Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rumor Patrol: Charlie Sheen is NOT guesting on General Hospital!

Despite Internet rumors, Wubsnet has learned that Charlie Sheen won't be bringing his tiger DNA to General Hospital anytime soon. He was first approached by the head of daytime to moonlight as a 'mysogonysitc party crime boss" that comes to Port Charles as Luke's cigar smuggler.

While some think that Sheen would fit right in to Port Charle's tales of women-abusing cocky men, it's thought that he turned down the part because John Stamos was once on the show playing "Blackie Parish".  The two have been going back and forth on twitter recently and there is no love lost there. "Why would I want to be on a show with a loser on it's records" Sheen said.  "I'm all about The Win".

Bob Guza, the head writer of the popular daytime soap is said to be distraught. "I really wanted to have Charlie show his Warlock levels on this show.  We could have done a great arc with Papal Assassins"... It was also hoped that Charlie's "Goddesses" would appear at Von's, Port Charles' resident strip club. 


  1. I don't why I'm surprised at Guza. He actually thought this would be a good storyline. Give us our soap and stop trying to turn it into a watered down version of sopranos, and/or mimic the poor life choices of a drug addicted delusional star.Stop trying to use guest appearances of movie/primetime stars to save the show. Write good( not recycled ) stories that use general hospital characters. Have romance!!!Show couples we actually like. Respect veterans!! Seriously!

  2. ABC has put up the transcripts to the chats with Vanessa, Steve, Maurice and Kimberly. The one with Laura is coming soon.

    It's nice they did this for those of us unable to be online then. BTW, the link to pg 3 of Vanessa's chat is wrong. If you go to the address bar on pg 2, and substitute a 3 for the 2 on the end, it will take you there.

    Hope everyone enjoys reading them!

  3. I thought I'd heard that Lindsay Lohan was going to play Luke's "alleged" cigar smuggler. I guess those plans fell through, and Guza wisely decided to offer the part to a more dependable actor.

    Mel Gibson, call your agent!

  4. I checked my calendar, it's not April Fools Day. Nice of Guza wanting to capitalize on Sheen's crash and burn. Anything for ratings.

  5. I can't believe people think this is true...

  6. OMG...I'm dying here!!
    come ON!!

  7. I also checked to see if it was April Fools Day.

    NO ONE commented on my speculation that Suzanne has been protecting Brenda all along. See, that's why she shredded Brenda's dress, etc., so that Brenda would not marry Sonny and get kidnapped. I think that she and the Balkan are on to each other, while pretending basically to trust the other. Anyone out there agree?

  8. OMG!people get real she is joking!!!!!!!!Well I guess we know why the star rags stay in bus.Nan

  9. He's crazy. On another noted I Loved this from another thread:

    Second to the last Anon: Are you serious? Guza & Co. has never liked Elizabeth. They saved her job to save their ass. Period. Even Robin's portrayer said it perfectly in her lastest interview that Karen had a link to: Jason will never be with anyone else other than Sam unless Kemo leaves the show. Most of us don't care anymore if Liz is no longer with Jason. We don't want this Jason, the one who would love the woman that did all the crap she did to his own son. We just don't want Jake to die, Capiche

  10. AntJoan..I agree about Susan.I think at first she hated Brenda but then got to know her and changed her mind.
    I think Johnny set the bomb because The Balkan threatened Lulu and used her to make Johnny cooperate. If anyone remembers when Shawn beat him up he asked if Johnny was protecting Brenda & Sonny. That was the same day they questioned Lulu in the Balkan's office. I think they taped themselves questioning/threatening Lulu and gave it to Johnny and that is why he set the bomb.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...