Friday, March 18, 2011

BOB GUZA Jr. OUT at General Hospital?--update: NO, he's staying!

Lord knows he's been there forever, but SOD is reporting that rumors are rampant the head scribe is OUT of the head writer position at General Hospital. So, how do you feel about this? It's what we've been wanting for awhile--but it's interesting because the male cast LOVE the man.  LOVE. 

 WELL, SOD just updated TWITTER TO SAY GUZA IS not OUT at ABC!!! What teasers. I'm so mad. LOL 


  1. OOOOOOOOO!!! A VERY EARLY CHRISTMAS PRESSIE IF IT'S TRUE! ::: dances around tv room:::

  2. GENERAL HOSPITAL UPDATE: spokesperson reports that Guza is NOT exiting...OH CRAP, FOOEY, ARGH AND OTHER PROFANITIES!

  3. HOW DID SOD get it so wrong, there HAS to be something going oN!

  4. Sending out feelers for the real thing? If so, they just got their confirmation.

  5. Guza looks like Elton John in that pic!


  6. @Wanda I was thinking the EXACT same thing!

    And talk about depressing news...

  7. I agree. Why would ABC fire Elton John??

    Also, re: Karen. I think they squelched the rumor within the hour because ABC might be putting together a proper press release or hasnt had the chance to sit and talk with him.

    ABC wants to make a statement, not an intern/insider to a magazine.

  8. I do think there might be something to this. We will just have to wait and see ::taps foot:: Let's hope. I was giddy when I heard the rumor. I was all ready to break into my happy dance. How dare they tease us like this.:/ Please, for the love of all that's good and soapy let this be true! I want to be able to play 'Celebrate Good Times' by Kool And The Gang... Yahoo! :)

    That's funny. I totally thought that picture was Elton John too, ha!

  9. Can you joke about a Joke? Don't know, but Guza is definitely a Joke.

    I won't be watching the Jake must die to save Carly's progeny storyline. I won't be watching the Jake must die to cut all ties between Jason and Liz so Sweet BORING Sam can finally get pregnant and miraculously give Jason a child storyline.

    I might come back to GH, and I might not. With the crap story lines we have been force fed for the last couple of years, well, it is still iffy.

  10. I had an hour of pure joy while the rumor of Guza's firing floated around twitter. Then I had to come crashing back into reality lol

    I really want to seen SOD something not too pleasant in the mail over this one!

  11. No one believed that AMC was moving to LA when that "leaked" out either. ABC denied it at that time too... I think that is what's happening here. ABC isn't ready to make the announcement and it could be coming in the near future. JMHO.

  12. I HOPE IT HAPPENS SOON! I didn't watch GH today and won't be for a very long time but if by miracle it wasn't jake and just someone who franco switch with (sick i know) and they get monica back ill be back oh and with a new writer!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...