Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Surgery: HELL Week

 Mad as Hell!! *

That's it. HELL WEEK. Say it. Say it loud!! Cause you know it's true. One child dies, another gets a zip a minute transplant and we find out our fave "louse to love" ran the kid down. No wonder we all wanted to do giant jello shots after the shows. 
What's next!? Where do we go from here? We'll get a bit of S&B with the new kid that Sonny will want a DNA test for (in case it's not Brenda's).  Post-funeral Jake angst... possibly the Aidan reveal at some point. Michael going after Abby's beater, who winds up dead.  Bad boy Johnny getting nastier by the minute. 
Tyler will be gone soon, taking the last of the Cassadines with him.  (Alexis is really "Cassadine light" so doesn't count 100% ) TG will have his vacation, come back, have another vacation. We'll all worry about who might be leaving next--or not. I'll bitch about the problems with editing and continuity. And of course, we'll still watch. That's what we do!! 

Rumors are rampant: Is Jake really dead? Does Franco have him? Is Vanessa leaving again? Did Luke really kill Jake?? 
One rumor that I've seen around a lot is a newbie coming on for Dante-- which sounds a bit like a  Brooke Lyn Redux. I'm so hoping this isn't true. 
Will Maya be recast or just fade away? What about Terrell now that Scrubs is back together? Not much for him to do  is there? 
Will Olivia keep making casserole dishes for grieving people and Dante? 
Why exactly is Shawn going to live in CarJax's gate house? 
What about Abby? Is she legit or working for Franco --or AZ? 
We know not to ask about Bobbie, Monica, Audrey, Leslie or Lady Jane anymore. Listening to Bobbie and then Monica being paged over the intercom during the whole Jake crisis was just so frustrating. Almost like a little stab in the arm. "We know you want them here, but Nah Nah nah nah Nah"...
Oh, on another subject,  I think we can also say if Genie Francis doesn't come back during this Luke/Lucky stuff she never will.

The acting during this story has of course, been stellar. Not much more to say. The actors on GH always bring it.  Emmy reels in the can right there. Taken in tiny doses, GH can be awesome. All together? It's maddening. Just on the idiotic non-use of any medical sense alone, we can agree that at the very least, they don't give a sheeze about being in any way, shape or form "real" on that front. We can only say "it's only a soap" so many times before crying "Foul"!!  

SCENE of the WEEK: Luke realizes that he hit Jake when Lucky comes in with the evidence.  Just the looks between them were worth their weight in emmy gold.

Biggest Let Down: 
Franco's big "Threat" to Carly. Uh, what was that?!  

Take a gander at the upcoming Spoilers... read 'em and weep. Or not..maybe you'll fall asleep. Heh, who knows?

 *For you youngins that don't know who'/what that is up there, it's from the movie Network. He throws a TV out the window and yells "We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore"!!!


  1. Karen, I don't often disagree with you, but as I was watching what will be my last GH episode on Friday, I saw the scene where Luke realizes he hit Jake- and I thought it was awful. I thought it was written horribly (as usual), but for a change, I also thought the acting, mostly on the part of TG, was awful too...

  2. I am saddened you had to explain the Peter Finch photo.

  3. Really??!, I thought it was pretty powerful. I hope you still read the blog though!!

    Frank, it is an OLD movie now.

  4. I recognized the movie scene but couldn't remember his name, it sure fits here. It was a hellish wk and I have no expectations for it to get better. The acting over all was really good BH, JJ were stand outs with SBu and TG also doing a fine job. I also loved JT this wk he is underused.I thought LW overacted but it is the sonny, jm and carly show sooo-- meh.

  5. Karen, I honestly thought it was awful. And knowing that Lucky and Lulu are going to try to cover for Luke just pushes me over the edge. If I hadn't already decided to stop watching, I would have with that. I will keep up with the blog though!

