Thursday, March 3, 2011

General Hospital Soars in Ratings!!

The S&B wedding was a huge ratings boost for GH! According to SOD, it came in number two in Household behind Y&R, a spot usually reserved for B&B. This hasn't happened in ages. Full numbers should be out tomorrow. Let's see if they can hang on to the numbers. It has to be a great relief to TPTB who have been taking heat for Vanessa's return not drawing viewers. 

GENERAL HOSPITAL TODAY! RUMOR is Abby is in on the Balkan crap. I have no confirmation at all of that,  but it would make sense she could be a snitch. Heh.

LOVE seeing Alexis on so much!! LOVE the Davis saga. It's old school Soaps. 

I think Ronnie could have been working with The Balkan instead of Shawn. He was already on canvas, could have been a good tie  in. 

Lulu talking to Johnny about the limo--interesting. Foreshadowing...  it was nice to have them talking-- they so have to shake up the characters on this show. "you were a big part of my life"....

Dante and Sonny... Sonny calls Dante out on his hypocrisy. BAR WARE being involved naturally. Can't have something not thrown around. LOL

I'm  going to have to give up on trying to understand ANY of the Baby-being stillborn/miscarrying thing. It makes NO SENSE. Any of it. But whatever. First Brenda "miscarried" then it was "stillborn". If you have a 7 month old  baby , you know it and even if it's not alive, you usually name it, bury it?? !! 

LINE O' THE DAY: Dante: "You seriously want me 2 go sit on a beach some whwere, watch a sunset while you stick around town murdering people?" Sonny: "Yes".

SAM'S hearing loss lasted for like 2 seconds!! LMAO!!

By the way, they have no idea if it's night or day on this show. LOL 

Another great interview with Karen Harris!! Detroit Examiner.

Looks like TG is leaving for his "vacation" at the end of this week.  He'll be gone awhile!!


  1. Karen did you watch AMC today with Scott and that towel? DAMN! :) Co headwriter Donna was that your idea? If so, thank you! :)

  2. Looks like we will be having another everyone's sobbing and driving music montage and "who hit and ran" mystery ala Kristina/Claudia's baby. They couldn't think of something original??

  3. Anonymous- they haven't thought of anything original in a very long time...

  4. I LOVED the Jolu scenes. I LOVE them together and can't wait to see how she reacts to Johnny being involved in The Balkan/Brenda car bombing.

  5. Anyone read Sarah brown was dropped to recurring on her other soap? And Tama braun (my favorite carly) took GH's old emily's place on Days? Didn't she originate that role anyways?

    Gosh it makes me sick about Jake.

  6. I saw that Sarah was dropped to Recurring ;/ booooooooooo
    and no, I think tams played a different character on that same soap! LOL Ava?

  7. something was a little off on toda's show. Michael was in the alley and had someone confront him and Jason did not jump out of the wings to defend him.

    Isnt it some kind of GH law that Jason is superhero, can be in two places at once, and must be the only one to protect Michael 24/7 from thugs in alleys?

    And why does someone always have to protect Michael? Isn't he an adult now and can fight his own battles?

    Also... what kind of direction does the director give Kristina and Molly? "Just stand there. whine a lot and cry. now... ACTION!"

    Boy, someone dropped the ball today!

  8. If Joss needs a kidney, can't they hack off part from the jax long lost sister that nobody knows about? that way they don't have to kill jake!

  9. For the love of all things Mobular (Sarcasm intended), please don't make Abby another casualty of this dreadful story.

    I actually like her with Michael.
    Why does everyone have to be turned into a bad guy to have them connected to the canvas if they aren't already related to the Corinthos clan?

  10. Those Jolu scenes were a long time coming. And they weren't spoiled in the mags or online at all which made them all the more surprising and special.

  11. Loved the JoLu scenes..

    @Karen: Yes Sam did get her hearing back quickly, but you do know that she is actually very sick, right? It's not due to the explosion, and she will get much worse in a couple of weeks...

  12. The Balkan's butler has to be related to Spinelli in some way. Nerdy right hand man to crime figure with delusions of grandeur. Sound familiar? LOL. Either this guy is family or one of his gaming friends.

