Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloweenie On the Soaps! GH WAS awesome today!

GREG VAUGHAN on instructor perhaps?!! Did you all know he played "Cliff" on the first 90210?? I had no clue. People on Twitter told me he was a fireman in one of the last seasons and dated Donna. He died though, so this is a new character. I don't watch that show. I will while GV is on though.

AMC was fun today just to see the costumes. Crystal belted David too. Annie and Scott made out in the elevator and Zach et all are driving poor Adam crazy! I was NOT HAPPY with that today. wahhh

OLTL: Nora BO! Make out o'rama!! woot! About time.
I am in LOVE with Destiny and David...they are so fun together! The new "Rex and Bo" kinda. Dorian/David flashbacks. Awww. FUN, Fun!
BTW, the ratings were: AMC, GH and OLTL at the bottom. We must WATCH. I still say they are fixed. ABC wants to dump OLTL and make the AMC move look profitable so they rigged the Neilson's somehow.
Bring Kevin back for good! Ditto Andrew and I wish Addie were around for the gay wedding! Where is she?
Fish's face with Kyle...awww, I love these two!! Fish just makes it so heartbreaking.
LOVE Roxy...she's so fun.
Hey, that weird lady that was Heidi Klum is one of the protesters!! OH! Mrs. Burns...I love her too!! LOL
I notice I use the word LOVE a lot when I blog about OLTL.
I think Gigi can cut veggies on her hair. Lordy.
EEE! SkiGi I love Sky--LOVE. I love Rex/Gigi..but I don't mind her with Sky because I love Scott Clifton.
The protesters: "Pervs on Parade"!! FISH IS OUT! He came OUT! hoot! His Speech was wonderful...and to know he's really gay IRL makes it even more awesome. I asked peeps if they remembered FISH on Barney Miller! I want Abe and Bernice to come on as his great-grandparents. Calling Mr. AV's publicist/agent...
BO tells Nora he loves her!
AND DAMN IT, OLTL is a wonderful show and SHOULD STICK around! THEY should be moving to LA..not AMC! So there!
GENERAL HOSPITAL: I am going to forgive the fact that they SKIPPED HALLOWEENIE again-- because it's so suspenseful.
I think I might have to do a Halloweenie WUB this weekend. Hmmmm, it's been awhile.
OMG!! Sonny was M-A-D!! Eeeeeeeeeeee! Exciting. I feel so badly for Claudia!! And Carly's face?? OMG. OH MY GAWD!
YOU HAVE TO WATCH GH today! Everyone gave performances to JUST DIE FOR! WOWwwwwwwwwwww! I have not seen GH be this good in at LEAST a decade.
I am not going to recap here because I really REALLY want you to watch it without knowing what happens. I've never done that before either! The beginning is just priceless. Every character's face...perfect!! Let me know what you think.
I am drained and it's 3:08! LOL Jax and Sonny are in the elevator together. Oh nooooooooo.....all the men out in the rain..aww. I wanted Luke there though. Ok, I 'll shut up. LOL
Even the Valet/Rental car thing was a great exchange!!
I'M GOING on the RECORD HERE: If Bob Guza wrote this, I will die. Because there is NO WAY he's writing this. NONE. It's just an ensamble piece that's brilliant.


  1. Just one comment. I wanted Lucky to show up with Mac just to see if JJ can play a cop convincingly. Can we read into Lucky not showing up but some newbie cop being introduced as a sign that Lucky as a cop days are over?

  2. OMG!!! GH was at it's best today, every actor on today was at their best! I was so pumped up just in the first 15 minutes! MB deserves an emmy for his performance. SB was just as good! WOW, I can't even express how good today was, I want to watch again tonight on Soapnet! Awesome show!!!!

  3. frisco! You are right! Why didn't Lucky show up!!?

    I am totally DVRing this on soapnet tonight so I can watch it again.

  4. Today's show was amazing. Simly, hands down the best that its been in years and years. This is an episode to watch for sure!

    Oh, and Cliff (90210) didn't die. He was transferred or got a new job at a parks department somewhere and had to move. Still, this is a new character.

  5. Karen - OMG - Your commentary has me counting the minutes till 10:00 p.m. till I can watch on SoapNet. I can't wait. We've been waiting for this all month....GH is getting really good these days!!!!


