Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Oyrish Day Lads and Lassies!!

Lookie and Oyrish Weddin' today...well, almost. Thought this was fitting. I could use the beer about now!!  Today is a lovely sunny day though.... too nice to be blogging. BUT! Here I am!! 

OLTL: Tuc is back!! David/Dorian and Cutter? Sure! I can so get into that!! WOOT!! 

General Hospital: I do believe the Prez will be  on at 3:30 today to talk about Japan. It's the beginning of the SAD sad STORY!! Many rumors about who really hit Jake but I think it's going to be someone a bit surprising and it will be powerful. VERY Powerful. Think Vet.

Michael in his hoodie.  LOL!! They are making him out to be such an idiot. Geesh.

Diane is surrounded by Brenda's pink stuff from the Penthouse.  Spinelli brought it over for Brenda to enjoy at Sonny's!! :) hahahaa. Nice touch. Sonny sold the house in the woods? Dang, I loved that set. Brenda said she had no family...YEAH, she did... she was JULIA!!

Lisa can just die anytime. I haven't seen that come across my spoiler alert though. Dang it.

A twubber noticed the syringe at the Haunted Star yesterday..I'm trying to see if I can see it.  Luke mentions "tire tracks" to Carly... foreshadowing!

OMG, those boys in the hospital were so cute!!!!!!! I love Cam. "I want Pizza! I want Pizza"!! 

Of course, Obama interrupted. OY Vey! But we did get to see Luke, Carly (illegal on the phone), Robin, Lisa... Sam and Brenda/Sonny driving. Liz screams "JAKE"!!!! fade to black.

LINE OF THE DAY: MILO to BRENDA: "that's a nice outfit" ...LOL!!! 


  1. Is it Edward? That hit Jake? His great grandson he has no idea about.

  2. Oh the drama!!
    If it does turn out to be Edward, it will be poetic.

    Remember Dillon talking about the Q's looking out for new child that will replace Golden Boy Jason, and since Jason doesn't have children that's why they wanted Lulu to keep the baby.

    So here's Jason with a child, and it turns out that Edward is the one that is responsible for the hit & run.
    Thank you Guza for the so called angst.

  3. Didn't Edward already hit Jake when he lost control of his car at the carnival? I thought he wasn't driving anymore because of that.

  4. I am saying Edward... possibly to connect with his possible dementia?

  5. Cam: I want pizza! I want pizza! Are you even listening to me?!

    ROFL! And him pouting! ROFL! Liz takes the boys home and she calls out for him to help her with macaroni for dinner! ROFL! Well gee Liz I guess you didn't hear Cam! He wants PIZZA for dinner!!! ROFL!

  6. I'm assuming Edward, too. But I think it would be more powerful if it turned out to be Luke. It would give TG a meaty, serious story, and inspire months, even years, of potentially deep, moving story for Guza to screw up.

  7. Love that they show that Liz doesn't give into her kids demands. I don't get how she didn't hear the door to the living room opening though. She was standing right there. Wouldn't there be a draft too? It is still pretty chilly outside at night...

  8. Love that they show that Liz doesn't give into her kids demands. I don't get how she didn't hear the door to the living room opening though. She was standing right there. Wouldn't there be a draft too? It is still pretty chilly outside at night...

  9. I'm pretty sure it's luke the one who hits jake

  10. re: Carly on the phone while driving.

    Carly is associated with Sonny. Anyone associated with Sonny is ABOVE THE LAW. This has been established every week for the past 10+ yrs. In fact, it was established today with Dante and Michael.So, Carly gets to do whatever she wants with no legal repercussions.

    As for the killer? Well. I dont think Jake is going to be able to write "ANNE" in blood on the pavement. (Bonus points if you know what I am talking about!) So I am going with either Edward, Monica or Tracy. Why? Because they are Quartermaines. Q's are now disposable characters in the eyes of TPTB, and by having them be a killer, they can ship them off to jail and off the screen, which is what Guza ultimately wants. A world without Quartermaines.

    Maybe they can meet up with Blackie while they are in jail? (wasnt his jail sentence 2 yrs? Is he STILL in jail?)

  11. I think it's obvious it'll be Luke. More angst in that he accidentally kills his grandson. Doubt it'll be Edward, because I don't think TPTB plans on honoring Jake's Quatermaine side. They want this Liason biz over w/ now, so making an even bigger deal of Jake being a product of Jason QUATERMAINE doesn't accomplish that. Also, they didn't even show Edward driving on the road as spoilers tell it. The only suspects seems to be Carly, Robin, Sam, Luke, Lisa, and SnB. Not to mention Luke's drinking problem will be addressed, so that entails he probably was DUI. Lastly, if they were going to let the Quatermaine cat out of the bag, you'd think they'd at least let Monica in on it, which I doubt a Monica appearance will be made.

  12. Is it just me, or would seeing my child gone and the door open be more important than making sure that the letter is shoved back in the envelope? Just that few seconds can make a huge difference when your child is headed out to the street.

  13. Karen,
    The new TV Guide says that on Friday March 25th there will be an incredibly shocking reveal on GH. Is this when we find out who killed Jake?

  14. I sure hope they include Bobbie and Monica in some of these scenes, doubtful though.

    Yes, I know "Anne"!

  15. Did anyone watch the entire show on SoapNet? I don't want to spoil anyone's fun, but it does appear Robin got the prize!!!

  16. For writers who make a lot of money you would think that they could come up with an original idea every now and again. I am tired of killing off children and then trying to figure out who did it. Kiefer comes to mind.

  17. I think Luke hit Jake. I don't think it was any coincidence that Alexis was chiding him the other day about driving a "big black car". Of course, Luke then said "I don't drive any big black car", so maybe that was meant to throw us off his tail, too. Hmm.

  18. I think Guza hit Jake .... Actually it would be so much better if Franco switched babies stole jake just like AJ did with Michael when he was a baby . .Franco and is mama holding baby Jake that's the only way they can save the story and not have everyone mad .... And hypocrite Carly asking Sam to give Jason a baby ...I think only Carly wants to give Jason a baby .... For liaison fans like me a better fix this whole Jake story...Maybe an original idea instead of reliving the stories from the 80s and 90s ....Over and over and over and over

  19. Please, please writers if you;re going to make us deal with Franco have him take Jake and makeus only THINK he's dead just for the future chance of storylines. What an adorable precious kid who couldn't look more like Jason if they tried! Are we relaling going through this all for Jasam?

  20. please explain the ANNE comment.

  21. I agree that Michael was made to look like an idiot. I really like the actor and the character, but he really isn't written as being very smart and CD has that dumb look on his face way too much.

  22. Just got a update from Sopa Opera Digest on twitter that the rumor that Bob Guza is out MIGHT be true.
    Have you heard anything about this?

  23. It was anne that was murdered correct? And then someone wrote her name in blood? Or was it a set up? details please!!!! Gosh that was decades ago but it was chilling.

    Also heard about the Guza rumor. Please be true!!!

  24. I will always believe that Franco has Jake and given him to his mother to raise.

  25. Why would it be powerful for Luke to have hit jake anyway? Epsecially since they haven't had one scene together in jake's almost 4 years of life.

  26. Anne's name was written in blood by a dying Diana I was a set up to make Annie Logan look like a murderer...Diana was bad girl even in death...wish i could remember more details...anyone?

  27. Heather Webber wrote Anne with Diana's blood in an attempt to frame Annie Logan so she could have Jeff Webber for her own. Man what a story



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...