Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Soap Opera: OLTL for Laughs, GH for Tears...

@Tyler2929: About to tape a show that made be proud to be a part of GH. Thank you.

That up there is a tweet from Tyler Christopher (Nikolas) this morning. Geesh, changing his tune a LOT from the past week's interviews where he basically says he's done with GH and isn't taping. Wonder what's up?!! Laura Wright also tweeted  about working with a bunch of people today. Gedstern is MIA today so I don't even have a hint!! I might hazard a guess at an intervention for Ol' Luke??! Speaking of:

As for Luke’s endgame, Geary says there’s only one option in his mind: “I'd like him to kill himself. It seems the only appropriate way for a superman to go.

What's up!!? Ready for the transplant aftermath and all it's JOY!!? Luke getting held at gunpoint by Jason? woo hoo!! Good times, good times. 

A Kardashian is on One Life To Live. Wendy Williams too..heck whatever it takes to keep that amazing show on the air!! The show today was AWESOME!! They just get it right, imo. Porno movies, tabloid shows, murder stuff that makes sense, Tess/Jess/Mess.. David Vickers. heh. Vicky said "Tuc  Watkins" should play David Vickers in the movie of the week. OMG, HYSTERICAL!! The actors they mentioned? "Someone really, really bad to play Clint, maybe Mel Gibson"?? Did you know Tuc played Dr. Dorman who was Monica's boy-toy? He also got Emily hooked on drugs. Dang.
And poor Kourtney K was awful wow..just really bad. She needed some coaching. Or editing. Or not to be on at all! 
Sorry to blog so much on OLTL but it's just priceless.  The stories all merge, the writing is top notch and it's so not afraid to make fun of itself.  *sigh*. Rama on the couch watching TV when Clint comes in-- The "Hold the Pepperoni" Porn stupidness.  Loved Dorian/David getting hitched.  David talking about multiple personalities and then winking at Vicky! Oh too much.
Well, if anyone knows anyone that works on OLTL and wants to be my source, hook me up. It makes GH look even more uneven/boring/sad than it already is. 

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Eh... here we go. I shall try to be nice.  I'm just so over this whole mumbo-jumbo. I was thinking: Edward could visit Brenda, but not be around for the Jake thing. I DO think they could have told both he and Monica, they just didn't want to bother. Also, Monica was around to tell Liz how much Aidan looked like Lucky, but not for the other story. MADDENING! 

Mabby getting it on. Her stipper apartment is gorge, eh? UGH, didn't really dig it. Abner did have to help Michael with the bra straps. Too much for me. oy.

More Lucky/Luke... oh heartbreaking. I love that TG is playing it believing that Luke isn't an alcoholic. That's exactly what "Luke" would want!! Today's scenes between those two were perfection. Luke trying to prove he can take his liquor.. drinking in front of Lucky. Wow.. I love Tracy but I so wish Genie were around for this. I love how it has to be the drinking for Lucky to handle. Jane was amazing as usual.. Luke flips the table over after the FLASHBACKS of little Lucky and Foster! eeeeeeeee! :sobbing: 

"If that's what you need to believe. If that comforts you and gets you through the night, fine. It was my drinking that killed Jake.

"I don't hate you.... I could never hate you Dad...and I know, that you love me-- just like I loved Jake".. says Lucky #GH

Jason goes to the bar, Luke pulls a gun out and says :use it: ... dah dah dah!!

Liz/Lulu: Eh, Don't care.

There's actually a whole article about the transplant story.  
From the LA Times:
If the patient loses all essential brain function, he or she could certainly be a kidney donor, provided that blood pressure is maintained at reasonable levels so the kidneys don't get damaged. However, it's very unlikely that Josslyn, with cancer in both her kidneys, would require or qualify for a transplant. Kidney cancer in a young child is usually a Wilms tumor, says Dr. William Carroll, professor of pediatric oncology and director of the NYU Cancer Institute. It is generally highly curable with a combination of chemotherapy, partial kidney removal and sometimes radiation. Even if a cancer develops in the remaining kidney, a transplant would still not be indicated. "I've never heard of a kidney transplant being needed or used in such a case," Carroll says.


  1. Poor Jason... brain damaged bc his brother was driving drunk... and now his son dies bc Luke hit him while driving drunk. J'll be devastated

    Loved TG and JJ.. they really deserve an Emmy!