  6. Crap I forgot to double check my DVR to make sure it records, it didn't last week on Friday

    I might have to wait to watch it on non HD on Soapnet. GRRRRRRRRR

  7. Was a great show and for once had a real cliffhanger moment.I might do the same by watching it again tonite on soapnet.AMC was okay nothing that makes ya want to slap your mama.:)OLTL was pretty good also.

  8. Excellent show! I'm a wreck after watching it! Just one thing, in my humble opinion, the days of Sonny as the 'good' mobster are over - I can't see how the show will redeem him. I didn't like that Kristina and Michael witnessed the whole thing - bit 'over the top' in my opinion.

  9. Just a note about Lucky- is it possible this was filmed before JJ was on the set?

  10. I'm so glad someone else saw the magic that happened with Destiny and David. I haven't watched today yet but yesterday l really liked Destiny. She was real, and seemed more comfortable is her scenes with David. So good for her. I'll look forward to watching todays epi.

    And lol about Fish and Bernice! Your comment made me remember they had their own spin off, and the couple became a foster family for a bunch of juvinile delequents. Loved that show! So thanks for the memory.

  11. I loved today show everyone did amazing job I was sos
    Even Ingo was amazing as Jax and that is something i never said before ......
    I love that Luke cared for Carly , I thought it was amazing even Tracy showed care when she told Lulu that Carly is a strong woman ............
    I am sorry but Mac was wrong why arrest Jason , Jason needs to be there and rescue Carly , Mac had no right arrest him.......
    He just bought Claudia more tome
    And Sonny was in pain , he just found out that his wife got his son shoot , I will also not thinking clearly ......

  12. Sarah did rock today, typical just as she's leaving.

  13. today was one of the best gh eppys in years! tg that they did not have jj as lucky in those scenes. sorry but imo jj as lucky he did NOT belong there!! although it is halloween...with that baby fuzz (which he can't even grow properly) on his face he could have been the little boy playing wanna be cop dress up!

  14. Sarah Brown knocked it outta the park today!!!. She's an amazing actress that deserved so much better than the writers gave her. I'll miss her ( as I did the first time).

  15. Is there a way to determine who wrote/directed the recent episodes? Would be interesting to see...

  16. All I can say is WOW.

    I have a problem with Sonny throwing Jax under a bus, he didn't have evidence that Jax covered up anything his brother did, that was Sonny being Sonny.

    Yeah and Sonny maybe threatening your wife in front of the entire town not the best way to get your point across and come off as an innocent victim.

    I had no problem with Mac doing his job, for once Guza should let the cops do their job, we all know that Jason going there to save Carly but he is a known hitman. I was proud of Mac.

    I understood Jax grief, he shouldn't have to lose his wife and kid over Michael, but I am sure most will think he was being selfish, sorry but he is allowed to be.

    Sam really you sounded like a condescending lil bitch when your mother asked you if you knew about what happened. It's complicated, well yes it is honey when you decide to play judge jury and executioner.

    Robin burn that bridge with Sonny and run. Do you really need to put your child in the line of fire, it always happens when Sonny is a friend.

    Oh one more small thing - MIKEY the world on GH might appear to revovle around you but really it doesn't. Get over yourself

  17. Dawn, I so agree with you when you say Robin, burn that bridge with Sonny and run.

  18. I just saw the ratings for Genral Hospital. I can't help but blame Jason for the piss poor numbers. he is on every damn day of the week. we need a break from the robotic idiot. When is he gonna get what's coming to him? He keeps saying Claudia has to pay. If we get Jason every day for one more week I am done with this show for good this time and not even Brenda will bring me back. The only reason I started watching is again was for Original Liz and Lucky and they were only on 2 days this week .I am not happy and I don't think Maurice is a good actor. he plays the same bull all the time. nothing new or fresh about his tired character.

  19. Sorry but I am going to say it. I will NOT miss Claudia/Sarah.

    I will not miss Rebecca/Emily/Natalia either. BUH BYE!

    Can't wait to get home in the morning to watch fridays episode!

  20. one more thing. Get over JJ's scruff already.He has been doing that look for a while now! He did it in every episode of "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" and he pulled it off just fine.

