Well, I made my final stop through GH & I didn't have to shave!! All cleaned out my dressing room & said my goodbye's! Those that I spoke with, cast & crew, true class!
That's Greg with wife Touriya Haoud . He is wished well--and I know he'll have wonderful success in the future!
Waaaa!!! He'll always be my fave Lucky and the one I got to know the most. The earlier 2 Lucky's I didn't know so well cuz well when they were on the show I was at school and really only watched the show in the summer months..... :/
ReplyDeleteI don't know if it's my natural aversion to change, but i'm not that big a fan of this new look. Please don't take it personal - i'm weird that way.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, i'm not sure if anyone mentioned it, but Logan mentioned that ABC was willing to give Vaughan the "other opportunities" excuse for leaving, but after they did he twittered (I refuse to say "tweeted") that he was fired.
Who's telling the truth?
Tears, tears, tears...I am so beyond sad...
ReplyDeleteSooo not happy with GV leaving.. It sucks.. they want to bring a kid back to play the part of a man... WHATEVER!!! sucks sucks sucks..
ReplyDeleteinteresting to see what james franco brings to the show.. hmmm but i am going to try and stay positive..wish vanessa marcil would get her happy ass back..spent some time over the weekend watching oh GH clips on you tube..
Oh Greg, you so will be missed. This is one good lookin talented guy. Can't wait to see who snags him up first. He's a soap hunk, it s a shame Guza never showed him in that light (except w/ Sam for a bit). I do not welcome JJ back with open arms. I will miss Greg as Lucky immensely. Esp as a father, as a son, and a brother. His days with Liz were over, but I sure digged Lusam.
ReplyDeleteI hope he ends up on Days of our Lives.
ReplyDeleteHe would be good for Sammy.
I liked him up till he went with Maxie.But I wish him luck
It's terrible how they fired him just as he has a new baby on the way. But hey, this is the show that fired Stuart Damon at Christmastime on the eve of his 30th anniversary with the show. Jill Farren Phelps is one cold....
ReplyDeleteI'm on the fence with whether JJ returning will even work or not. It's been 10 years. Will Luke get his wish and Lucky will dump the family he's had for the past 6 years and return to his dad's side? I can definitely see JJ's Lucky going crazy about Niz and telling everyone off. Look how he talked to his parents in those final years he was on the show..
All this Spencer/Cassadine stuff feels pretty hollow too without Laura. It's like they're trying to make everything about Luke and she was just a small part of his "great" life.
If laura returns, I will watch the Spencer stuff with the "New/Old" Lucky. If she doesn't I will FF thru them. It's disgusting what they do to loyal actors that just want to work. Then the ones that get 5 vacations a year grace us w/ their prescence when they feel like it. Ever since Liason was over this show has been crap IMO. No good explanations for anything.
ReplyDeleteI do feel bad at how GV was let go. It really wasn't right.I may not have liked this Lucky but as an actor he did deserve much better treatment. But the Powers that be in Mr Guzas camp could really care less. Just like they don't care how we feel as fans about GH & what they should & shouldn't be doing. I did like JJ's portral as the org Lucky. He is older now & he himself is married with a child (or is it children?) so he isn't the same person either way. I'm really not sure how I want him to be except not stupid would help cause GV Lucky was stupid but thats because of the writers of course that we can thank for all of that. As much as I'd love Laura/GF back & or VM....if I was them I don't think I would come back well....hate to say it unless its the 'end' of the show per say. I don't mind how Laura left last time cause at least she wasn't staring at the wall....that was so wrong not just to the character of Laura but to GF as well.....they don't treat there vertern actors/actress the way they should really.....but thats Mr Guza & company for you....no surprises here.......sad but true. So we'll see how it all goes....I wish Greg Vaughn the best....I was used to him playing Lucky...I did like him with Sam also....better than Liz....I just don't understand Guza...why would they resign GV if they didn't want him to re-sign?? Makes like no sense to just fire him than.....stupid IMO anyway....also good luck to SJB....I'm sure she'll shine at BB....I hope its a much different part than the last one for her....cause Claudia....well....it wasn't no Carly....anyway....IMO ....