Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Jonathan Jackson Returns to General Hospital...it's here!

OLTL today: GREAT Kish stuff!! Loved it...great dialog. I felt bad for both of them. You knew they just wanted to grab each other and GIVE IN!
Could have lived without the Leyla and Christian. Not my faves.

The "DreamOMeter" about the dual stories is ok, but AMC just did it with Kendyl and Zac! Dual stories..you never know what's true! oy! The whole thing was wack-ooo today.

Oh, I am SO loving Scott Clifton. I just hink he's the sheeze. Loved his singing-- he's just so fun. (gush, gush) Gigi Dreams about Rex-- Sky dreams about Gigi...sigh. I Have to say I was so excited about GH today, OLTL crawled by. Haven't said THAT in ages!!

GENERAL HOSPITAL: TODAY'S THE DAY! I was all giddy like a school girl. OMG!! Like bad giddy. It was kinda fun.

OMG, no new opening today. GV is still in there! LOL...:) I guess they are saving it for November sweeps. Whatever. It's hysterical they still have that ancient opening. I hope Max/Diane are in there.

JJ is so different than GV! It's weird, freaky! Anyone else feel it? I swear Becky was even talking all fast/flustered! Oh, for pete sake, they did a fantasy thing with Niz...just like AMC and OLTL today. Good Lord. It was priceless seeing TG swoon over "Cowboy" today! heh Luke seeing Nik looking at Liz...AWESOME soapy moment!
Oh, Liz..you run to the muscled tattoo'd prince who does you against the wall. hmmm, how skank like. But I TOTALLY get it. How are they going to get out of this mess? AND LUKE walks in on the Niz MAKEOUT FEST!! Those pesky docks!
Lucky calls Laura!!!! I'm tellin' you she's coming back on sometime!! He sends her pictures, chats on the phone with her. GENIE get back!
Johnny was so good today!! I loved the dialog--the whole "sister" thing. "There's no way to save her" Nice scene.

Writers, thank you for getting back to the FAMILY issues on this show.

Sam to Jason "SO, get a plane to wherever they are and Kill her yourself"...!!

SO, DOMte is in the middle of the DOCKS flashing his badge. LOL. Lulu sees him. DOH! Lulu did a great job of acting drugged. Awesome actually. I think it was some kind of acid. Just SAYIN' LOVE DANaLU! They are so cute together!! Finally a good chem match for JMB! He says "You'll thank me in the morning" and She says "You'll thank me tonight"..heh.

GOOD show today!

HEY, not for nothing but having Charlie Brown RAPPIN' and saying "Word" for the Pumpkin commerical is just all sorts of wrong!!


  1. OMG Giddy is the exact right word to use. I even laid in bed last night thinking about how excited I was. That's a shocker!

    JJ did not disappoint. To me, Lucky's whole demeanor was different. I could have watched him for the entire show doing almost nothing and been happy!

    So glad this Michael being shot storyline is wrapping up.. FINALLY! They certainly take their time with any storyline.

  2. Giddy 100%! I was actually squeeing when Liz opened the door and there he was! What was his opening line, "did you miss me?" SQUEEEEEEEEE! It was perfect and awesome and wonderful!
    But yes the diffrences are like apples to oranges with Greg and JJ! God I love them both! They are both such great actors and I really hope that Greg gets his CW gig and much more.
    And I LOVED,LOVED,LOVED JJ as "Kyle Reese" in the "Sarah Conner Chronicles". But JJ is so much more soft spoken.He is still so young looking. It looks like Becky has aged more then him,lol! Of course he is not as brawny as Greg. I HATE the NIZ stuff. I so badly want to see Lucky and Liz get back to that place they were in. I guess time will tell.But what a rush to see him again.

    Lulu and Dom/Dante,so hilarious! I LOVE these two! Right now they are the only "couple" I am enjoying! I am hoping they go somewhere with them.They are too cute!

    The charlie brown rap....yeah,I hate it too! So lame!

  3. SID just tweeted that Natalia Livingston is leaving GH! They do not have a lot of details yet because it is breaking news. Needless to say I am excited (sorry to the NL fans)

    RE: Niz kissing on the docks (I haven't seen the show yet, I'm still at work) but let me just say that those citizens of PC will never learn about those PC docks, mama always said "do not say or do anything that you wouldn't want posted on a billboard in Time Square!" LMAO

  4. I think I am in the minority about Domlu (lulu and Donte/Dominic)I just don't like the actress with anyone, she isn't good romantically.

