Anyone else seen the promo for JJ coming back? I want to say I'm a HUGE JJ fan, and I never thought he should have been recast in the first place. But he was. The promo is all "Lucky's back...Elizabeth's first love"....they show the door bell...she opens the door JJ says "remember me"?
Sorry, this is just cheap and disses Greg Vaughan's Lucky. There was NO reason for it. You could have said "Jonathan Jackson returns" and showed an old clip. Kind of like the press release saying GV "left on his own to do films" when we all know he was fired. Even IF it hadn't had been tweeted by him, we fans know he has a baby and another on the way. When oh WHEN are the networks going to learn how loyal we all are? Treat people well. That's all I'm saying.
Sorry, this is just cheap and disses Greg Vaughan's Lucky. There was NO reason for it. You could have said "Jonathan Jackson returns" and showed an old clip. Kind of like the press release saying GV "left on his own to do films" when we all know he was fired. Even IF it hadn't had been tweeted by him, we fans know he has a baby and another on the way. When oh WHEN are the networks going to learn how loyal we all are? Treat people well. That's all I'm saying.
BTW, you also need to remember that many newer fans don't even REMEMBER JJ as Lucky. Greg was Lucky to them!
Today's GH: Sonny talks all Spanish. :thud: He's still swoon-worthy. They so missed the boat on ClauSon. Like I said, power couple. Start out hating each other..then passion. But NO, write it so she orders the hit that gets Michael shot. What a waste! I'm diggin' them doing this meeting together! Claudia's 1975 inspired bathing suit? Groovy. And the red dress? Woot!
I also really love CarJax. I know they can't be "happy-happy" forever but right now, I loves it.
Max/Diane!! Carolyn Hennesy looks faboosh with her new hair (all CougarTown). I think She and Jane Elliot would do some great stuff together, don't you? Loved the whole Sausage Talk! :)
DOMte would never stand outside talking to someone saying "I'm a cop"..they so need to write this part of the show better.
I am already sick of that dang Dove "Do your ears hang low" commercial!!!
I know what you mean about the JJ promo as well. It just didn't make sense..."remember me" What? Why would Elizabeth need to "remember" Lucky? Wouldn't she have just seen him like 2 days ago?
ReplyDeleteHaving said all that, I still am super excited that he's back. With the utmost respect and well wishes to GV, I never thought that he and RH had the type of chemistry that her and JJ do. If GV had stayed, I would have pushed for a Liz/Nik story; but now I'm all about Liz and Lucky again. I also think that JJ (even though he's obviously aged a bit in the past 10 years) that he does truly look more the part of Nikolas younger brother. I think sometimes that people forget that there is supposed to be about a 10 year age difference between them. GV and TC look to close in age.
Ok...enough of my babbling!
If they don't respect Genie Francis, queen of all queens, why should they respect Greg V? Little ole Lucky looks just like that. Little but older. Not papa like. Not comanding leading man either. A lkittle peach fuzz but same wirey, scrawny self. Can you imagine this terd standing next to Kemo and rehashing their romance? Ha! That would be funny. Now maybe they'll think up a good story for JJ. If they do it right perhaps we would buy it. But for now, thinking of a long triangle old fashioned GH style, it doesn't cut it. I would pay money however, to see him act with Genie.
ReplyDeleteI think ABC could've done much better with the promo to respect GV. Having said that, you made a mention that newer viewers probably wouldn't know JJ. While that's true, I would like to remind everyone how GH has changed so much to the point that these new viewers' favorites have eaten up all of the time and pushed our vets out. In that respect, I could care less what the new viewers think or want - I know that sounds crass, but this show has gone downhill so much. As much as there are people who complain about the writing, there are just as many praising their favorites, which indeed is helping to pimp them.
ReplyDeleteWasn't impressed at all by Sarah & Mo's scenes today. She looked trashy as always with that bouncy walk of hers. I think she should have been Sam's long lost sister. Now that would be believable!
ReplyDeleteI wondered how they would handle the promo for his return, after the promo they did when Greenlee returned on AMC. I don't think this one is anywhere near as bad as that one was. I thought GV was a great actor, and a good Lucky but I am a huge fan of the LL2 storyline, and he just didn't have the same chemistry. I have to admit I squealed like a teenager when I saw the promo.
ReplyDeletekaren we on twitter are more interested on how jj will be playing lucky and gv will still be on that land of gh past actors scene at the end of the opening credits. and are they just gonna pull gv out of the opening and splice jj in? hahahaha
ReplyDeleteI have been watching GH since 2003, so when they said "Elizabeth's first love returns," I thought that was unfair. If they had written Lucky out for a few months to transition, this would make sense. But since the change is going to occur within days, it doesn't make sense and is offensive to the other actors who played Lucky. I never saw JJ as Lucky, so Greg Vaughan is the real Lucky to me and JJ is the recast.