  2. I was remembering how Foster wouldnt let Luke in the house but he loved Nik..
    one Life was great!!!

  3. Did not and will not watch GH. But, about the LA Times article- they should know- Guza only knows how to "research" whether or not it is possible to hit a four year old child in an SUV without knowing! Guza does not know how to research kidney cancer in a child...

    I was thinking about the spoilers that Lucky and Lulu cover for Luke. MADD and anybody that has ever lost a loved one to a drunk driver should blow up the and GH messge boards!

    Now I did watch OLTL and laughed out loud at David and Dorian's wedding! And Vicki suggesting that "Tuc Watkins" play "David" in the movie was priceless, right along with David talking about toe rot in his wedding vows!

  4. Karen I agree about Kourtney K! Yikes!!! Very bad. And David saying that Tuc Watkins is a hack!!! ROFL ROFL! Yes David you are right! He is a hack! He sucks! ROFL ROFL! Kidding of course. :) On to GH, Luke and Lucky flashback made me burst into tears!!! And the Abby and Michael scene! Damn! I was very uncomfortable! Did the same writer who wrote Dante and Lulu sex scenes wrote for Abby and Michael? UGH!

  5. Yeah Lante sex has nothing on Mabby sex. 4x's in 1 episode! jeez Balance GH! Balance! I actually loved the Lulu/Liz scenes. I for one am glad that Lulu won't be getting up in Elizabeth's face anymore. I know it only took Jake dying for her to apologize but I don't care,Petty crap doesn't matter when a child dies and I'm just glad the Lulu hating Liz is over. Tony Geary and Jonathan Jackson deserve Emmy's for those scenes, it was truly amaing.

  6. Please help refresh my memory...I was home sick today and tried to catch up on GH (I am 15 eps behind)...As my mind was wondering from the Balkan boredom I had a thought - Didn't Guza leave GH a while ago, and weren't fans "thrilled" when he came back? I thought he had promised every Friday would be a "cliffhanger."

    What is it going to take to get rid of him? If GH is pulling 3rd place in ratings will that equal more job security for him, despite the horrible flow of the stories?

    Thanks! Amy

  7. Please help refresh my memory...I was home sick today and tried to catch up on GH (I am 15 eps behind)...As my mind was wondering from the Balkan boredom I had a thought - Didn't Guza leave GH a while ago, and weren't fans "thrilled" when he came back? I thought he had promised every Friday would be a "cliffhanger."

    What is it going to take to get rid of him? If GH is pulling 3rd place in ratings will that equal more job security for him, despite the horrible flow of the stories?

    Thanks! Amy

  8. TG and JJ were amazing today. Luke's denial about his alcoholism and Lucky's tearful/angry incredulity was so frustrating and heart wrenching. I could watch the Spencer boys all day.

    I can't wait to see Liz and Luke...

    OLTL was juicy, campy goodness :)

  9. Yes, Guza left for a short time. I can't remember who took over for him (I'll have to look it up). It was REALLY BORING during that time. I think the worst of all of this has come when production decided to block tape. Meaning only taping certain characters certain days

  10. Kind of hypocritical of Lucky-Accuses Luke of driving drunk and then according to your spoilers goes and gets drunk and talks to Maxie. You would think after losing a child by someone who you thought was drunk,you would never touch another drop. Oh I forgot,Guza is writing this.

  11. Wow that Mabby zexy stuff was quite graphic! Probably the most graphic I've seen on daytime in a very very long time. Then it was wabbit season for those two... holy mackeral, poor kid is going to need to ice it down tomorrow!

    Once again TG, JJ, and SB all hit it out of the park with their acting. All three have been in top form for over a week now. I am never surprised because I know they are fabulous actors but it is nice to finally see them having storylines where they can really show off their talent. As pretty as SB is, even I get tired of watching him stand their silently blinking day after day ;)

  12. This story is rehashed, warmed over leftovers from almost 20 years ago. The writing is awful and the pacing is awful.
    BUT, JJ and TG completely put on a Emmy clinic today. God, both these two deserve better material than this , but what they got they elevated to stunning levels. Absolutely blistering punch after punch to the gut - they delivered in spades. Luke begging Lucky not to hate just wow

  13. Do you all remember JJ's Emmy win when he gave all the credit to TG who taught him how to act. I haven't seen the eppy yet, but it sounds any awfully lot like JJ and TG are showing everyone how it's done.

