Thursday, March 3, 2011

General Hospital: New Spoilers are up

Now, more details will be coming out soon-- but the arc framework is getting out there  (with confirmation). Who's being thrown under the bus? You tell me:  WUBSNET. 

The whole Jake/Joss story looks to be going forward. Joss will need a kidney. Jake gets hit by a car. Everyone is out on the road that day, btw--EVERYBODY! Just the thought of Robin and Lisa going on a  "scavenger hunt" for that damn syringe is making me laugh. They even get clues from Johnny. Good Gravy. 

See You at 3!! 


  1. All the driving will probably take place at night, and you can tell that it is fake driving,cause they can't afford to go on location. Every time someone drives on there it is at night.

  2. They're KILLING Jake for a kidney! You don't have to die to donate a kidney! SO LAME!

  3. I am so tired of all of the storyline reduxes. I am also tired of babies being in jeopardy. Women do not want to see this.

  4. Ingo tweeted less air time on GH. wouldn't he be involved in this storyline if joss needs a kidney. Maybe joss dies causing Jax to go on a long vacation.

  5. if Jake has to die, let it be Sam who runs him down. I would like to see how Jason handles the situation.

  6. But Liz will be blamed because she wasn't watching him.

  7. and the sad thing is they will probably not even tell this story well. Joss needs a kidney/Jake dies/donates it/Joss is all better, with no more mentioning of it.

  8. I so agree. As much as it will pain me to watch, I will watch to see becky rock those scenes. Steve too but I am so done with Jason it will be ahrd to feel much for him. And don't kid yourself ladies, if Jason forgave Same for what she did 3 years ago, he won't mind if she kills his son.

  9. Why have Sam get her hearing back so soon? This could have been a good story. A good soapy one too. Usually they drag these things out but nooo not when it could be good. I thought they were cute in the hospital with the sign language. Trust me it taske a lot for me to like a Jasam scene

  10. Killing Jake will end it for me. Let me guess, this somehow clears the path for a Jasam baby to be embraced more openly?

    The writers are assholes. Period. Tired of the way the treat women and children on this show.

  11. Jake doesn't need to die for a kidney!!!!!!!!!! they better not kill him off they should with joss if anything only because ive read that it could be very possible that brenda's baby was actually her's and jax! now that would be DRAMA!

  12. And I agree! I don't really care for jason and sam but the hearing loss was really getting me to like them together now blah im back to fast fowarding them sucks i got into the idea of them doing hand signs to communicate! Hmmm maybe joss will die and jake will take awhile to recover and that will make liz tell lucky that A is his son and shouldn't be apart from him any longer.

  13. No baby should die, especially not to clear the way for a JaSam baby. Whatever, I've resigned myself that this storyline is going to happen and that GH will be deleted from my DVR. I barely watch the show now, FF'ing through most of it anyway...OLTL will be the only soap I watch anymore.

  14. So...since they're reuse/recycling storylines, isn't time for someone to contract HIV and give it to a long-time character? Or maybe they'll have another famous family hit Port Chuck again after being on the run for so many years...

    Mannnnnnnnnn, these stories just write THEMSELVES! Oh wait, maybe that's because they were already on the air...

  15. Do they just wash the old scripts?sameosameo

  16. I agree about Jake not having to die to donate but I don't think they'd take a kidney from a healthy kid that age--
    It's the big EPIC HUGE drama that GH loves.
    As for Ingo, it looks like he's less involved than he should be in the Joss stuff. Which surprises me. They could have already taped them though, and he's done with his bigger run.

  17. i read on another site that Liz will NOT be blamed for this - i really hope that is true


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...