Sunday, March 20, 2011

General Hospital: Tyler Christopher Is OUT !

SOD posted it, SID just said it was confirmed. Tyler Christopher was "let go" from GH on Friday. Not that I think he really wanted to stay...
End of the Cassadine connection?
Looks like it.

Tyler's pilot program will air on "ABC Family" starting August 15th-- "The Lying Game"


  1. I will really miss him, but I can't say I'm surprised. He seemed very unhappy and blah in his character since Emily died. I wish him good luck with his new show.

  2. Tyler's contract was up in June regardless

  3. The actor seemed to have left the show a long time ago, no surprises the character is now leaving as well.

    Let Nicholas return to family roots in Greece or go to Paris with Laura...just don't make him a Brooklynn groupie.

    Nicholas and Brooklyn just do not work, he is too mature for her. Nicholas and the older Catherine Bell worked better. Catherine is old enough to be Brooklyn's mother.

    Perhaps a few years from now they can recast Nicholas but for now I am pleased to see him gone.

    We still have Alexis, Sam, Kristina and Molly around waiting to discover their inner Cassadine.

  4. When Jake dies and Brooklyn leaves there will be fewer Quartermaines (Edward, Tracy, Jason) and on contract then Cassadines (Alexis, Sam, Kristina, Molly).

  5. I feel bad for TC- he also has a huge history with the show. The writing was on the wall though- with the Aiden reveal, what else is there for him? The invisible Spencer?

  6. I remember how sweet he was in the beginning of the Emily breast cancer story. Loved their "courtship" through the walls at GH. Withthis Josslyn story you have to wonder where they will have jax. I say he & liz find one another. This way she can be around Josslyn and in one sense, Jake. Wouldn't mind Liz with Jonny, either. He's so hot anything to keep him on my screen! Kind of nice to stick it to Jason, too.

    Tyler is a hunk, too. Sad to see him go but rather him than Ingo. What jokes of storylines he's had since Em died. I liked back in the day when he used to be a hero on the show, now he's like wallpaper.

  7. Mrs. B - I've been wanting a Liz and Johnny pairing every since he first arrived in Port Charles. I think they would balance each other. Liz could give Johnny the ready made family I think he desperately wants and Johnny could bring out some of Liz's hidden bad girl.

    Plus, as you mention it would sort of stick it Jason.

    It would also set up an interesting dynamic with Liz's ex, Lucky the cop.

    Then there is Johnny's ex-girlfriend and Liz's ex-sister-in-law Lulu. I've always felt there is an under-the-surface rivalrly there that has never been properly exploited.

  8. Yeah, both Liz & lulu can be self righteous! Kind of what rivaliries are made of. I too would like to see Carly & Liz end their hatefest.

  9. Tyler is a great actor, his talents have been wasted for years on GH. Best of luck to him in his new role. I too hope he returns to Greece, and does not follow Brooklynn around.

  10. "hidden" bad girl? LOL
    didn't seem so hidden in the past few years...

  11. @Anon, Yes.. "hidden bad girl". Her cheating on Lucky w/ her brother is not the "bad girl" Liz we're talking about. That was just a stupid, just wrong, attempt to tarnish Liz's character. The "bad girl" Liz I know and love was a trouble maker, backed down from no one and often times even started an altercation or argument. She was bratty, yet spicy. The Liz of today, aside from her epic eye rolls (lol), is the safe, tamed, mild mother of three

  12. I had a feeling someone else would get the heave-ho once they "unfired" Becky. Not surprised it's Tyler. Any fool could see he's been very unhappy the last few years. He deserves better.

  13. I don't think it has ANYTHING to do with Becky per se, they need to let a LOT of people go or staff or something.

  14. I'll miss TC. I have always enjoyed his performances (and he's hot)...I haven't liked his s/l in a long time. I wish him much luck with his new show.

  15. It's no surprise. We have known since his pilot was picked up that TC would be making an exit. The last year or so has been a bore for his character. Hope his show is a great success. I also hope the character is brought back with a new actor and gets a menacing story line to bring the Cassadines back to the front burner.

    Really tired of the Corinthos clan and their problems borne out of rank stupidity and self-destruction.

  16. Dare I wonder if them letting him go has anything to do with them keeping Liz on?

  17. TyFan:
    Obviously you didn't read what Karen said above....

  18. What does this mean for Helena?? PERFECT time to marry her and Edward. JUICY!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...