Thursday, October 22, 2009

Steven Lars coming BACK TO GH!

In the Land of..."Uh, Okay, didn't see that coming"...TV Guide Magazine has an exclusive saying Scott Reeves is coming on GH to play Steven Lars Webber. Son of Jeff. Excerpt:

Look who’s putting on scrubs! Soap fave Scott Reeves is joining ABC’s General Hospital as the new Steven Lars Webber. The character, last played by Shaun Benson in 2005, will arrive in December as the hospital’s new chief of staff and be thrown into a storyline involving his half-sister Liz (Rebecca Herbst) and the two men in her life, Lucky (Jonathan Jackson) and Nikolas (Tyler Christopher). The gig is considered recurring at the moment, which is fine with Reeves. The actor and country music artist, who spent 10 years as Ryan McNeil on The Young and the Restless, will commute to the L.A.-based GH from his home in Nashville.
BTW, he's friends with Steve Burton.
Great..Liz has her bro GET GENIE will ya!?
GENERAL HOSPITAL TODAY: God, they sprang for extas at the Haunted Star AND "Puerto Rico"!! Where's all the dough comin' from?

I'm tired of the Michael Memory Parade already. Got it. MOVE ON.

Liked Rebeicly's dress today. Nice color. Good to see Tracy around.
Seems that the Graffiti thing was all the Google rage yesterday. "CO77x" or I think it means Colt '77 Xtra Strong. ;) heh.
Carly/Olivia looked a LOT alike today in those dresses.
I think that Sonny needs to start fessin' up to his "Product" we know it's not guns or drugs. THEY HATE DRUGS! I'm guessing ciggs or..hmmm. Designer handbag knockoffs? Maybe they sell all that stuff you see in NYC that's fake!


  1. Steve Burton is close friends with Scott and Melissa. I think he has talked about maybe moving to Tennessee down the line

  2. Oh, that's the connection. GOD, SB is getting many ppl on the show! LOL
    I knew he wanted to move to Nashville.

  3. I remember a few years back an article that mentioned that SBu and family often vacationed in Tennessee to visit the Reeves. I am floored and thrilled. My girl gets her brother back.

  4. WOOT WOOT! Bring him on! What a hunkie he is! He'll need a box to stand on next to Patrick, but who cares?So do Matt, Spin, Dante, Sonny, and Lucky . Short is in! I'm 5'1", works for me! The hospital has needed this role filled and he comes with built in credentials...way to go!

  5. Great cast and i would like to say that I brought up Steven not too long ago. I must be psychic.
    One question though...why get more doctor's in when they don't utilize the ones they have...Dr. Matt for one!!

  6. Ha ha this is going to be great for those "LMP" Haters. Good for me, more Liz on my screen.

  7. I love Scott Reeves from his years on Y&R! I hope this means there will be more non-mob characters and stories. I'm so sick of Sonny and the mob I don't know if I could watch Mo in anything in the future. I didn't dvr that mystery wall so I'm going to check out youtube and see if I can see the bearded man. Thanks for the great updates!

  8. I am happy that he will join the show ..
    I know Steve B is also happy .................
    I am for one who really really likes the mob is happy that he will be a doctor ...
    I just hope it won't be the end of Monica Q ......
    I still love the mob

  9. But who do they pair him up with? There are no single leading ladies. UNLESS Carly jumps Jax when all the stories come out and Carly then hooks up with Liz's 1/2 bro. That could be good although I do like CarJax together.

    Oh, and to answer your question regarding what exactly it is Sonny is shipping. My bet is knock off designer dresses. Mostly white ones like he gave to Lily, Emily, etc. Imagine when Kate finds out!!!

  10. maybe Steven and Sam can get together.

  11. What about Steve and Rebecca and then *suprise* she will really be Emily...and then Steve and Emily and Niz...ohh the suspense

  12. Scott Reeves, what a cutie! TOo bad he couldn't hook up with Rebecca herst

  13. I love Scott Reeves, so kudos to GH on this one. Let's just hope they don't waste his talents like they did RH, GV and MW.

    I couldn't watch the show today- I tried, but found it too damn boring. Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that we were all excited about it again. OLTL has even been a snooze fest lately...Really cannot get into the gay marriage storyline. No matter which side of the argument you are on, this storyline just makes a joke of it.

  14. How do you say in Spanish "DROP IT OR I'LL BLOW YOUR FRICKIN' HEAD OFF!"...I laughed out loud! Unexpected and histerical! So sue me, hahahahaha.

  15. Wow. A character with an existing family connection. Sounds promising. What ever happened to Rick's adopted kid, little Mikey Webber? He was a great kid actor and they did a great family thing together. Would love it if GH showed a little more family life.

  16. Wait... why is Liz' brother being brought in to be the Chief of Staff?! Is Monica doing a sucky job or something???

  17. How about getting Robin's father back?

  18. Love the LMP comment, that was awesome! And yes, it will give us more "Lizzie" airtime. Woohoo!

  19. Yay! More Liz airtime! So pleased especially since I will get to stare at Cutie Scott Reeves while enjoying one of my favorite actresses. You have to wonder if Steve fought for this feeling bad for Becky not being front and center. Know they are good freinds with each others spouses from what I have read.

    Bored to death with Sonny & Claudia. Die already BIATCH! lol. Poor SJB. I guess since we hate her (meaning Claudia) so much she did her job. I also am sick to death of Michael remembering. For the love of god, end this storylie pronto hopefully with Carjax intact. And lets hoipe Carly is mad at Jason, Olivia, Sam, Kate, and Johnny and not just Jax.

  20. I agree that this episode was a tad boring. I got through it in about 10 total minutes. Would have been faster, but I watched all the Lulu and Dante interaction and the three guys together in Jason's Penthouse.

  21. I agree, let's bring Robert back! Would love that. Esp if they plan on adventure for Lucky & luke. They have hinted at Robin being a good "DETECTIVE" Wish they would put a CSI spin on it.

    I'm ok with Liz getting the airtime, just worried that they'll hve another good looking guy an mis-use him. You figure there are limted prospects for him and what good is it to bring on a hottie if you don't pair him with a gal? Please oh please don't put him with trampie sampie. Kemo has already mmade it to home pate with all the main characters. Although they are both little, they may look good together. Wish they could make Liz bad again, she could scheme with her brother about pulling sam from Jason.

  22. TheOriginalBlondeOneOctober 23, 2009 at 12:01 PM

    I love Scott Reeves. He is a cutie! And JJ coming back too! I'm finally excited about GH again!

  23. Maybe their "product" is moonshine. =)

  24. I liked when they were in the bar and Kate and Domte were talking (or rather she was wanting to say something about who he really is) and she asked him if he wanted her to say it out loud in front of ALL the people in the bar...there were like 2 other people in the bar besides them and Coleman...made me laugh!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...