Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Natalia Livingston to Leave GH--again!!

Poor Natalia...knocked off as Emily during the horrificly written Bland and White ball (misspelling intentional) NOW is leaving again after coming back as the horrificly written Rebecca.

This afternoon, SID tweeted she was leaving. Will "Ethan" be far behind. Now that TG's Fave Jonathan Jackson is back, who knows! Details are coming, nothing on when her last airdate is or anything.


  1. goodriddance rebecca, hopefully ethan and must say jj was pitiful today!!! 10 yrs is too long and he is no longer lucky!

  2. THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought they were making her Emily and re writing the B&W ball? Well I'm happy with her leaving?

  3. wow i hope NL doesnt read this board! lol i prob would be sadder about this news if they didnt write this story so badly! they gave her the Claudia treatment, bring her back, make a big deal, write a bad storyline, and have nowhere to go with it. i kinda feel bad for her, if they made her emily everyone would be sad shes going

  4. So if NL leaves, who will be Nicolas' love interest? I am thinking since TPTB brought JJ back, that they will put Lucky and Liz back together. Will the writers change Lucky's recent history, get him off the police force, make him the footloose, fancy free Cowboy? That might make Luke/TG happy, but in won't fit with Liz's nurse/mother image - LMP as some folks call her. Sending Ethan off with Rebecca leave Luke with no 'sidekick' - unless TG decides to retire - which I doubt since he has such a good contract. While I really enjoyed JJ today, I think GH will have to rewrite a lot of story lines and make a lot of fans unhappy - all for an actor who may only stay 6 months. The fact that he is very good only makes things worse 'cause he sure hasn't be "hurtin'" for work!

  5. Not sorry to see her go, at all! I'd love to see Ethan leave with her, freeing up more attention on the Spencer kids I actually care about.

  6. I am in agreement with all....let her go. NL was a great Emily but the Rebecca story has been a major waste of airtime and our time. GH tends to drag everything out and when it doesn't work they lose the attention of the audience. Maybe they are starting to see that....finally!

    But now I can't wait for today's eppy and Dante and LuLu and JJ.


  7. This is just to give more room for the Nik/Liz/Lucky triangle. it would be just too much with emily/rebecca around. Liz has great chemistry with both of them so that should be good. Now let's just hope the writers can do a decent job.

  8. Hated Rebecca, but Loved Emily. Loved the softness she brought to the Q's (esp Jason!)Please plese tak Ethan with you.

    Its ok if NL reads these boards, its not her fault the writing sucks. Can't wait fo Claudia to bite the dust! Woohoo!

  9. i still can't believe that they actually had Lucky ask Liz if he remembered her. it was a little ridiculous. as was the fact that as soon as Lucky got to the Haunted Star he and Luke immediately started talking about playing cards. i mean come on! the first time i really remember seeing Lucky was when he was playing cards with some older boys--i was confused because one minute someone called him Spencer and the next he was Lucky--what can i say i was 8!

  10. Not really sad about this since I hate Rebecca. Wish they wouldn't have killed Emily. *sigh*

    Liz - I thought the banter between Luke and Lucky was good and it was amazing to see the difference in chemistry between TG and GV and TG and JJ. It is undeniable.

  11. oh i'll miss the presence of natalia, but i hated rebecca. plus i can't see jonathan as lucky now, its so weird. The role isn't the same anymore, plus lucky and liz look weird together now, liz overpowers him, before with greg he overpowered becky it's not the same now. I hope ethan leaves to,what a waste of a character!

  12. I'm glad to see Rebecca go, but wish Em had never died. I loved JJ today, at first it seemed awkward for about 2 seconds and then it was like magic IMO. He IS Lucky Spencer no matter how long he's been away. For those that weren't pleased, apparently you never watched when he originated the role and were just used to GV or JY as Lucky. I look forward to how this all plays out w/Liz n Lucky. I hope they end up together.

  13. Jonathon Jackson needs to speak more clearly. I can hardly understand him. How did no one notice this when he was taping????