  21. GH was awesome - the whole show rocked. The one thing that I did not get is the rental car. Yeah, the guy just picked it up, but could the PCPD call the rental place and find out what the guy rented in order to find it? Maurice rocked - he was in such pain. LW - awesome. SB showing Guza what he will be missing. Love Luke asking Dante/Dominic who appointed him chief of police!! Great today!!

  22. Mac was out of line today he had no reason arrest Jason ......
    Jason need to be out there saving Carly that is all that matter .........

  23. Didn't think SJB rocked the way you did Karen but I did think Jax & Sonny were incredible (Sonny's line stayed with me all night about calling her trash, his voice made the hair on the back of my frickin neck stand up and he actually SCARED me!) Also loved the look on his face when he heard what Kristina said and loved how he was holding Alexis's hand. Did not like Olivia touching Sonny's face, don't be messin with my Jolivia writers! Jax running to the elevator and arguing with Mac to let Jason find Carly brought me to tears. Michael annoyed the hell out of me. Not sure why. I guess it was the same ole same ole lines for him, so please get this kid some therapy and move on.

  24. Few more things: No one said how Jason knew the whole time, Johnny knew, nothing they all put it on Jax? WTF? Carly won;t even have a conversation with Jason about mot sharing all this all these months but Jax will be to blame for the "Betrayal"? Who the heck wpi;d want your brother dead no matter what he did anyway. And Jax wasn;t hiding it forever, just long enough for carly to have the baby. Also I don't think JJ could have worked that Scene as a commanding cop like that new guy, he rocked in my opinion. I agree with the others who said he probably won't be a cop for long cuz JJ won't play one very well. I love him in every other story just not as a cop. GV did it just fine, but JJ is different.

  25. When your in Mac's position that is not all that matters, and finally the PC police took notice of these people taking the law into their own hands. I agree I liked Jax trying to get Jason free to help find Carly, but sorry I think "robot" Jason (loved Claudia's line!) is nothing more than a staring idiot these days. Man what he goes through for everyone elses kid but his own. Loser!

  26. I aree, finally Mac had the bazookas to do something ahead of time. Of course its still frustrating since we do want Carly saved. Wonder if he would have done the same if it was robin or Maxie being held hostage. Bet he may have let Jason go find her. thought Sam's smirkiness was unnecessary towards Alexis. And yes JJ could not have pulled off the cop part yesterday.

  27. Please Please Guza give some lines to Jason quit making him look so stupid only having face expressions.I am glad Christina seen how her dad truly is.Michael please get over yourself.

  28. whoever, "anonymous" is that wrote Jason is responsible for the pp ratings and MB can't act,well you obviously aren't a true GH fan! Give up and don't watch, who needs ppl like u watching anyway! GH is at it's best lately, and MB was at the top of his game on Friday's episode! I've not seen Sonny that good since the kids were kidnapped and they thought Michael was dead. I seriously think this was way better than his bipolar story! And, it goes to show that Jason doesn't even have to speak words to be effective relaying his message w/his "stare." We could all read what he was thinking Fri. So, don't watch and good riddance!!!!! You will be the one missing out!

  29. The only thing I think of when jaspam is on is the movie 'Natural Born Killers'. The beautiful borg is boring and emotionless. And his partner mumbles, cannot understand this actress. Now that JJ is back I hope the writing turns around centering on lucky,liz and nik. and jaspam is put in the oven instead of the backburner.Maurice Benard was great yesterday.

  30. Just finished watching friday's eppy. It was excellent -- the best GH I've seen in a long long time. Well-written, well acted cliffhanger -- that's what soaps are supposed to be. Sarah Brown was fabulous.

  31. P.S: Loved Bo & Nora on OLTL. I'm watching!

  32. I love Jason and Sam I thought they were great together the first time and Guza screwed that up.Friday was a great show and Sonny was great.

  33. I love the mob and I love Jason and Sonny
    Jason was fantastic he didn't say a word but we all know what he was thinking of
    they have beautiful romance and amazing chemistry
    while I agree that we need balance we don't need to make it the Lucky liz show ..
    Gh is good right now it has good story with Jason and Sonny and also with the Spencers

  34. sorry but this isn't the sarah connor chronicles! the scruff aka baby's peach fuzz doesn't belong on a grown man (opps i meant someone who wishes they looked like one)!

