Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Spoilers are UP: Jake Donates Kidney

It's true...we'll have a hit and run involving about SEVEN people-- @@ and Jake will be declared brain dead.  Liz will donate his kidney to save Josslyn. The hardest thing to watch? Liz and Lucky telling Cameron!!! :sob:
This is all happening the week of March 21st. To to WUBS NET for more detailed scoops. 

PS. New rumor is that Emma will be SORA'd soon. 


  1. Thanks Lazy writers. I know we are going to get some great scenes with these great actors, but there could have been a better storyline than killing a kid.
    Since this is obviously going to happen, I would like for Carly to plead to Liz, not Jason about the kidney. Especially because of THEIR history. Jason has no say in Jake at all.
    I can't believe they are actually going to do this to us..

  2. This will be a sad storyline, no doubt, but it is still going to suck. The writing is just NOT there.

    Also, the other spoiler about Michael destroying evidence to protect his mother disgusts me beyond belief. Didn't they ALL just learn a huge lesson about lying and altering evidence?!?! Not to mention that this may be evidence to a crime that leaves a little boy brain dead - wtf?! That's just terrible writing right there. I know Guza thinks it makes a story more dramatic to have everyone running around messing with things, but sometimes the real emotions in a story are plenty enough. It's just all going to get bungle up with Guza trying to be too intricate. (see 'The Balkan' for an example)

  3. I do not believe the writers can do this story justice at all. And it will be very sad!

  4. Emma will be sorased? WHY?! And how old? 12? 13? 17? I hope it's just a rumor.

  5. I don't want any kids dead , but why couldn't it been Joss. She is the one with stage 5 cancer. Would teach Carly a lesson in not paying attention to her kids. It's always the boys or guys that get killed off GH.

  6. Anonymous that's not true about always being a boy or guy that dies on GH. BJ died. Were you watching when BJ died?

  7. Oh boy. This is going to be very hard to watch. I agree with Billie...I want to see some Carly/Liz scenes.

  8. After this, I am DONE watching this show. Had soooo much potential with jake that its not even funny. If they dont rewrite they will lose alot of people.

  9. I think I am finally done..

  10. I know right! It should have been joss to go so carly can see shes so caught up in other peoples drama she hasnt focus on any of her children at all! Plus we need to see other level in carly! plus, joss is a baby and is given a HIGH case of cancer that would have spread all over yet all she needs is a kidney? COME ON and be somewhat realistic!

  11. Georgie died too ;/

    and Stage 5--I've never heard of that

  12. I believe that the writers will not do any good with this storyline either. IF they age Emma, they would have to age Cameron too, right? That boy should be older than half of these teenagers...

    All of these rumors about Michael covering up for his mom and Dante letting Michael get off when they raid a warehouse is just stupid. Michael is never going to learn if everyone keeps covering up for him. Geez.

  13. Right. Why can't it be one of Carly's kids to go? Are they always going to have the bullet to the brain but survive syndrome?

  14. All of a sudden Joss needs a kidney?WHAT!!how did that happen??I am not watching this guess Ill just come here for the updates.To kill a child just to promote another couple is insane and cruel.Nan

  15. Also they do not do transplants on cancer patients ever!!My hubby had a heart transplant and the first thing they check 4 is cancer.because they have to kill your immune system for the anti rejection drugs to work,there is no way a cancer patient would be accepted.

  16. I think the characters of Emily and Georgie would disagree that it is always the man or boy that dies...

    There are already so many holes in this story- there is no way it is going to work. And I agree, how long are TPTB going to allow the Corinthos family to be "bullet proof"? Yes, Michael was in a coma, but then he had his miracle surgery and nobody learned anything...I would never want any child to die, but those Corinthos kids sure do manage to survive a lot...Bbut now, JAKE dies and Jason will conclude that bad things can happen to any child and now he will be fine with having a child with Sam. What crap!

  17. they still can save JAKE, he will donate his kidney. everyone thinks he is dead, but in reality FRANCO has given him to his mother to raise. FRANCO finds out he is JASON's son.

  18. I hope the writers make it sam who has run over jake. I have hated this character since day one.

  19. So sick. These writers need therapy. Kudos to Becky for never complaining about story, and being a class act. I couldn't trust myself to hold my tongue when being faced w/ such choppy, sadistic, unrelatable storytelling. I bet this "event" is making Becky run home to kiss her kids everyday.

  20. Anonymous said...
    they still can save JAKE, he will donate his kidney. everyone thinks he is dead, but in reality FRANCO has given him to his mother to raise. FRANCO finds out he is JASON's son.

    OH YES! Now this, I like! It ties together two stories, keeps a kid character alive, and allows for the drama of kid death. This is full of soapy win!

  21. Owwww Anon I liked your idea. That Jake doesn't die franco takes him. I'll take that over him dieing!

  22. LL2 telling Cam is gonna break my heart

  23. Having Franco tie into the story would be very very interesting! He took Aiden...so why couldn't he take Jake? It just seems odd to up and kill Jake out of the blue like this. It would be more...I Don't know ...better if Jake was actually part of a story; but he's not. That's sad to say; but it's true. Even the fact that he's Jason's son is of little to no significance these days....except to Franco should he find out. He's not even part of a potential Lucky Liz reunion/family. There are no other notable Mob enemies that would want to harm Jake to get to Jason.
    There is STRONG potential (and this is my opinion only) for the audience to believe that Jake is dead until Franco
    returns late summer /early fall (or whenever he does)

  24. Lila, Mary Mae, BJ, Georgie, Emily, Dominique, Emily's bio mom, the gorgeous blonde lady mobster, Michael Learned's role,Kristina,Lily, Krissy's friend, all female...all dead...yeah, I go back a long way, hahaha. Have I left someone out?

  25. Faith Roscoe...knew it would come to me eventually...dead as doornail, lol...ohhhhh I miss her, she was a match for Sonny and then some!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...