Wednesday, October 14, 2009

First Look at Sarah Brown on B&B

And she's a blonde!! WOOT! Which I love. I am sending this out to all her GH fans so they'll tune in to watch her on B&B--and send some FAN SNAIL Mail to her!! Check out Sarah's Web Site for details. I think she's on the B&B starting November 8th. BTW, she's not wearing BLACK! LOL


  1. Ok so all I am preying for is that TPTB dump the whole idea of Liz and Nik pairing and stay with Lucky and Liz exspecially since JJ is back!!! Am I the only one that is feeling that way??
    Besides the whole Liz and Nik thing is creepy and gross!

  2. Sarah looks FABULOUS as a blonde...and from the looks of the picture, she looks happy too! Wishing her the very best. She's given us the very best and we could not ask for more...

  3. holy crap she looks like Carly again!!! Soooooo gorgeous!

  4. I love the way SB looks in that picture. I always wished they would have "lightened" her up a bit as Claudia. People do change their hair color/style etc. Done right it could have been done subtly...I wonder which look she likes for herself?

    I wish her nothing but the best on BB. I used to watch back in the day (when taylor was a "natural" beauty) I rember when it replaced Capital! (I'm in my early 30's)I may give it another shot...

  5. I personally am so-so with Niz since I am hesitant to be excited about JJ's return. Loved them back in the day when Liz was all naughty bad girl but I have to agree with other posters that said GV was great with the kids, and JJ looks like a kid himself even though he added peach fuzz hair on his face. As for Nik he doesn't even like his own kid much less Liz's. She should choke on that for a while other than chokin on his.. um .. tongue.

    Anyone else think Sam needs some help with those bags under her eyes? Geepers... give that girl some cold cucumbers to place on those swollen puppies. I think I like her with out all that black crap on her eyes anyway, she's smokin w/o it. I remember her as little goodie Livie and she was a goody. No make up and trashy threads.

  6. No Jasam for me, my ff button on my dvr works great thank u very much! No Niz for me for that matter. Someone on another post said they saw that Jason looked hurt about Liz marrying Lucky. Why bother doing that to us Liason fans anyway?

    I find Claudia repulsive. I hate the character so much that it has made me dislike Sarah which I never thought I would say. I never pitied Claudia whatsoever. Guza failed big time. I do love Sarah's new hair color, instantly makes her gorgeous again. I agree about kemo's baggie eyes but that could be heredity billo so back off! lol

  7. love SB's new look and she looks happy too.As far as Sam she does have some circles but my son and I both have those permantley.I do wish she would have more than a dark outfit to wear.

  8. I am not a fan of SJB and Claudia is the most awful character to watch EVER! If I recall, she was the one that wanted to make Claudia black obsessed, so I guess she reeped what she sewed there.

    When she is off the show I will return, until them its OLTL.

    I did youtube the Sam scenes from yesterday though because I wanted to see the Sam / Alexis scenes. They were phenominal of course. Sam looked great!

  9. I also have bags under my eyes but I ain't on tv lol



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...