  14. I agree, I couldn't understand half of what he said. I tried to remember if always spoke like this.

  15. He mumbled like that when he was a teenager.

    And yes, please let Ethan be next. They can even redeem Luke by having him say that he knew all along the kid was a con artist and not his real son. Holly tipped him off about him. He can then apologize to Lucky and Lulu and say he had to play this one close to the chest and that he would have never cheated on their mother like that.

    They established the other day that he's talked to Laura about Ethan on the phone. Let's say he told her that he's playing the kid to find out his real agenda LOL

  16. Who is this guy?? He's not my Lucky....all you old school fans who grew up with this guy, its not personal, but this guy is a twerp. and dont tell me "just wait a while" sorry. this made GH worse.

  17. I liked Emily and she is a good actress but the kind of lines that has been given to her are crap.Hate shes leaving

  18. Well, this is AntJoan, I'm afraid I'll come through as another anonymous.

    NL was great as Emily, the Rebecca character is beyond awful, it's horrible that GH hires actors and then writes for them so badly, and/or can't figure out when a storyline will totally bomb.

    I CAN'T BELIEVE how many times in the last few days characters were overheard/seen on the docks! Don't the good people of Port Charles get it that the docks are a public place, and that anything that they say/do there is BOUND TO BE witnessed by SOMEBODY!!

    I know overhearing stuff is key to all soaps, but can't the writers be a little more creative about it?

  19. OK I am won over. LOVED JJ yesterday. He made me want Liz & Lucky for the first time in YEARS.
    Yes he looks young, and spoke softly but I had chills watching them. If you never watched them before, do yourself a favor and u tube some old scenes, you will not be disappointed. I did enjoy the angst w/ Nik but I don't think I like that Luke saw them kiss. Likle who the hell is he to judge anyway? He's a pig. Anyway, anyone else think Liz looked exceptionally beautiful?

  20. Loved Donte also. Lulu was better drunk/drugeed then straight! Finally saw some chemistry.

  21. Why put Liz and Nik together? She sure doesn't make good choices for her kids. Nik doesn't even like his own kid, so why get into something with him if he isn't good with kids?

  22. I just have to say - and I was never a huge GV fan - I really enjoyed JJ w/RH yesterday. I never watched when he was on before, but I see the chemistry everyone was talking about. I think he is a much better actor

  23. I noticed that right away JJ is very soft spoken. Very different from GV. I haven't seen much of JJ's work but I did see him in Deep End of the Ocean with Michelle Pfeiffer. He was soft spoken in that movie too(guess that is his style)...which coincidently is going to be on Soap Net this weekend. Not sure how this is going to work out but I will reserve judgement right now...its only been one day folks.
    But I am not liking this storyline anyway.

    Now Lulu and Dante....that was really good....I am liking them more and more and some kissing to boot. WooHoo!!!!


  24. YIPPEE....I never liked her Emily or Rebecca.

    In terms of a new love interest for Nic I say bring back Gia!!!!! Or, why not return Nic to the mature scene...hook him up with Kate.

  25. I like Natalia Livingston, but the Rebecca story has been awfully written so I am glad to see the character go. I hope Ethan is right behind her (again, the character was just poorly written). Can't they just say they were part of a con on the Spencers and Quartermaines from Helena? They aren't really related to Emily and Luke. I'm sure they can make the Niz pairing a product of Helena's messing too..she drugged them or something. Then start making Lucky more JJ's version of Lucky we all loved and pretend this whole mess didn't happen lol!

  26. They are trying to put Nik & Liz together for one reason: its good soap stuff. Whether you're for them or not, they're two beautiful people that we don't mind watching.
    While I agree Nik does nothing to think about Spencer, I do think Liz is a solid parent. Any woman that gives up a guy that looks like Steve Burton must be a good parent.

    I am sick to know that Jasam talks duture. What? For real? They're giving them airtime every flipping day and now talking future? Still without discussing what she did to Jake, Liz & Cam? Ok whatever, i am 100% disgusted with this.

  27. Just one more to go....

  28. I wish they would get rid of Elizabeth. She's so self-righteous and fake. Watch...Nik will knock her up too.Poor Lucky...she keeps having everyone else's kids. I like NL and am sad to see her go.



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