    Wouldn't it be great if the writers could give all the characters to same quality of material as they give TG and JJ? The show would be a helleva lot better.

  14. I appreciate all the Emmy talk. And sure, the 2 actors deserve it. But the fear remains...

    If they get nominated, the show might get nominated and the very last thing this planet needs is GH winning an Emmy for outstanding writing. Then we would never get rid of the head writer!

    speaking of writing...

    saw the preview tonight for Desperate Housewives on Sunday. Susan needs a kidney and one of the spare housewives just happens to get killed. The husband says "You will not use my wife for spare parts!"

    sound familiar? That "spare parts" line is really getting around this week.

  15. watched some of GH, and I loved seeing the old clip of Luke and Lucky (that's from around the time i started watching--i remember a scene where Lucky was playing poker with some friends from school and they alternated between calling him Lucky and Spencer, which confused

    Anyway, I was waiting at a cab place near my house while GH was on, and one of the other people waiting asked if it was always this depressing. Of course, I told him only for the last 5 or 6 years. Boy was he confused.

    Loved OLTL today. My mom and I were trying to figure out who the gossip reporter was and joked about her reminding us of Wendy Williams...oops. Also, that annoying girl was Kim Kardashian??? Yikes. I would kill myself if my voice sounded like hers.

  16. It will be revealed in the coming months that Luke is not the hit and run driver. evidence was tampered with.
    Overall, the clips I watched online, did not impress me. Boring. Michael and Abby dull. I actuelly hope Luke does leave the show as TG wishes him to kill himself. STUPID.

  17. I guess Michael was the one who tampered with the evidence, as he messed with Carly's car? Or, the car with the "blacked out" plates?

    The Mabby sex was very strip-teasy, appropros of Abby's former career--not very hot, just more man boobs . . . They just both keep praising each other, it's sickening.

  18. We may complain about TG taking so many vacations and leaving storylines in limbo, but he is worth his weight. He and JJ have always been phenomenal together. If not for the fabulous acting there would be very little to watch considering the careless and inaccurate writing. That's really what keeps us coming back.

  19. Was anyone else really bothered by the fact that when Dante told Elizabeth who hit Jake, he REALLY stressed that it was a total accident and there was no way Luke could have seen Jake.

    Uh, what? That's completely unprofessional. No one has even questioned Luke! They don't even know his side of the story. For all they know, it was JUST his car and Tracey was driving. They have absolutely no facts about the case other than the car! I mean, I know this is GH, but this is terrible writing, even for them!

  20. You're right Karen, Genie/Laura are missed in this storyline. Can you imagine how amazing it would have been had Laura walked into and joined those scenes on the Haunted Star?

    And I can see her doing a much better job of consoling Elizabeth then Lulu did, who I thought fell so flat in those scenes.

    Did anyone else notice when Lucky went to marry the LuckyCharms girl, they called him Lucas Lorenzo Spencer III? Since when? I thought he was a junior? Wasn't Luke's father named Timothy?

  21. @Min...

    Has Dante ever shown an ounce of professionalism in the past few months?

  22. Not sure what will happen next with jason and luke,but if I think what's going to happen will happen with jason doin his I have no feelings about killing and terrorizing you because I'm brain damaged routine with luke It will seriously get under my skin and give me hives! Why? Because if it was Carly (which I think its still her with evidence altered to protect her, if not Franco) he would just let it go with an eh carly no worries he was just the son I gave up without a fight and never saw anyways so no big deal if u killed him since his kidneys saved ur daughter! Ugh! Grrrr! Ugh! Grrrrr! So tired how they get away with everything and the show is all bout their tired clique n storyline!

  23. Min, I haven't watched since last week, but the video cameras that showed the license plates also supposedly showed Luke driving the car.

    Anonymous, Bobbie's son, Lucas, is Lucas Lorenzo II (I know it makes no sense...).

  24. But isn't he Lucas Lorenzo Jones?

  25. I think TG is tired and figures thats his way out to kill Luke off

  26. Anonymous, I am trying to remember and I might be wrong, but I think Bobbie started adoption proceedings before she married Tony and Lucas was named Spencer at the time. I could be wrong though.

  27. I didn't know if they were just trying to re-write history to make Luke's father be Lucas Lorenzo Spencer Sr. now after what Lucky said yesterday about a curse being passed down from father to son



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...