  6. This is what is completely wrong with the show;
    Claudia TOTALLY had that axe in the head coming cause she was going to steal Joss (I think Claudia would have been the better Mother) and was responsible for Michael's coma.
    Carly may have been a suspect in the hit and run of Jake, but would feel really bad for JASON if it were true, and like, OMG! the guilt! - so we must destroy possible evidence.
    Luke DID run over Jake while DRUNK - but the important thing is that his kids, including the Father of Jake (and regardless of your opinion of if Lucky is REALLY his Father; well, they had JJ snotting up about it and he's gonna send in an Emmy reel for it, so tough, he is.) cover up for this 50+ year old man cause hey, he's family. Err, so was Jake I guess, but less so. He was only like 3 years in or something. So yeah, family doesn't have to pay for it's mistakes; loyalty and all that.

    And I agree with mos: I wasn't very impressed with JJ and TG in those scenes. Maybe I'm impartial cause I was watching the Laura Rape reveal the other day and yeah.. that blew this out of the water.

  7. the ratings will continue to go down even more after this horrible storyline. my guess, I give GH 2 more years.

  8. PHENOMENAL ACTING this week from Steve John Becky and Laura and Tony/
    emmy for 2012 will be heavy w/GH lol

    Sadly not the writing, to many holes and why not have Q's Bobbie there...

    But for me the scene was was really shaking me was the scene where Jason comes to Lucky tells him Jake is gone and Lucky tells Liz that was the wow moment more than Friday scenes that wasn't it for me..

  9. Just a note that Geary is 64 soon - way past 50+.

  10. I agree bad writing. However there was some great acting. I do think that they should have focused little more on LIz/Lucky because they are the parents. Jason had plenty of focus this week. I feel that once again Becky did not get good writing. As Jakes mother, the focus should have been more about her pain and grief, less about all the people wondering if they hit Jake. Ingo as well. He did not have much for his child being in such a predicament. Both were seriously lacking in the story this week. Liz is always seen with Jake, but we hardly ever see Lucky with the kids. When Greg played Lucky we always saw him with the kids. I feel Becky and Ingo did great with what they had, but she should have been focused on a lot more. Once against was the Carly, Jason, and now even Michael hour! I am so over it!

  11. Sorry for the errors in the previous post...just getting used to the auto correct on the iPad. :-)

  12. I agree that TG's performance when he realized he killed Jake was awful. It wasnt up to par with he past performances. (my opinion)

    Why shouldnt Lucky and Lulu cover up for Luke? He's family. Look at the way Dante is covering up for Michael almost on a daily basis for all the laws he is breaking. They are family, right?

    PS. Why dont they page Nurse Anne Logan and Nurse Amy Vining? It's not like they are going to show up at the front desk either! How about Drs Fine, Howard and Fine?

    I am trying really hard to forgive a lot about this past week, but the absence of Monica and Bobbie while they are being paged and clearly in the hospital is something I can never forgive as long as this show is on the air.

  13. I thought Tony & JJ's performance was ok, not over the top emmy worthy but JJ's was better, IMO. Where is Ethan anyway? Maya being missing at the hospital was obvious, too so write her out already.

    I will be back to watch the Jason & Carly show tomorrow, same time, same place.

  14. I have to agree with other's, TG's acting was terrible...and has been for years. Given that he is probably one of the highest paid actors on the show I personally would have no problem with him leaving the show if budget wise it meant saving NLG (Alexis) and IR (Jax) who are rumoured to be on the chopping block.

  15. I noticed Ethan missing in all this too...just another hole...

  16. Wow, Frisco, didn't realize you felt that about TG. I guess I still enjoy watching him, regardless...

    Don't worry about SPELLING STUFF people..I don't Care!! I mean, come on, it's ME!! LOL

    I know, they never mentioned Ethan at all.

  17. Why not boycott the show folks not watch it at all least for a week bet ya come back and they are on the same thing.Even AMC has better writers.Personally I just come here and read Karen's blog now.

  18. I thought the look on Luke's face was sad too. He looked so shocked and just didn't know what to do with himself. I actually just watched GH tonight. I wasn't running home to watch it this weekend, that is for sure.
    To have Nikolas tell Cam that Jake was dead...STUPID!
    I was mad at first that Jason and Liz didn't get more before he was called away, but hey, wasn't their their entire relationship. About to kiss, and he gets called away? So, I guess it was fitting in this case too....THOUGH...Why in the HECK is Dante calling Liz before he calls Jason? And why did he call Jason to begin with. Doesn't he know what might happen when Jason finds out. Also, did Dante know that Jason was Jakes son?
    What doesn't confuse me on this show, makes me mad.

