Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday Soap Blog Coalition!

It's Thursday so take a minute to surf the net and read some good stuff from your fave Soap Sites!

One Life to Live's Ilene Kristen is a Jane of all trades. Check out an interview with the talented actress at Daytime Confidential. (Daytime Confidential)

Kimberly McCullough and Jason Thompson had personal appearances in New York City last weekend and we've got an exclusive library of photos from the Brokerage event! (Scrubs Hub)

The Serial Drama girls learned the hard way that watching current episodes of All My Children will make you hate your favorite characters, the writing staff, your television set and your immune system. (Serial Drama)

There is something to be said for older characters on the who bring so much wisdom to various storylines on the soaps. As the World Turns does this well and nowhere was it more evident today when Lucinda and Emma tried to reach their daughters regarding their love lives. (Soap Opera Examiner)

Here is something more rare than Monica's screen time on GH: The wubqueen actually really REALLY enjoyed a show. Check it out and get your "Lukealikes" on! (Wubs)

No blog about soaps today as I was in a fabu seminar about Dementia...simply amazing. Usually I have a migraine by the end of my workshops, this just flew by. Are OLTL and GH worth the DVR watch today? Let me know!! Tomorrow I am also out because I'm driving southbound to my hometown. Think you'll recover from my NOT being here to lighten your life? Heh. I guess I'll have to write a catch-up blog on Sunday! I WILL Have some fall spoilers up probably tomorrow am. I'll put a note in here so you'll see it.


  1. Watch both, Karen. Both GH and OLTL were good today.

  2. yes they were Karen AMC not to tickled with.

  3. oops that was me hit the enter button too quick

  4. I heart Johnny more every day... getting to NOT like Domte cause of Boring Lulu.

  5. GH was good today. (I don't watch AMC or OLTL)Of course, by now, you may have already seen it. Best part for me (without giving it away) the scene between Helena and Alexis in the hospital. Totally cracked me up!

  6. Any day with Helena is a good day!!!

  7. Helena...Jasam.... WONDERFUL day if you ask me!

  8. Today was ok. I did more ff than I have the last few days. Seemed like a filler day for the most part.

  9. I agree with the last comment Thursdays GH was just ok, and lots of FF through. Hopefully today will make up for it. Did like Helena and "Natasha" scenes. Even the smooch with Luke & Alexis was cute (he tried for one right on her kisser and she shook her finger at him lol).

    The Niz scenes were weak and they are ruining any chance of us rooting for our girl Liz to find love. Wonder if they're doing this cause of JJ coming back. It better be worth it.

    Hope to see some Jolivia tonight after work.

  10. Anyone else Hate Maxie's new haircut? She looks like one of Molly's playmates. It's awful. Kinda looks like Robin's hair

    Loved to see Diane back today. Its about frickin time!

    Loved Luke sticking up for Liz.

  11. Maxie looks ridiculous in that hair cut. Certainly not like a fashionista. Maybe an 8th grader.

  12. They dropped Maxie and Spinelli from the canvas like a hot potato. That's a shame. A shame we don't see Kate more, either. I really like the actress a lot. And its a shame we have to watch Sarah Brown as Claudia even for one more week+. Worst character ever written and makes her look like an awful actress.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...