Gwaddie and husband Paul are on their way to the LA AIDS walk today! They are Team ScrubsWubs and are walking with Kim and Jason (Scrubs). With your help and many GH stars, they raised $1500 for the cause! You can still donate on the ScrubsWubs Walk Page. Alberta, the WUBS Lobster mascot will be going as well!! yippee! Hopefully, we'll get pics today from the locale!
Other news, Greg Vaughan has landed an indie flick! This is a great article/interview Greg in Hollywood.
As you all know, soap fans are as loyal as they come. We'll f ollow him anywhere!
Some rumors: Helena gets sent away to "recoop"... Claudia leaves some damaging evidence behind regarrding DOMte-- and the growing threat of Valinten make enemies come together to fight the fright!
ALERT: Kelly Monaco (Sam) is NOT ON TWITTER! I promise. If she ever does get on, I'm sure Steve B or NLG will let us know. Neither is Laura Wright. An account popped up for her this weekend. Her Official Face Book page says NO!! When real stars get on, usually one of their cast members will validate then the mags or sites RT it. If it happens, I will let you know.
Nice DonALu pic for fans: Album
NEWS: Daytime Confidential reports that Hailey and Mateo are returning to AMC for their 40th anniversary! I so remember the first day of AMC! Watched it in Andolina's basement. We thought Tara and Phil were "IT"!! squeeeee Hey, did you notice the Daytime Confidential widget on the side of the blog? It has all the headlines that are newest and most fun!
Take care! Scoops up later. I know I keep promising them, I just don't know if what I have in email are true or rumors. There's a lot of sheezbot around, especially with JJ back, Claud leaving (different endings shot so know one knows which they'll use) and the whole Valentine push back.
have a great Sunday!
Karen thank you for posting the interview with Greg. I always wondered what his relationship was with Tony Geary since Tony was so close to JJ. Glad he left feeling loved. In a way I kind of hope TPTB fail on the story they have planned for JJ. Nothing against him especially since it sounds like he didn't know GV was being fired. Its just they treat people poorly and its sad. Same with SJB.