Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday: Daylight Savings Sheeze

My Twitter Icon for this week!! Who recognizes this Oyrish Lassie??!! Geesh, I miss her and Paddy's brother too.  Took people awhile to get who it is though.  DO YOU KNOW? 

OLTL...Natalie had the WORST dang fake-baby ever. LOL. Geesh, invest in a good weighted, rubber baby!! Love Tess running around. heh. I also really like the fact older folk can get some on this show and are still causing trouble!!

GENERAL HOSPITAL TODAY:  Brenda's still laying around like a toad. LOL  

Wow, Michael and Abner just drive me nuts. She also gave him wine.  Interesting.  Is he already 21? Not that I care, but are they trying to SORA him again!?  In NYS she'd be in trouble!! I so hope the rumors are true and she's working for Franco. Start that rumor if you love me, ok? Heh

Yeah that Luke and Ethan were on...and Mac Daddy...and Tracy and Edward. 

Wow, today is really really boring!!!!!! zzzzzzzzzzzzz. 

"You should be ashamed of yourself young lady"...says Edward to Brenda. Awww.. I miss JI. He needs way more airtime.

I have to go,  this show just bores me to tears. Sorry. 3:24 and I'm OUT! 


I was on twitter, totally forgot about the stove and left eggs on to boil for about 30 minutes. Good Gravy. ;/ ughhhhhhhhh. My house smells awful right now!!


  1. that is Rose Kelly. Paddy did not have a brother. he had a son, Joe Kelly.

  2. Rose Kelly is the original owner of Kelly's, right? I remember the days when Luke and Scorpio rented rooms above the joint back in the day when they were footloose bacherlors! Any scenes not in the hospital, the Webbers house, or the haunted star were probably at Kelly's. Dang, I miss those days.
    So, Joe went on to be the State AG, right? And kelly left to be his assistant and left the place to Ruby.
    Or at least I think that's right

  3. NO NO NO we don't want Abby working for Franco. I like Mabby!

    P.S. Who is the lady on your icon?

  4. Rose Kelly! awwww what a cute couple she and Joe were!...yummmy stuff, real people with real lives...I miss those days!

  5. Rose also dated Jake. The 1980's Jake, not the one about to be killed off, of course. Jake was Jewish, so they had a little interfaith story. They paired Jake with Bobbie a bit after Rose left town.

    I also remember some kind of flirtation between Rose and Rick Webber. Does anyone else remember that? It wasn't consummated, at least that I recall.

    Oh my God, I'm sooooo old!

  6. Oh I had the biggest crush on Joe Kelly when I was a kid!!! Is it terrible that I would love them to bring back Joe Kelly? He was a cop after all!!

    And I loved Jake Meyer with Bobbie, they were a great couple. I never thought they would have a better pair for Bobbie but they did with Tony.

    Today's show was so ho hum :(

  7. Remember when the Quartermaines lost all their money and Monica kicked them out of (her)house and they all, maid included, had to go and live in rooms at Kellys?
    And anyone remember PickleLila?

  8. When Michael asked for Wine with his pasta I was like "WTF?! Isn't he a bit young for alcahol?!" and then Abby was like "Better not drink too much. Might get in trouble with your parole officer..."...Uh Abby honey. This isn't Canada where the drinking age IS 18...this is America. :P

  9. I like Mabby too but we need some excitement. Have her be soeone, casue how else would she be supporting herself?

    So sick about the Jake story. Please let him live off screen some how.

  10. Ravenbeauty's column is up early. Read about possibly combining OLTL and AMC. Ugh!

  11. Paddy was Joe Kelly's dad and Joe and Rose were in love, but Rose married Paddy. I forget the reason, but Joe and his father were then on the outs. Douglas Sheehan played Joe, but I forget who played Rose.

    The 1980s were a primo time for secondary characters. Luke and Laura got all the notice but not so much more time than the rest. Bryan and Claudia were the token black couple, but nothing ever was done with them.

    Rose eventually fell for Hutch, the reformed contract killer of Frank Smith, after he saved Luke and Laura. I think that pair left the show together.

    I'd love to see the writers incorporate old characters coming back, or their progeny. It's such a waste to have a backhistory that is dead.

  12. can't even comment on the kelly's or anything else other than poor Jake. Karen that picture kills me!

  13. One thing I did like about the show yesterday was Mac FINALLY telling Dante that the days of the PC cohersing with the Mob are done, and to let Lucky know that too. I hope that they follow through with that one!!!

  14. I love Michael & Abby and do NOT want her working for - you're really tough on Abby - ouch! I think the actress is really good especially being a newbie. They are one of the only couples to watch lately!! They have so much chemistry - it's nice to watch a couple on that show kissing who actually make it seem as though they can stand one another. Sorry, but watching Ethan/Maya or Lucky/Siobhan or Nicholas/anybody kiss is torture. Hard to believe a love story when the actors look like they're having as much fun as a root canal. Go Mabby!!
    By the way - legal drinking age in Canada is actually 19.....

  15. Two things I learned:

    1. GH promotes underage drinking

    2. There was a time when relationships mattered on this show.

  16. Rose Kelly...I vaguely remember her from the 80's (I was a kid). Was she the one who adopted "Lulu The Street Kid"? I believe Lulu was accidentally killed by Blacky Parish? I may have the name wrong.

    As for yesterdays episode, Mac made me smile. I hope thins means he and the PCPD will get a little more IF.

  17. Lucy I agree on the couples thing. But they are in NY, not canada so they should have at least said something or sorad's Michael a few years to be 21. I do also agree with others though that Abby & Michael say the same thing over and over again. They need different dialogue.

  18. Yes, Jen - I also agree that they should age Michael to 21. I guess I'm a bit more liberal being a Canuck who's been able to legally drink since 19 - haha. I would also like some different dialogue, but I will still take Mabby over most of the rest of the characters on the canvas right now.

  19. The first Anonymous is correct...there was no brother for Paddy. Where'd you come up with that, Karen? There was only his son, Joe Kelly.
    P.S. Rose Kelly was played by Loanne Bishop.

  20. Here is how it really went down. I know because I was a huge fan of Rose Kelly, played by Loanne Bishop. Paddy was Rose's much older husband who was killed by the mob. Joe was Paddy's son, who was in love with Rose. Rose did not love Joe, she loved her husband. Joe left and Jake Meyer, who was Jewish, came on the canvas to help Rose obtain custody of Lou, since Jake was a lawyer. Jake and Rose fell madly in love and were engaged to be married. However, Rose, being Catholic, left town to help Joe out when she realized she and Jake were too different religiously to get married and have children. Rose was devastated by not being able to marry Jake.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...