Wednesday, March 16, 2011

General Hospital: DANTE got a HAIRCUT Day!!

OLTL is killing me....I am NOT liking this Shane story!! I mean, it's brilliant and timely but I hate bullying and ugh... I just don't like it. I hope he doesn't try to kill himself or shoot up the school. I am spoiler free but man-- PLEASE don't go there!! Eeeeeee!! By the way, all the kids are bad actors except for Shane. They need new ones..stat.


LOVED all the comments yesterday!! Thanks for keeping the chat going. We need it lately, GH is just crazy.

Alexis/Luke/Ethan, highlight of the day. The 'interpol' stuff was stupid. Entertaining but made no sense,  and didn't further the story at all. Note that Josslyn wasn't even in the room, having her 'precancer' fever.

Brenda has some nice long sleeves with her hospital gown!! LOL Only Brenda!!I know VM is cold all the just was fun to see here with sleeves on.

Weren't Johnny and Jason at Johnny's?? Then, they cut to Robin walking in? I'm confused. That was the worst editing ever. 

Robin and Lisa: Looking for that damn syringe. Just pick up a syringe and say you've found it. Who the hell would know the diff? 

Loved LOVED Lulu asking Liz about screwing Nikolas!! hahahaa.

Michael is an idiot. He looked like a dork out there.

This is the "filler" before the "huge stuff" zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Luke to Lucky: "Your adorable cousin Caroline and the spineless Natasha" -Luke Spencer to Lucky

WOW, today's show was just...all over the place.  They aren't even trying.



  1. Karen I think they were building the set for tomorrow scenes..
    You have Liz Lucky Lulu backlash where all 3 sounded so bad to me and hypocrite.. Lulu now talks against Liz but later will b there for her....
    Lucky&Liz before Jake death...

    Sam not feeling good but goes out to drive..

    Jax&Carly fighting before Jocc needs them..

    Robin&Lisa go out in the most stupid SL to find clues.. maybe driving..

    S&B in their honey moon..

    Stupid Michael making troubles so Jason will be there when he finds out about his son...

    and Robin a Carly's house fighting before Jake&Joss where both will not fight anymore LOL

    Leading up to Jake accident...

  2. Karen That Nik/Brook pic is nasty.
    I have no problem with Lulu defending her brother especially because Liz was grasping at straws and using the kids to manipulate Lucky. Again.

  3. what happened to twitter today?The whole show is nuts how big is that town 1 mile by 1 mile lol sheesh

  4. Adrian has a bad double chin in that pic. Good to know beautiful actresses have em too! lol

    Sorry, I wanted to slap Lulu. Did she bother to say anything to Nik about the affair, or is it all on Liz as always? Everything is Liz's fault on this damn show. Lulou should talk after what she did to georgie w/ Dylan. And I disagree with you Anon, if I were at work why the hell would I cover for Lucky with the kids while he marries some skank? It's his job to get the sitter covered.

    The Lisa/Robin story is just stupid. Forget it, already.

  5. Did anyone notice that Patrick is left-handed?

  6. I actually noticed, Joan! I think Todd is too on OLTL!

  7. TWITTER was being an ASS today, btw!!

  8. BTW, a clever twubber found the syringe--it's on the Haunted Star behind the booze...they saw it there!! Anyone else spot it?

  9. Anyone wanna lay wages that once the Jake storyline starts tomorrow they will forget all about the syringe and the scavenger hunt and the storyline will get dropped with no explanation?

  10. I said the same thing about the teen actors on OLTL...awful! GH was incredibly boring, but that's to be expected before dead/sick children take over our screens. Poor Becky sticking around for this crap.

  11. I LOVE Lulu today and like always HATE Liz. Lulu was completely in the right in everything she said.Plus Liz is just a LOSER and a bad mother who USES her kids to manipulate the men she wants (who no longer want her). I hope Lulu SLAMS her for being a bad mother & being one of the people who is responsible for Jake's death becaue you know it WILL be Liz's fault for neglecting her to watch her son.Lucky is not responsible for Cam & Jake because they are not his and since he does not know about Aiden he is not responsible for him right now either.But that will change when the truth about his paternity comes out.But Liz is NOTHING but a user and deserves to be slammed by Lulu in public and ALOT WORSE.