    I thought JJ looked about 17. Kind of silly to be honest, and what a slap to GV who looks like a father, husband and MAN. Not sad to hear about NL leaving. I was only going to be happy if she was revealed to be Emily after all. Never bought the Rebecca character. Dumb.

  5. I'm really annoyed with everyone saying JJ looks 17. No he doesn't. He looked 17 10 years ago.. yes but now he doesn't. People have a right to be upset with how GV was treated but don't make stuff up!

  6. I'm really annoyed with everyone saying JJ looks 17. He doesn't. He doesn't look like a boy. He looks like LUCKY should look.

  7. ITA J - If JJ would have stayed on as Lucky for the entire stretch would anyone even mention his looking young. ReH and him still look beatifully matched even after all these years.

  8. about JJ looking young. I think he looks in his 20's and GV looked in his 30's. JJ is younger than BH, always has been.
    I don't mind his looks--at all, but with the changes to Lucky, it's hard to adjust.

  9. I don't have a real say about JJ as Lucky..
    for me he does look younger.........
    I loved the JaSam stuff , I love that kiss and that was their way to relax ...
    I love Jason going to Johnny and telling him and than don't want it to infect him
    I love Jason and Johnny together and I don't want them to make johnny to be all this revenge guy ..
    I really want to see him working with Jason more and have a real friendship between them ....

  10. Anybody else pick up that Laura is becoming a gourmet chef in Paris? She can open up a new place when she returns to Port Charles LOL.

  11. Excuse me, but everyone has a right to their own opinion- and my opinion is that JJ still looks like a child...you don't agree, that is your right also.

    Did not even get one ounce of excitement over the fact that JJ was on today. I don't really get this "giddiness" others are experiencing, but that is okay- maybe he'll grow on me.

  12. nothing against JJ but how soon do you think they will start dressing liz to look younger? does that even make sense? anyway, i really hope this works out and they write lucky to be a character and not a prop, unlike the writing they have done for SJB as claudia (well that was just bad writing) and NL as rebeccily

  13. One can imagine that you did not watch GH while JJ was on, Anonymous, because I can't fathom that you wouldn't be giddy about it if you did but suppose it is possible. What I meant was it sounded like you were trying to find anything to criticize JJ regardless of his performance. Much like GV's fans have been doing. Was Greg treated like crap the entire time he was on the show? Yes. Was the ouster disrespectful? Yes. But it's a business and it happens. And it's not like they brought in some new actor to play Lucky.. they brought in the person who originated the role. I don't see how that could be a slap in the face.

    The chemistry between JJ and RH is undeniable and it's still there which is awesome because I was worried and obviously it will get better as they are on screen more together.

    Kinda sad that Natalia is leaving again but only because I was hoping they would make Rebecca Emily otherwise I never understood the point of her returning. Her character was a disaster from the start, much like Claudia.

  14. Dawn, I don't think so. JJ IS LUCKY and always has been to me. It's GV that was never quite right in the role to me. People say he's a great actor and I believe it but not in this role. I didn't even think his work in the drug addiction storyline was great. He was bland and boring.

    I hope he finds a role that is a fit for him though because if so, I think he'd be great.

    I never thought I'd like another Carly after Tams left but Laura Wright IS Carly to me. Jennifer whatever her name was just wasn't the right person for the job. She didn't fit the role.

  15. I can't get behind JaSpam, I mean seriously Sam, you are planning on being ok with Jason killing someone because you find out that Claw wanted to hurt Kristina. Oh so her actually hurting Mikey was ok, until that point.

    I don't know but I really can't idolize a couple who sit around talking about "whacking" someone, this is Jason's business not Sam's, but it's ok because they kiss in the end. Blech..,how utterly ludicrous is this need to shove these two down my throat EVERY FREAKING DAY

  16. Dawn, I'm with you. I cannot stand JaSam scenes. And I love how Jason is ignoring every single one of his other obligations to do this. Sonny's down in Puerto Rico without Jason at some meeting? I can't even believe Sonny is standing for that.

    I used to LOVE Jason but the more I see, the more I'm starting to DISLIKE!! I actually liked Sam with Lucky but now that JJ is back.. I'm glad that is over. Ick.

    I think Sam is a waste of space anyway. I've never liked that character.