    On a good note. I LOVE that Lucky dug into Carly, even though she wasn't the one that hit Jake. Everything he said was the truth.

  19. Karen Carjax has a gatehouse? ROFL! Since when? :)

  20. Mosbp are you serious? You thought TG's acting was awful? That's too bad. How long have you watched GH? :) I've watched all my life. :)

  21. Tony G is still creme of the crop for me. Just has to be with the right actors (not primarilary Ethan who we don't have many emotional ties to) He shines with Jane, he shines with JJ, and most recently, Laura Wright's Carly. I just hope he admits there's an alcohol "problem". His interview stating he doesn't think of Luke as an alcoholic shocked me. and so did some of the folks writing on this blog ; )

    Really if he isn;t an alcoholic, what is he?

  22. I have always felt that Tony Geary can read the phone book and make it good!
    He is an amazing actor...always

  23. Sonya, I have (or had) been watching GH for close to 20 years...and just my opinion, but I thought he was awful in that scene...

  24. TG was at one time the best actor on daytime.But for me his light has gone out since he is no longer with Laura. Most of the time he seems so bored,very sad. I have watched GH since late 60's, so I feel I kind of know about LUKE. He is not happy without his Angel.

  25. I'm not still watching. This jake stuff ended it for me. Read that spoiler and deleted GH from the DVR. Will always keep up with Wubs, though. :)

  26. mosbp2003 oh of course it's your opinion. :) I was just thrown by what you said. :) That's all. :) Man I miss how GH used to be. :( Where is Bobbie?!! :(

  27. My opinion, for what it's worth...I do think Mr. Geary is being very selfish in not protecting the character of Luke Spencer, only thinking of the great emotional scenes he can have with JJ et al. He's becoming a 'one man show' and is forgetting the overall canvas. There is a point at which Luke Spencer cannot be redeemed, and I do think GH is rapidly approaching it.

    On a lighter note...Hell, Michigan deserves credit for that incredibly icy sign!!!


    Ravenbeauty's GH Dish

    Things are not what they appear to be right now when it comes to Jake's hit and run driver. In the interim, Luke will be tormented by his own demons until the truth finally surfaces. Carly and Jax pick up where they left off, and the gloves come off in a very big way. Wave goodbye to BrookLynn as she exits Port Charles (Lisa will eventually follow as planned).

    It's a good thing we have such amazing talent in the form of Steve Burton, Rebecca Herbst, and Jonathan Jackson who left us in tears with their incredible performances in the aftermath of Jake's death. I say this because many fans couldn't help but notice how choppy, uneven, and rushed the story appeared to be. There have been some serious rewrites due to Rebecca Herbst's new status with the show. Many things were cut that would have made Liz appear darker as she walked out that door, but all of this was scrapped, and Jake's story pushed up. A woman from Dante's past enters the canvas shaking things up for Lulu & Dante.

    The story with Brenda's baby has been rewritten at least three times now, so I did what any rational person would do, and stocked up on Bonine! The child chosen to play baby Lucian (Elvis Martinez) is absolutely precious! A nasty piece of work returns that may tie into Nikolas's exit from the show. Abby may be taken in a new direction (not good). I'm going to hate watching this vet go on recurring, but it's coming (along with LLC). Maxie is still given very little to do.

    Franco dons a strange but familiar mask, and begins asking for someone named Clarice. He's got babies coming out of his ears. Jason isn't playing around this time (not after what he's been through). Sam's illness comes to light. Suzanne pays Theo back in spades. Lisa isn't done playing games. Patrick and Robin aren't off the hook just yet.....

  29. Google Raven beauty's spoiler world

  30. Poor Jason... brain damaged bc his brother was driving drunk... and now his son dies bc Luke hit him while driving drunk. J'll be devastated



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...