Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday Surgery: GH low numbers, where to write OLTL

Look who's 30!!

If you want to help save OLTL (rumored to be in trouble), has some contact information for you to check out. After you read the next bit of info, you have to wonder why GH is getting all the buzz lately! (and great casting)

From Examiner:
Sara Bibel, writer of Fancast's Deep Soap, recently reported that at the official end of the 2008-2009 daytime broadcast season, ABC/General Hospital’s total audience and the 18-49 female target audience declined 13% each. However, All My Children only declined 5% and 8%, respectively, and OLTL declined 10% and 8%, respectively. Surprisingly, in total households, NBC’s Days of Our Lives actually gained viewers (over 100,000) and CBS’ The Young and the Restless increased viewership by 10% in theCheck Spelling 18-34 female audience.

OUCH..GH 13% loss in female audience...I wonder if Jonathan Jackson and James Franco can help. I still say: It's the WRITING!! Yes, I do understand the Examiner's line is the "Save our Soaps" --but the Fancast numbers are real. Just wanted to point that out.

There is a rumor around that Bob Guza may be out. I say: What the hell you thinking? Come on. With Jonathan Jackson back and Franco coming, they'd have to drag the man out kicking and screaming. Literally. I'm serious. And I'll even say that if he does by some miracle "leave" it's in PR only...he's there. He's there. As long as Frons is there, he's there.

Carolyn Hennesy is thrilled by the response that Cougar Town has gotten. *and her character of "Barb". Wed nights are great for ABC and they have 2 of the hottest new comedies out there. Write to Carolyn at the show to give her your support!
Culver Studios9336 W. Washington Blvd., Bldg. KCulver City, CA 90232

You can send mail to:Carolyn Hennesy, Bill Lawrence, executive producer/writer/directorKevin Biegel, writer/co-executive producerCourtney Cox Arquette, executive producerDavid Arquette, executive producer

So much news this week on GH, it's been a whirlwind. Suddenly, the "mainstream media" is getting in the groove of Daytime. I say, welcome to the party, pal! It will be an interesting and exciting time for GH in the coming months, to say the least. I wonder how many entertainment shows will get on set interviews. With the agent of Steve Burton and James Franco being the same, I also wonder if SB will be in most of those interviews as well. Just sayin'

TODAY is Brandon Barash's (Johnny) 30th Bday! Happy day to you!! He has to be one of the most traveled Ghers out there. The guy goes to almost every event I can think of. Last night he was pitching the first ball for the St. Louis Cardinals! He's always in some new town, connecting with fans.

Our ScrubsWubs Team for AIDS WALK LA is going strong. Thank you for all your clicks on ads and donations. If you are on Twitter, we also have a nice LOBSTER twibbon for you to put on your pic. 50cents a lobster will go to the cause. Why a lobster? Well, I love them and some of you "vets" know that the Wubs Net used to be named "The Lazy Lobster Pub" ages and ages ago. I have so many lobsters people have sent me, it's crazy!

The 6th Annual Evening with the Stars next weekend (October 10th), benefiting The Desi Geestman Foundation. Tickets are still available and all information for the event can be found at This is a HUGE annual event, attended by many GH stars. If you want to see some actors, I encourage you to get tickets!

Not sure what the canvas will look like the next few weeks on GH. I think MUCH tweeking is going on with story arcs given the recent casting news. I was thrilled to see Connie on and hope she's a huge part of this story. Rumors are flying that it's Tony's LAST HURRAH...but they are always around, aren't they? Remember I told you Genie is in talks as we speak to come back as well. Keep those wubby fingers crossed. Oh! One more thing, I will be PodCasting again with my fave gang from Daytime Confidential next Sunday! I can't wait.

SOD: great SLIDE SHOW of Spixie Wedding Fashion!!
Tweet News: Sarah Brown is having Gluten Free Pancakes this morning... Kirsten Storms is visiting her brother in Colorado.


  1. "I have so many lobsters people have sent me, it's crazy!" said the WubsQueen. I know someone who has been collecting penguins for over 20 years, that's a mean collection.

    Ummm, heard that you got a totally awesome Lobster keyfob recently. Named it Leeza?? Sounds like you got a great friend, there :)

    OK,for OLTL, sending a snail mail letter will help the cause. Now, what is the story, heard that cancellation rumor is false by several well respected soap sites. Now, other people are saying it's true!! OLTL is my all time favorite soap!! I am still upset about this rumor.

    Wow,the Guza rumor has re-surfaced along with that RH is leaving GH to go to DOOL. Now, those are two rumors that should be true!!

  2. I heart Johnny, and I hate the thought that stupid Claudia is going to make Olivia break it off with Johnny. Lets hope he doesn't
    turn to someone else.

    I have to say that I highly doubt RH is going anywhere with JJ coming back. They were the most innocent couple and somehow their love lifted all of us. They had a mini version of L&L that no oe could understand (as far as connection) And I mean mini version, not anything that mega star but the rape story was incredible. Both actors were stellar. I do think however that GV came in a close 2nd as far as acting goes. But chemistry with RH, goes to JJ hands down.

  3. Happy Birthday to Brandon!!!!My fav show is OLTL and maybe sometimes GH.As far as Guza leaving yall know better and so do I.

  4. I just wrote to Brian Frons. I do not like talk shows at all. Below is what I wrote:

    "I am a huge fan of ABC daytime. I am a senior legal assistant at a large New York City law firm. I have been watching ABC soaps religiously since February, 1988 when I got my first VCR. Since 2005, I DVR all 3 shows every day. I started watching GH in college in the winter of 1977. I started watching One LIfe to Life in the early 80's when I was home from college or work.

    The recent news that One Life to Live may be cancelled and replaced by a talk show is very upsetting. My two favorite soaps are GH and OLTL. I do not watch talk shows at all. Soaps have always been my escape and I look forward to seeing them five times a week.

    Please do not cancel OLTL. A longtime viewer, Lisa M.

  5. I noticed over the weekend that both saturday night live and the simpsons updated their openings after only a week (and one is a cartoon!).

    GH? not in years.

  6. Karen,
    I am not sure if this is the right place to put this...but I have question...I was just on another message board, and it said JJ will only be on for 6 months. Are they bringing him on for the "demise" of Lucky? Or, is it just that he signed for 6 months, with the chance of an extension? I'd hate to see something happen to Lucky, regardless of whose playing him. (I am sorry if the answer to his has already been discussed and I missed it).

  7. Brandon was pitching at a St. Louis Cardinals game. They aren't "some baseball team." They are THE baseball team!
    Can you tell I am from STL?

  8. First of all, TOTALLY SORRY about the Brandon tweet, I just saw he was pitching but not with WHOM. many people corrected me, and I'll correct the blog today! LOL

    Second, JJ may have 'signed' for 6months but that's standard option, Sarah Brown did it too when she came back. Protects both sides.

  9. no problem. I was just being a little turd about it. I guess Brandon is from St. Louis as well, so he is a huge Cardinals fan.
    Thanks for all your updates. Love them!!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...