  17. I was all for Niz until JJ came back. LL2 chemistry blows all other couples out of the water. I couldn't even watch the Niz kiss at the end... I did take a few peaks through my fingers. :) This is the first time in a long time that I'm excited to watch GH!! Don't ruin it , GH writers. Put LL2 back together.

  18. i watched before lucky was born, jj as lucky growing up, jacob young and greg vaughn. sorry but you can't go back. imo jj was pitiful today! he is no longer lucky and hasn't been for 10 years.

  19. Dawn, I didn't even pay attention to the Jaspam scenes. It was really easy with JJ back. I mean, Like I said. JJ and BH blew all other couples out of the water.

  20. I watched GH all through the original Lucky, and I fell in Love with Liz & Lucky. But that was then, This is now. I feel their time has passed and no longer look right. I think I will LOL when I see Lucky with hose kids. I agree with the others, Lucky still looks lke kid Lucky. 2 tops. Peach fuzz and all! But on the other hand, if this brings Genie back, and helps bring stories and families together, I can accept it. Jasam however, I will forward through. They ruined Sam for me (and I used to be a fan).

  21. I wasn't impressed with Jonathan Jackson this go around.
    I liked him when he was a kid but I don't think he fits now.. But, I wasn't a shipper of LL2 to begin with. I was into some of the others at the time.

    I miss Greg already.

  22. I'm the "anonymous" that posted that I was not "giddy" about JJ's return and yes, I did watch while JJ was on the first time. I actually loved him in the role at the time and I believe the Liz storyline was one of the best ever. He chose to leave though, and that was TEN years ago- (and after ten years he barely looks any older). I agree with the person that said you can't go back. His ship has sailed and he is no longer the "Lucky" that the character evolved into. And for us fans that have been watching all along, it is not possible to just rewrite history and make "Lucky" the character he was ten years ago again.

  23. Oops- meant to say the Liz rape storyline was one of the best ever...

  24. love reading all of these. Did anyone notice how many times "Lucky" said "Lucky" today?
    Yes, I did hear Laura was becoming a chef! She can work at the Metro!

  25. Holy cow you guys are so vocal today. I love it!!! Don't forget to hit an ad to thank Karen for giving us a great place to write our comments.

  26. Lori - blogspot is free so I hardly see why clicking on ads is necessary here?

    To mosbp2003: And to me, GV was NEVER Lucky. JJ always was. GV was never right in the role and his performance showed it. He was dull. JJ has charisma and history with the characters. He did just fine today.

    I can't even believe that people are saying that JJ was bad today. That's just insane to me.

  27. I hate how the Jason fans that want Liz with Jason try to ruin her pairings with snide remarks. Lucky and Liz should be together and Jake should be lucky's. I don't even care what happens in Jason's s/l because he doesn't interest me. I don't want Liz with him at all!

  28. J, I think she was being nice trying to help out about the ads, they do help with the main site. That's all. :)

  29. I don't want Jason with Liz because I don't want Liz with someone who would take back a woman who watched HIS child get kidnapped.

    I felt it when Lucky was on the phone with Laura, for the first time in a long time I rememebered he was a Spencer.

    I for one have no problem with them going in a different direction with Lucky. This is the ultimate betrayal even more than finding out about Jason and Jake, finding out about Niz will send him on a tailspin, and honestly while GV rocked his addiction s/l I for one don't believe he could have pulled off the pain that will come from JJ's Lucky confronting his brother TC's Nik.

    And please will someone smack Mikey for me, because that boy is starting to piss me off. I wanted Johnny to just lay him out

  30. Okay, I just finished watching GH on DVR and I have 3 comments:

    1) JMB looks older than JJ...

    2) JJ mumbled his way through most of his scenes...

    3) I am liking DomaLu more and more every day!

  31. and one more thing

    Jake should always stay JASON's if for only reason...to remind Sam every single day that Jason can turn to Liz at the drop of a dime if she screws up again.

  32. eww, no way Dawn! I want Liz far far away from Jason's story. Liz and Lucky should share a child because they are a true Supercouple.

  33. Where are people getting this about Jake not being Jason's?? I'm confused!

    JJ looked exactly the same on TSCC. Facial hair and all. Keep in mind people that this is only his first episode back after 10 long yrs! So much has happened in those yrs. When Lucky was helmed by GV,Lucky and Luke really had it out! GV's Lucky did some things that I never envisioned JJ's Lucky doing. But we can blame or give kudos to the writers for that.