  35. Please JaScam is being written totally different this time and the ratings still don't reflect what the almighty Frons thought he was gonna get from them.

    The day JaScam consumated their lust the ratings for the much hyped event were the lowest that week, the only ratings jump recently was during the Carnival.

    I am sure this week there will be a jump because of JJ, but I am curious to what it will be for Thur & Fri epi

  36. luvnsteveburton, I've been watching this show since I was 8. The general Hospital of today with jason/sonny in lead is crap compared to what it used to be. Jason and Sonny are not general hospital in my eyes. They are the #1 reason why I stopped watching in the first place. That's how I know Maurice is not as good as you seem to think he is. He's pulling the same crap as he used to. Nothing special about it. and Steve Burton is even worse. Blank stares and duh expression does not = good acting. watch Jonathan Jackson if you want good acting.

  37. Steve burton is amazing actor ....
    He did won daytime emmy as JJ
    His blank stares are amazing cous even when he said nothing he says all .. and that is a slot
    I am sorry but I don't find JJ that amazing actor ..
    and Jason Morgan is fan favorite you don't like it but he is !!!
    We do need balance I agree cous the mob stores were stupid and boring but any more , Mob stories are good
    And if you look at that demographic GH is the top and that is all that matters and it is because the show as improved!!!
    I don't want them to make it the LNl2 show cous that will be boring

  38. OMG... JJ IS a good actor and yes he has peachfuzz but just sit back and watch. You will slowly (if not sooner) find yourself drawn to his naturalness in front of the camera.

    How does Jasam have romance? Jason hasn't shown an ounce of romance with Sam only interest in screwing her. The last time I saw him show romance is when he left Liz art supplies about 1.5 years ago. No worries, it will not be the Liz & Lucky show since Guza isn't a big fan of Liz. That's been proven over and over again. I don't know how anyone can honestly say Sonny wasn't good on Friday. He blew me away.

  39. I want to say I totally think BOTH Steve and Maurice are brilliant actors. They've played these guys FOREVER in "acting terms" and they've really stepped it up in my book. Steve especially has been showing a range I haven't seen in awhile.

  40. I have to agree Friday's epi was amazing and no worries about Bob I am pretty sure most of the credit can be giving to the days script writer Fissel GH found an amazing talent in him and hope they know it.

  41. Fridays show was great!! I thought everyone did a great job. I really can't recall the other best show I saw? How many yrs. I won't go over the top & say everyone deserves an Emmy or anything. I think I need to see this on some consistant basis before I make that kinda comment. Personally, I also want 'balance' in these storylines as well. I don't think the MOB should overshadow the Hospital or relationship storylines either. Plus the balance of characters in each other's storylines I'd like to see continue as well. JJ is gonna take awhile to regrow on me again. I did love him as the orginial Lucky but its been 10yrs. I'm sure he can pull it off so lets see how he does in a months time....funny I do hope him & Liz have some romantic scenes .....just think when he was on it before they never even had sex ....I hope Carly does forgive Jax. Really she should be mad at others as well for keeping things. I don't want them to blow there relationship up just because of this esp when he's finally having his own child now. Yes it was wrong for him to keep the info from her but others did as well. Balance, balance, balance.....I hope it keeps up.....IMO.....I've been watching GH since like '79/80......I just 'hope' it'll finally start /continuing to turn around. It'll make me happy....oh yeah, can't wait to see how JJ /Lucky/ can act with LuLu....that will be interesting to see......anyway...Just some thoughts....

  42. Good show on Friday. Sonny was outstanding, but MB always seems to have to pause when he almost says the wrong words. I noticed it at least twice on Friday.
    I'm glad Mac spoke up about how Jason needs to let the law take care of something for once. Maybe Jason is better, but if he wants to do stuff like this, maybe he should become a cop himself...
    Sam maybe standing up for 'her man' but she shouldn't be berrating Mac either. She needs to find her sister and mind her business.
    Kristina storyline in this is good, but Michael, not so much.

    As for Jason/SB. I'm a big fan of his, but I still think they don't use him to his fullest potential. Blinking doesn't always come out as good acting. It sometimes makes him look stupid, dull or completely brain damaged.




  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...