky doesn't need to be a chip off that old block.

    Regardless of who is playing the role(although GV seems more the leading man, JJ still seems like a teen), any other writer besides Guza would have Lucky Spencer, the son of Luke and Laura, the most famous couple in daytime history, be the lead male hero on the show as an honest citizen and upstanding cop.

    Look at OLTL and how much better they portray their police department and the characters who work there.

  26. Lisa, many of us have spoken about how the children are rarely on screen, but I have only seen one post from someone anonymous that implied that this makes it okay for Jake to die. The huge majority are with you in that it is NOT okay...

  27. I see that too mosbp. Even MANY Jasam fans are against the death of Jake. I just hope everyone keeps their cool and their aren't any Liason/Jasam mob wars. We get enough of that on GH!!

  28. It's funny - when Greg V. came on the scene as Lucky everyone said he was too old and he was given a goofy haircut and wardrobe to look younger. Now the opposite is true with JJ. GV was gorgeous and a decent actor, but JJ is a phenomenal actor and will always be Lucky to me. And Liz still looks as young as he does. The one thing that will really infuriate me about Jake's death, and I so hate to see this, is that JaSam may have a child of their own. Neither of them deserves one, and I hate to see Liz and Jason's child sacrificed to prop JaSam.

  29. OK the whole kidney transplant thing is wrong because i think a real doctor would say they have to do chemotherapy first to get rid of the cancer and then a few months later do a transplant. So either the spoilers are a little off about the timing of the transplant OR GH does not have a real doctor on set to advise them on their medical s/l's.
    I believe your sources are right 99% of the time so i am guessing GH does not have a real doctor on set .

  30. I agree with Linda, I like JASAM and I want them to have a baby BUT not at the expense of Jake. I like Jake and I like that Jason and Liz have a "secret" baby, and I don't like this story. Maybe if we had some background on Joss being sick etc, you don't just wake up with stage 5 cancer and have no warning signs. Poor time line IMO.

  31. I thought the Nik/Brook scenes were slightly uncomfortable and as if they were eating each other. I don't think they have much chemistry and I feel like Tyler is phoning it in most of the time these days. Killing Emily off destroyed his character, in my opinion.

    As for Jess/Jake - I'm very tired of redone storylines and I'm not really interested in seeing a child die.

    Are we going to see Franco again?

    I'm still trying to figure out the purpose of bringing Jerry Jax back on.

  32. I'm DONE with GH. The writing is dumb. They rush fast through storyline's and their repeating old storyline's!!!! And to top it off they make the storyline's unbelievable! (joss stage 5 cancer) I like sonny but it is wayyyy to mob in GH now that I'm even getting sick of and just fast forwarding. I'm pretty much now fast forwarding everything so why watch? This could have been great. Jake would need blood or something and of course Liz would have to ask Jason for help then as she's asking, Monica walks in! Figures out little Jake is a Quartermaine! Poor joss will lose her life (since she's stage 5 cancer?!) and we get to see Carly act in a way we haven't seen her act in I don't know when. The possibility to bring new life to the Quartermaine's would have been great and then they could get into more Quartermaine's storyline's. Which means more monica which means more actual GENERAL HOSPITAL! Not General Mob!

  33. Pls pls pls gh let franko be behind jakes "death" this is not fair that you are killin off such a great kid!!!!

  34. Pls pls pls gh let franko be behind jakes "death" this is not fair that you are killin off such a great kid!!!!

  35. I concur. Who the hell just wakes w/ stage 5 cancer of the kidney??? Where's the damn progression, the build-up? Either way I hate that Jake has to die, but I would at least be able to make peace if they actually played this Joss cancer story out, allowed the audience to get invested, but no.. it just seemed TPTB needed a quick excuse to justify Jake's death. Because ultimately, him being gone is endgame, and we all know why.

  36. I actually like Nik and Brooklyn, just as I liked the whole Nik and Liz storyline with the cheating. Lucky and Liz were my MS/HS years and were great then, but I was over it when JB replaced JJ. I really wish they would let Liz become the bad girl she originally was when she first came on. We get a little bit of it when she cheats or gets in Brook's face, but I would love to see a well written Liz/Brooklyn/Nik triangle. Triangle meaning someone is torn between two peeps, not a triangle like Pat/Rob/Lisa in which someone is stalking someone for half a year with no resolution.
    For me I think Liz has to get rid of a kid. She has 3 by 3 different guys. Bad planning on the writing front. I don't mind the storyline if I get to see good acting rather than hearing the kids are at Grams constantly. BTW, shouldn't Cam be older? I feel like Zander has been gone forever and Cam can barely talk.
    I got sidetracked. What GH needs are more triangles. We get the angst everyday. Love it, leave it, I don't care. I miss the triangles where one day I would be for one couple and the next I would rethink it.
    In my dream world there would be some sort of triangle involving Brook/Maxie and some guy(maybe Johnny). Or Dante/Lulu/some guy (because she's always the insecure one, I want it switched around).

    Anyways, I love reading all the comments daily and just wanted to put out there that there are some people who do like Nik/Brook and don't mind that Jake is getting killed. It makes no sense having him around if Jasam are trying to have a kid anyways. Why would Jason not claim Jake because of the business but have a kid with Sam? Makes no sense.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...