    Only time will tell how JJ will be recieved now by the audience and TPTB. They can't keep with this SL because it truely does suck and not worthy of having him back.

    As for Natalia,don't let the door hit you on the a$$ on the way out!

  34. OK, wait a minute!!! Jason goes to Johnny and tells him "you know the business", then goes on to tell him "There is no way to save her", and Johnny is supposed to be OK with this!?!? Jason is beyond contempt. He's corrupted Sam and Spanelli, and now he expects Johnny to be OK with him and Sonny killing his sister? And Mike as a teen is supposed to be OK with causing Claudia's death because he spent a year in a coma, but now he's alive and well? What world is this? Who is writing this awful stuff? Way too many characters on this show will have knowledge of or be complicit in the hit on Claudia. Regardless of the end game, too many characters will be tainted - it is truly sad.

  35. I don't think the problem is that JJ looks young it's just that he's short. When Lucky was putting on Liz' coat I noticed that he was shorter than her. *lol*

    And his first words being "Miss me?" reminded me of the scene in Roseanne when the original Becky returned and Roseanne goes "where the heck have you been?!" *lol*

    But anyways. It was nice that he began to emediatly interact with other folks instead of you know...staying on one set. :P... So Laura's becoming a Chef??? I wonder if she's going to the same school Julia Child went to?

  36. Dierna, I felt the exact same way! it was as if the writers were winking at us, saying yes, we know he is back.

    I was really psyched that JJ was coming back because other than Jason's accident in 95, Liz's rape and the aftermath was my favorite storyline. However, I was really disappointed. JJ was good, and at certain times it did feel like it used to feel. However, the problem is that they cannot go back to 1998-99. I feel that the writers need to acknowledge that 10 years have gone by since JJ was Lucky. A lot of things have happened since the last time JJ was there. Today felt as if the last 10 years (as well as the last 2 Luckys) were a joke.Having Luke say, "hey, cowboy, lets go play some cards" is not going to work.

    Another thing, GV was not bland and boring--at least not at first. If he was he would not have lasted as long as he did. Look at how fast NL is leaving--if GV was that bad, then he would have been gone just as quickly as she is going. The problem is that at some point the writers gave up on the character, and GV's performance suffered because of it. If JJ was still playing the character, it is just as likely that the writers would have written him off too.

    Honestly, the best part of today's episode was that Jason went to Johnny about Claudia. He acknowledged the fact that Johnny cares about his sister, and was warning him that something is going to go down. I think that Jason likes Johnny--and i think that he always did. Dante and Lulu were also really good, and i think that if the writers don't fuck it up, they could have a really good relationship. There is definitely going to be some conflict between Lulu's loyalty to the mobsters of PC and the fact that her new love interest is actively working to bring them down. For awhile, i was really hoping that Johnny would find out about Dante's identity and want to help him bring down Sonny and Claudia. It would be interesting to see how that would play out. It would also allow for Johnny and Olivia's relationship to grow and for Johnny and Dante get to know each other.

  37. i planned my entire day around GH and this is the first time in about a year that i have watched and i was so impressed. i had tears in my eyes with JJ came on.

    he did AMAZING today and anyone who says different, needs some heavy meds. (no offence). he didnt mumble..he read his lines with emotion..which is something that GV lacked.

    i thought GV did a great job with the addiction storyline..but i think JJ would have blown that out of the water.

    JJ and RH have amazing chemistry and he's so caring to her and is so calm and loving. if i could only find a guy like that for reals...*sigh*.

    cant wait til tmw

  38. Who is this guy?? He's not my Lucky....all you old school fans who grew up with this guy, its not personal, but this guy is a twerp. and dont tell me "just wait a while" sorry. this made GH worse.

  39. GH is a worse show today with JJ than it was with GV its really a joke.

  40. Wow, the lines are really divided over the JJ return! As long as we can respect each others' opinions, I think it is great and it has at least gotten us talking again.

    I'm sorry- JJ did mumble his way through. He did it the first time he was on too, but I don't remember it bothering me as much as it did yesterday. Who knows- he may grow on me. I hated Tamara Braun when she first took over the role of Carly but hated to see her go at the end. I just know that I have now watched all 3 "Luckys". I hated Jacob Young in the role and pray to God they never decide to bring him back. I loved JJ in the role during his time, but I really loved GV as the adult Lucky. Yes, the writing for him sucked, but that was not his fault. Anyway,I do agree that it will take more than one episode to determine whether or not JJ will succeed in the role this time around. The cheesiness of the "remember me?" line was ridiculous though...