    I agree Suzanne was probably trying to wreck the wedding to prevent Brenda being grabbed. Not only because she likes her (more than she'd admit), but to protect her own secret. No wonder the whole story is so confusing. Suzanne has told everyone something different to cover her own tracks. It seems clear Suzanne hid the child. She wants to keep this child out of the Balkan's hands, so even though on the surface she is cooperating, she has her own agenda. He thought it was Brenda hiding the baby, but now realizes Suzanne knew the baby lived and where the child is now.Suzanne was there at the birth. The only question is how long until Brenda's child shows up in PC.

    The one twist I love from today is Johnny's involvement with the car bomb. I asked a few posts past why no one suspected the Z's, since Sonny had tried to do it to him. It also explains why he was getting drunk. Plus we know the Balkan has been using Johnny's people. Since it was part of the diversion, it makes sense he used locals.

  13. I am sorry to say I won't even be able to tell Tonys gone

  14. Anonymous says

    The only question is how long until Brenda's child shows up in PC.
    And how old will the child be? 12? 13? 14? :)

    Mamaspat Ole what do you mean Tony? Tony who?

  15. Sonya, I believe she means Tony Geary (Luke).

    Anon, I like your take on Suzanne's motives. Maybe she doesn't want her grandson to also become an eventual casualty like her son did??

    I feel Suzanne may hold Theo somewhat responsible for Alexander's death. And, after spending time with Brenda, realized that she did act in self defence when Alexander was killed, thus her protecting of Brenda.

    But a juicier twist would be she wanted to keep Brenda this close for this long and away from Theo, would one give her a scapegoat, and secondly be able to hide the grandchild as Theo wasn't aware one existed and keep his attention fixated on finding out about Alexander's death.

  16. The wedding episodes were a cut above what we usually get on GH, so I'm not surprised the ratings rose--but am surprised how much!
    One reason those eppys were good was because they involved practically everyone. It was so good to see some favorites for a change, to see them in scenes with other faves, to see interaction, and the light, pastel-shaded, airy sets helped, too! I loved seeing Jax and Alexis together.

    If they could do more to use the entire cast, it would improve this show a great deal.

  17. That's how it seems to me too Watchintele. I think Suzanne realized Theo made their son the way he was and when she found out Brenda was pregnant devised a way to keep the baby away. Plus as she got to know Brenda knew it was self defense. I hadn't thought of the angle you did though, but it makes sense. If he was so focused on Brenda, he never thought about a child. That also makes some other stuff make sense, because Suzanne was making sure his attempts to grab Brenda failed, while appearing to cooperate. And also explains why she called Jason in. Of course we could have figured this out better than the writers have. But I have the feeling in the end, Suzanne might be on Brenda's side after all.

    On the Jake front, it makes sense if Lisa hits him, but makes everyone believe it was Robin. It would get Lisa off canvas once Jason finds out.

  18. What would've been a better story is if joss needs a kidney and Brenda's baby was found to be a perfect match .Then to find out that Jaxs was really the baby's father Not Alexander Bolkan and Suzanne have been chasing nothing .then jax would not only have a son by to daughter too.You know they do that kidney search and find that perfect match in Africa that's a story .And wouldn't it be great if Jake Woold live .Stop killing the Quartermaines.Let's have some drama not death

  19. Doesn't it bother anyone else about the baby timeline and her being 7 months along? Or am I being a bitch? LOL

  20. Karen, the timeline is weird. But heh, look on the brightside, atleast they SORAS'D the baby in the womb!!

  21. Watchintele oh of course!!! THAT Tony! Duh me! :)

  22. Karen I think we have all become so used to GH playing with time and timelines, we don't even pay attention to that detail. Sad but true. I do wonder why Brenda would have taken Suzanne's word , since that's what it seems like happened. "I woke up and the baby was gone" is what Brenda said right? Maybe Brenda was so relieved the last tie was gone, she never asked. I question whether Brenda really had a fever. It seems more likely Suzanne drugged her. While Brenda was feeling the effects, she gave birth. Then Suzanne kept Brenda drugged and hazy for awhile, so she could cover. Probably by the time Brenda "woke up" it had been long enough she would not ask to see the baby. Neither one ever said how long Brenda was ill.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...