  12. I loved when the interpool guy asked if Alexis was the only Lawyer in town and they said pretty much.

    I did not see the syringe in the haunted star, but I also go through so many scenes on my DVR I probably missed it lol.

  13. There are alot of lefties on GH and have been in the past too. Just a few are Nancy, Brandon, Jason T, Leslie C, Jackie Z, Brad M, Bradford, and Kirsten. I know there are others, but those are the ones who came to mind.

  14. BTW... Johnny is left handed too...noticed it when he was writing the notes to Robin and many others do we know of?

  15. Anon Who LOVES Lulu: Whether you like Lulu and hate Liz should be totally irrelevant to logical thinking. Not only is Lucky LEGALLY the father of Cameron and Jake, therefore, LEGALLY responsible for them, but he is the only father they have ever known. Biologically or not, they are his kids. You have every right to like or dislike fictional characters on a sinking soap, but have some common sense and get a reality check. You sound like some poorly educated fourteen year old.

    P.S. My apologies if you are, indeed, a poorly educated fourteen year old.

    Oh, and David, I'll side with you on that one. Scavenger and syringe hunt will so be old news. And once Joss gets her kidney, so will be her cancer.

  16. Gonna ignore Anon's comments because everyone has their opinions, though here's are a little misguided.
    I didn't like Lulu acting that way to Liz. Lulu has done things herself, so that makes her look like a hypocryte. I always hate it when this is done. Carly is the worst hypocryte of them all.
    I think they are just doing filler until the Jake scenes as well. Pathetic...

  17. I meant her's not here's ...Maybe I should call myself an uneducated 14 year old. ;)

  18. Yes, I noted the syringe, they gave it 2 close-ups in the Haunted Star, so I figured that everyone saw it.

    I also thought that Alexis was funny with her response to the "only lawyer in town" comment. I'm noticing that she's trying to bring humor to her scenes by loosening up and maybe even ad libbing like Luke does. (Not to imply that she was uptight, just that it looks like she's trying to have fun with her character.)

  19. Wow Anon, get a grip. To have true hate for a fictional character is scary.

    I do see Lulu's point, however the writers have ruined Liz as she was previously gh's sweetheart. Every mom on that show can be viewed as a bad mom. Carly is by far #1. Alexis is a close 2nd.

    Still find it weird they never show Sonny with Spencer since he is his nephew & cousin of sonny's kid. (Courtney, Spencer's mother, was Sonny's sister)

  20. I always thought that too Rita...Or have Carly be around Spencer too since Courtney was her only girlfriend.

  21. Anon, pull yourself over hun. Steadily adding to the Jasam fan stereotype/image...

    I can understand Lulu's gripe w/ Liz. I just hate that Liz has to be defenselessly berated by everyone.. just sit there and take it. ALL of the women of PC have made bad choices and are hypocrites... they're written that way. So I don't understand why Liz can't be written to have a backbone and dish others past and dirty laundry right back at them. There's enough shame to go around lol.

  22. I am sorry but Lucky only signed on to be Jake's father because he thought he was his bio dad. He agreed to help raise Cam because he was in love with Liz.BUT he does not owe them anything. He is just being a good man by continuing to be in their lives. Liz is a LOSER and deserved everything Lulu had to give.BTW Lulu is NOT A HYPOCRITE because she has NEVER used a kid to get a guy (Liz DOES) and she has NEVER slept with brothers (Liz has) and Lulu has learned from her mistakes (Liz has not) and Lulu does not repeat her mistakes over & over again (Liz,the slut does). Bottom line is Lulu was right & liz was wrong on every level.

  23. Anon- get over yourself already. You obviously have no children (probably just a child yourself). It does not matter why Lucky agreed to parent those children (and he did it because he loves them by the way). He made a commitment to them, he is their father, because he CHOSE to be their father, and as such he most certainly does owe them something. For you to imply that he can just toss aside his responsibility to them because they are not his biologically says a lot about you and your values. Hopefully it is just immaturity...

  24. I think they need the actual syringe for evidence of what Lisa was trying to inject Robin with. No idea if the drug would last that long but that's my guess anyway!

  25. I think they need the original syringe to find evidence that LIsa was trying to kill Robin. The syringe itself probably isn't enough! No idea if the drug will still be in there but that's my guess!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...