  41. Wow! Such passion on both sides of the JJ issue. It's really easy to see that there is no gray area for us fans. You're either for him or against him! So, I figure why not put my hat into the comment ring too! I LOVED HIM today!!! It was as though he put back on a suit tailor made for him. There has been a lot of talk about how JJ looks too young to be Lucky. My answer to that is, as someone else pointed out, that if JJ had stayed all this time, nobody would feel that way. Secondly, perhaps it isn't that JJ looks too young; but that GV looked TOO OLD!! I've said it before and I'll say it again...Lucky is the YOUNGER brother, and not by a year or two. Lucky is supposed to be about 10 years younger than Nikolas. GV and TC look too close in age. As for him and RH...personally I think it's MAGIC still. Him and AG, picked up right where they left off. Now, I have to say that I do agree that some of the writing today wasn't exactly the best with JJ today; but I think he did fantastic with what he was given. Is there room for improvement? Absolutely, but JJ has never ever failed to deliver, either on the small screen or the big screen. This is a young actor who actually did things when he left to "pursue other interests" Sharing screen time in feature films with Michelle Pfieffer and Al Pacino...not exactly peanuts. In addition, did you see "Purple Haze?" Riveting, brilliant performance!
    Ok, so I guess you all know how I feel about JJ. Love and respect to you all you GV fans though!
    What else? JASAM...I like them this time around. I agree with the WUB Queen on this one...writing is soooo much better. NL leaving...whatever, don't care. If she stayed, fine. If she goes..fine too. Pretty much feel the same way about Ethan.
    Claudia? Will miss SB...think they did her wrong this time around; but enough already...let's get her gone. It's like taking forever to peel the wrapper off a piece of candy.
    That's all for my babbling today!
    Hugs to all the GH fans here...it's like being one big happy family full of fighting siblings. Only we understand each other.

  42. OMG I have to admit that I loved yesterdays episode. Having JJ back was just wonderful (no offense to GV). Niz is slowly but surely growing on me. Brandon Barash has been knocking it out of the park lately with his acting. and Dante & Lulu have the potential to become my new favorite couple. The best moment for me though was when Ethan punched Nicholas, it's about damn time! Great Post!

  43. I was one of the giddy ones. Absolutely loved JJ from childhood on - phenomenal actor. I had to rerun the "Remember me?" several times. Loved GV but he was written so poorly and it always irked me that he used such poor grammar. I could watch JJ read the phone book and be totally absorbed. He does look young - in fact he looks really young next to his real life wife, but that doesn't bother me. GV started out looking too old and they tried weird hairstyles and clothing to make him look as young as Jacob Young. It just takes a little time. It was wonderful to see him with Tony and have him say "Cowboy". AS far as Natalia, good riddance again to a really crappy character.

  44. I think a lot of people think JJ looks younger because GV looked older and that doesn't help JJ.
    As a fan of them back in the day, I saw their chemistry was still there, but they had to ruin it by putting Liz and Nicholas in scenes together...come on! Do NOT like them as a couple!
    Liked Johnny/Jason scenes. Jason had the decency to tell Johnny that he knew that he wasn't involved with Michael. I liked that Johnny reminded Jason that he had a sister that he would do anything for her!!
    Dante and Lulu was so good. I watched their scenes 3 times. So cute and I can't wait for her to wake up and see if she can remember that Dante is a cop!
    Only think I ff through was Michael scenes and Jason and Sam.


  45. I thought JJ looked way too young for Liz. I didn't watch GH when he was the original Lucky, but he looks really young for her and to have been best friends with Emily, Nicholas and Liz was just hard for me to get. Sorry, he needs to look older, I don't care what TG thinks, he needs to be around more to be crediable!

  46. I personally don't think Lucky needs to look any different now that JJ is in the role. For the first time in 10 yrs I have Lucky back.

    Sorry to all the sour grapes out there but weren't we all recently complaining about Dante and his looking too old to be Olivia's. Now we can't stop talking about how amazing he is.

    JJ is back and this girl is doing a happy dance

  47. Holy Comments, Batman!


  48. MAYBE I'll get some BLOGGER recognition with all these comments! LOL.

  49. TheOriginalBlondeOneOctober 30, 2009 at 3:07 PM

    I totally agree with Stampin GH Mom. 100%



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...