Saturday, March 5, 2011

Happy Birthday To Kim McCollough !!!

I must pay some homage to someone we've watch grow up on our fave soap! Besides JJ, she's the only one that's gone from little kid to full blown adult. (and she's a DOCTOR!!)  I remember thinking that when "Robin" was cast, not only was this little darling a great actress, it was a great blend of Anna/Robin in looks and attitude. Kim McCollough was born on March 5th, 1978 in Bellflower,  CA.

"I watched Kimberly McCullough, who's played Robin since 1984, grow from this small little thing into a wonderful young lady. Finola Hughes, who played Anna, and I always made ourselves accessible to her because it's not easy to be in this business, no matter how old you are! For someone so young, Robin amazes me that she's remained as level headed and well-adjusted as she is." -Tristan Rogers, excerpt from the General Hospital, the Complete Scrapbook

Of course, KM was also a part of one of the most endearing stories ever to be on the soap: Robin and Stone.  This was not only a beautiful love story, it also showcased a then new awareness of the HIV virus and AIDS. For years afterward, GH became a champion of AIDS causes and  held it's annual "Nurses' Ball" to raise funds for research. This storyline continues today with the "Stone Cates Memorial AIDS Wing" at the hospital and a few HIV-centric stories here and there. 

More recently, Robin is now a "Drake"--married to Patrick and half of the hugely popular Scrubs duo. One of the best things for me was seeing both Tristan Rogers and Finola Hughes come back for their wedding. Robin battled PPD after having her baby, another timely story for her character. 

Other projects Kimberly has done throughout the years have included "Legally Blonde" as brainy "Amy" in 2001, several appearances  on gal-pal Amber Tamblyn's show "Joan of Arcadia"  and "Stage 4" (2010) a comedy short with cast-member Ronnie Marmo. 

Her newest projects have included attending the AFI  (American Film Institute) for directing. "Nice Guys Finish Last" is her in post-production film.  She is listed as both writer and director.   For a huge gallery of photos and information, visit . 
        Jason Thompson, Kim McCollough, Karla/Alberta and Finola Hughes on LA AIDS Walk 2009
Kim does a lot of charity work including two years with "The House that GH Built" for Habitat for Humanity. She's met Alberta Wubs during the LA AIDS walk where they were both on "Team Scrubs"!

Some fun GH Robin/Kim/Scrubs related sites: 

The Scrubs Hub 
The Kimberly McCollough Connection
Follow Kimberly on Twitter: @whitewatercrew

FINALLY, here's a great You Tube Video to enjoy of Robin through the years--some nice Robin/Jason scenes which we tend to forget!! 



  1. that was a great video, thanks for showing it....
    So glad they let the
    RealRobin grow up on the show......

  2. Love this Karen.. made me remember how important this character and her whole family is to me. She is such a cutie.

  3. Probably one of the best characters introduced to our show.
    Alot of good stories and memorable pairings.
    Very happy that Kimberly McCullough decided to return to the show.

  4. Great birthday tribute, Karen :)

  5. That video is so sweet I almost cried. GH use to be so good....

  6. I've literally grown up with KM on GH. I'm also glad she returned and have really enjoyed seeing her adult that she's a doctor!

    Great tribute!

  7. I loved that a lot of Mac/Robin clips were included, even if no Robert/YoungRobin clips.

    Oh, and you meant good mix of Anna/Robert, not Anna/Robin, right? ;-)

  8. Happy Birthday Kimberly!
    Kimberly is the reason I watch GH. She is the best actress and Robin is the best character.Kimberly plays Robin to perfection. I laugh and cry with Robin. I cannot forget the scenes when she found out Robin was cheated on. I felt her pain and hurt. I cried along with her and still do when I rewatch those scenes. NO actress deserved to be in the pre noms more than Kimberly. What a big disappointment to people who will never get to see her work.

  9. I love that song reminds me of GH so much

  10. Thanks for sharing, Karen! I remember when Kim came to the show and thinking what a great little actress... so glad GH never soras'd her. She's still an amazing actress who should be nominated for an emmy this year.

  11. I love that song too Karen and Kimberly is a excellant actress hated when Stone died.Too bad she doesn't get to truly have great lines anymore.Its all Sonny,Sonny,Sonny



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...