ReplyDeleteSince I have watched GH through all three Lucky's, I also find the JJ promo offensive. I just isn't cool to make the long time viewers mad when TPTB brought the original actor back to increase the ratings.
ReplyDeleteWhat amazes me how are they going to pull off JJ as a cop?Too short for my taste and would you be scared of me if you were a perp?
ReplyDeleteuggg so NOT HAPPY!!!!! with JJ coming back.. and the promos for him are just plain rude towards GV.. Just cant wrap my head around JJ playing a grown up part.. the part of a man.. i dont know i will always see JJ as a kid.. blah..
ReplyDeleteI think TPTB made a huge error with this promo. Seeing the scenes of Liz and Lucky from when JJ was first on the show only induced memories of him as a child, because we never saw him grow up to be a man. So, for me, it only reinforced my notion that JJ cannot portray the man, the father, the cop, that Lucky became. Lucky the adult will always be GV for me. And the disservice that this promo does to GV is unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteI have also watched all three Lucky's and have grown to like Greg, especially after the Jacob Young fiasco of Lucky. I blame the writers for not giving GV anything. I would like to see how they are going to write Lucky now. Is he all of a sudden going to respect what his father stands for again? I mean the cop part will definitely look weird, but it wasn't like they portrayed Lucky as a great cop anyway. Always seems to be messing up...
ReplyDeleteShow wasn't too good yesterday. Felt it as another filler. FF through most of it.
I have watched all three Luckys as well. I wouldn't call JJ a vet since JJ and GV were on as Lucky for almost the same amount of time.
ReplyDeleteMy problem is 1 - they way they treated GV; 2 - GV is hot and looks like an adult and cop; 3 - I'm going to feel like I'm watching a teenage Lucky again.
Although I will start DVRing again because I'm curious, but also because SJB's days are numbered. I hope she goes out with a million bullet holes in her! Sorry, Karen, they were doomed from the start. W/ all their SJB playing the exact same crap as when she was Carly and immediately having her sleep w/ Sonny - just no. Done.
wow!! Thanks for all the comments on JJ!! I am really REALLY interested in the Luke/Lucky dynamic. TG Played it WAY differently with GV...will the old "Cowboy" stuff come back now? Will Lucky suddenly not want to be a cop?
ReplyDeleteAnd I love JJ but he's going to look like a pip-squeek next to TG. eek! Even Tyler Christopher!
All the BULK men on GH now! LOL
I haven't seen the JJ promo but I did like GV as the adult Lucky. they never gave him much to work with. I too have watched all three Luckys on this show. JJ was great as a kid and I am going to give him a chance as the adult Lucky because this is what it is going to be.
ReplyDeleteThey never portray any character who is in law enforcement as "smart" on this show. The reason is its "The Sonny and Jason Show" and the mob always wins. But if JJ can pull off the cop thing and they keep writing Dante as good as they have. Then maybe there is a Lucky and Dante partner thing that might happen here that could finally be something to watch. Luke's and Sonny's sons partnered up...that I like.
I too am not fond of bringing in JJ as Lucky...but...how about this scenario. Liz will put off telling Lucky about her feelings(of course)... Lucky is the one who sees Liz and Nik kissing. He finally snaps, flies off the handle, loses his faith in love and romance (JJ can do this acting with one vocal chord tied behind his back). He dumps Liz. He leaves the police force (which is good cuz if he isn't working vice, that scruffy beard and his thin frame would never make it) and finds his way back to Luke and adventure and street smarts! Ohhh the fabulosity of it all!!! Dare we hope?
ReplyDeleteI still think JJ looks like OLTL's Todd's long lost son, hahahaha...argh a note to JJ and Ethan...if you can't grow it...MOW IT! nasty.
Lisa- Love your idea about Sonny and Luke's sons pairing up!!
ReplyDeleteLeesy- I also like your scenario, especially if they brought JJ back for the Luke/Lucky pairing...But did they also bring him back for Liz/Lucky chemistry?
Greg Vaughan is the only Lucky I've ever seen, although I used to watch GH in the late 70s and 80s, it was all pre-Lucky days.
ReplyDeleteThe "first true love" Lucky is the new guy from my perspective and he's gonna have to win me over. If he's as amazing as some of the fans seem to think he is, then I guess that won't be difficult (hey, I've actually gotten used to Teethan, which I thought impossible).
The promo was rude to Greg V and just a few changes could have alleviated that. Simply welcoming the actor back "to the role he originated" would have sent the same message without kicking GV in the butt on his way out the door.
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