Sunday, March 13, 2011

Steve Burton: "I'm just there to do a show"....

Gwaddy, Burton and Berta at last years FCW. He loves the lobster!
Photo by Jim Warren

Terry Morrow of Knoxville's Tinseltown Tales sat down with Steve Burton for in interesting interview. Not only does he dish about Sam Vs.  Liz, he makes some comments about the show itself. I guess he's as invested as we are.  Hit the link, ol' Steve's pretty funny too.


  1. How sad is it when the actors are even said they are just there and not into the storylines.
    How does that make us want to watch more?

  2. Weren't there rumors back around the time that SB was absolutely against JaSam getting back together?

  3. From everything I saw, SB stayed neutral like now. I don't ever see him saying he didn't want to get together with anyone. All I ever saw was how much he said he liked working with both Becky and the girl that plays Sam.

  4. I'm just wondering what everyone else's take is on the spoiler of Sam being the only one that will be able to console Jason after Jake's death?

    I personally feel it would be far more organic and realistic if he displays signs of anger and resentment towards Sam as it was her stunt in the park that hardened his resolve to stay away from Jake, Cam and Elizabeth after he decided he wanted to be a family with them.
    Though some of those feelings would be a projection of his own guilt in his decision to stay away, it would not be too far fetched for him to push her away in his time of grief.

    I just feel it's another attempt to prop all things Jasam at the expense of what is a realistic reaction.

    I would prefer him to find solace from Monica, Edward, Lucky & Elizabeth.

    Karen, and other wubbers, what is your position on this?

  5. I was under the impression that Jason had no feelings. That he is an emotionless robot.

  6. Anon: the whole thing about Jason's aftermath from the car crash was just as botched as most storylines are. Jason has clearly recovered his memory of pre-crash life and yet the writers act as if he cannot change. The pre-crash Jason was a sensitive wannabe doctor. He would NOT work for Sonny and likely see Sonny as the manipulative slimebag he is, but realism is not even attempted when the great Sonny is involved.

  7. Cosmoetica, I completely disagree. While Jason has learned to tolerate and even love his "Quartermaine" family, his memory of that life has not returned. He never speaks of his childhood- the earliest times he speaks of are when he woke up from his coma. Even if his memories of his childhood had returned, his "brain damage" from the accident went way beyond memory loss and for him to return to being "Jason Quartermaine" woul have been ridiculous.

  8. Jake's death is all about promoting Jaspam. jason turning to sam is proof. Liz and Lucky will get the short end of the stick involving this story. as far as SB goes he is good friends with Becky and her husband in real life so who would you think he would want to work with.

  9. That spoiler about Sam being 'The only one that can console him"?? Well, I think that was written by someone that might have interpreted the breakdowns a certain way. I didn't write it like that... we'll have to see how it plays out.

  10. I would like to see Brenda even comfort Jason, and even Carly over Sam. Sam doesn't have a right to even speak jake's name, sorry. They are fine together as long as it has nothing to do with Jake. Becky will rock those scenes, and JJ too. But somehow it's kemo with a pre emmy nod in a best actress role? WTF?

  11. Karen, I believe I read it on another site.

    That's why I'm asking.
    It will just ring false if that spoiler/rumour rings true on so many levels.

    Couldn't agree with you more Jen with nominations. KMc deserved one this year.
    Quick question, are ABC only pushing SB to get a pre-nomination/nomination when KeMo gets one?
    It seems he only got an emmy nod when KeMo got one for the baby story??
    Seems to me he should have gotten one for Alan's death, his son's birth, Emily's death...that all happened in the same year.

    Could someone correct me if I'm wrong regarding the comment of getting nominated when KeMo does?

  12. @Watchintele

    I agree w/ all that you're saying. I too was disgusted w/ the "only Sam can console Jason" tidbit. I am an Liason fan, but that's not even the point. Being a fan of realism trumps that. I understand that Jasam is the couple and/or agenda that's pushed for, and while I may not like it.. I deal with. It's like begrudgingly saying, "fine, have at it".

    My gripe is that why must you push Jasam down my throat even at this point.. this story. A baby dies, the child of Jason and Liz, the same baby Sam wished never existed (justified or not). I would think while TPTB have tried so hard for months - years to distance Jason and Liz, totally disregarding its huge fanbase and what makes sense, that they would at least let the parents have their moment. It doesn't seem like Jason and Elizabeth will get much time to console or mourn w/ each other. I'm not ignoring Lucky, he definitely deserves to be there, but the spoiled breakdowns seems to be acknowledging only ONE SCENE between Jason and Liz which is baffling to me. But Sam gets to be the only one that consoles Jason, Jason and Carly will have several scenes, Lucky will have scenes w/ many, etc. It's just looking like Liz (Becky) will be getting the short end of the stick as usual w/ the least amount of scenes and interactions. Crazy because she's the MOTHER and only constant of the dying boy...

  13. @Karen I take it you're a Sam fan? That's one character I never see you too critical about.

    Is there still baby coming or has that story been dropped? and if dropped, is it due to backlash or no time because Brenda overhaul?

  14. my beef is Lucky should get more scenes than Jason. Period. He is the one that steps up as that kids father. He should have all the best scenes with Liz. Jason should be backburner father and not get half the airtime that Lucky and Liz should get. Sam should get even less air time...

  15. the problem is the writers are trying too hard for jaspam to be a luke and laura and it is never going to happen. liason is more like LnL.which fan base is bigger liason or jaasm?

  16. I think it was too hard to watch Carly being pushed downJax's throat after Courtney died.I loved Sam and Jason togethor then they split them apart and had him do a one nite stand with Elizabeth.I think thats when GH lost it.When they killed Georgie,Alan and Emily off it went all to h** in a handbasket.

  17. I may be wrong, but wasn't it during the writer's strike that Jason and Liz got together? With replacement writers? I just wonder if Guza is so against them because he did not "write" for them, and he hates that they have such a big fan base...

  18. Mosbp2003, the ONS happened in August 2006, so Guza was still there as the Writers' strike took place in at the end of 2007 (hence Emily's death). Hope that helps.

    Maybe Guza was upset about the fact the Jake reveal took place during the Writers' strike as he wasn't ready to reveal Jake's paternity yet??

    Mamaspat Ole, as I totally respect your opinion and love for Jasam, and I'm not trying to stir the pot here. However, some may say that the show has been in a downward spiral for far longer than what you've stated.
    Also, as Carjax was shoved down our throats after Courtney's death, Liason fans can be aggrieved with the fact that Journey was shoved down their throats because the TPTB wanted it, and after Jasam was shoved down their throats as that was what they wanted and they didn't know what to do with Sam, instead of giving Liason a real chance when Journey crashed and burned.
    That being said, all will have their own perspective and are entitled to them.

    Bottom line is, the writing is the problem and plot points or agendas are put ahead of history, characters' core characteristics if they don't suit the present story.

  19. Watchintele, Guza may have written the one night stand, but I am not sure he ever itended Liz and Jason to get together as a couple, or for Sam to have started dating Lucky. I think that was all the replacement writers and I think it pissed Guza off, because as soon as he was back in charge, he blew the whole thing up and we got this mess. Again, I could be wrong though- the last few years are all a blur of bad writing and it is hard to remember what came first and who was writing at the time...

    I never minded the CarJax pairing. I just hate the breaking up/back together revolving door. And everytime they break up it is the same recycled script over and over again. It is to the point that we can predict exactly what they are going to say to each other...



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...