Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Setting the Stage: Jax and Joss are on today!

Franco will be back next week with a message for Carly--guess he blocked some stuff to insert later!! Maybe he'll taunt Jason after Jake dies..?? Hmmmmmmm. 

OLTL: Geesh, I really love this show, I only saw 30 minutes today and more happened than I've seen on GH in 2 weeks!!  Although Ted King's hair did look a bit Sheen-like today. heh

Spinelli reading from his 'Book' to Sam in the hospital bed...product placement!! 

Jax walks in to find Shawn in his house with Carly---at least he's carrying  Joss. He's right about Carly having Shawn in the house. Like she cares where Brenda is!! LOL You'd think Carly would have learned when Sonny almost tortured him in front of Morgan.
Diane and Jax...she's representing him for the custody thing again.  Carolyn H got her hair cut. (Thought you'd like that observation) Sonny and Jax...good god they are STUCK in the '90's. I can't take it anymore. It's the same EXACT dialog!!

"Brenda's a lot like me, we'd never walk away from a child"...Says Sonny to Dante. 

Jolivia was on... Olivia looked awesome, loved the hair color.  Miss Jolivia. wahhhh.  So sexy. I still like them way better than Stevia...but heck,  I'll take either one. 

 Yeah that Alexis took over Siobhan's "import' case! Good to see her on, and with LUKE no less!!  "I don't drive a big long car" says Luke heh.

M&M try to break into Johnny's apt... Maxie's a motormouth no matter who's she's with! LOL  Having to hear Johnny and Lisa have sex? Eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww.

Boy, if I ever let it rip who I think GH should get rid of character wise, I'd be in big fights -- and the show would have about 6 people left!!! 

So, Spin and Jason know who Suzy is. Big Whoop



  1. 6 people left;

  2. 6 people left:


  3. I really imagined a future GH w/ Jake, Joss, Cam, Aiden, Emma, and Spencer.

  4. I'm on team Jax!!! Come on Carly it was stupid for you to bring Sean to the house!!! And come on Steve and Olivia kiss already! :) Luke doesn't drive big long cars! ROFL! I want more Alexis and Luke scenes!! Jules finally got the knife trick right YAY! To bad he is gonna die.:( He is with Sonny. Oh oh Jules is sweating! Has he been poisoned?!

  5. 6 people left:

    I do like Anon #2 with the idea to start fresh with all the kids growing up too!

  6. I can't believe they are killing Jake. Even Quartermaines that aren't acknowledged Quartermaines have to be killed by Guza. If I were still watching this show this would be the final straw.

  7. I want Johnny and Olivia back, they are so much better.

  8. I nominate Olivia as winner of the Brenda/Bobbie look-alike contest.

  9. I think they don't put VM and LL in scenes together because they are the same age more or less...and there's a HUGE diff. HUGE, imo

  10. They say GH is against women on here, well they just killed another man off today Jules. and Jake soon.

  11. Anonymous- we did not say GH is against women- we said that just as many women as men have been killed off. And quite honestly, are we supposed to care that this Jules character was killed off? I haven't watched a single scene with him in it! They can kill off all the "Jules" that they want- just leave Jake alone!

  12. mosbp2003 actually I like Jules. He is funny. To bad he has to die.:(

  13. I thought Jules was sexy as hell and was hoping for at least one shirtless scene.

  14. Umm, who is Jules? lol.. seriously though

  15. Killing jake is the worst thing to do that Guza can do .The man has no imagination all he does is rewrite the great stories from the 80's and 90s .Call GH comment on the ABC line tell them we are tired of the stories .Tell them not to kill Jake .We are the fans and the viewers we creatr the ratings. They have time to fix it they don't have to kill Jake off .Jessica Jason and Sam can have a baby that's BS .

  16. All guza the luza does is kill people. He must of been born a serial killer.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...