Monday, October 26, 2009

"get more insurance"...GH today

I don't know who's taking over the story "flow" but it's gotten SO much better. All the episodes have been really good lately. I'm diggin' it!

MIKE! COLEMAN! KATE/CONNIE! And A Marty Mention from Carly. Not bad. Krissy even called Mike "Grandpa"!!

I am still not liking the whole Claudia thing, they should have left it alone. Had Jerry Jacks and Ian do it all. ClauSon is such a good mobular power couple. Just when GH is getting good, I know I'm not going to like all the dang ANGST and violence coming up. Loved the suggestion they have Kristina over to learn how to cook!

Jonathan Jackson is coming tomorrow. I have to mention that his people really did us a great favor by having him sign a hat for the AIDS Walk auction. That was really nice, and they did it in record time! News is out that Greg Vaughan is up for a part on the that may work out really well for him too. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Speaking of "the first Lucky" are Liason people feeling about this? It's gotta be scary!!
Scrubs...nice too! Like the idea of them "in on the secret" of all of this. Maybe Robin needs to start working in the morgue, Dr "G" style, then she could be total CSI.
Like the Johnny/DOMte relationship! Although that "garage" Johnny works in cracks me up. LOL


  1. You just opened a can of worms for us Liz/Jason fans. Hope you are ready for some responses...
    I just wonder if JJ returned for the Liz/Lucky 1st love, or more for the Luke/Lucky chemistry?
    why would they try to pair Liz and Nik together if Lucky #1 is back and they want him and Liz to try for their old chemistry?
    Obviously the powers at GH want Jason and Sam together, as much as I hate it. Once I found out they were going to do that, I enjoyed the show less and I fastforward through a lot of the show on. Almost like I lost my will. I know I am being dramatic, but that one hurt for a lot of us Liz/Jason fans...


  2. Asd a diehard Liason fan bringing JJ back did nothing for me. will remain open minded to see if they actually do it right. If they do, they may be able to make it up to us a bit by making lucky more playful again. Poor Greg had to be such a baby. I know JJ and RH had amazing chemistry as kids and the rape story was one of my favorite after watching soaps for 30+ years. But right up tere with that storyline was the love Liason shared. The friendship and the loyalty and the good old fashioned angst. So maybe JJ can bring a spark back Elizabeth that we haven't seen since Jason. Another shame is some of us started t root for Niz, and with JJ back I guess that won't happening.

    I am excited for this week though. To see JJ interact w/ everyone again and to also say goodbye to Claudia for good. Oh and I personally Love Mike. The actor is so tender its a shame he has never had a real story.

  3. I wasn't trying to open a can of worms--I was really thinking about the Liason fans here. I know the whole JaSam thing was hard, now all this "HER FIRST LOVE" drama is just pushing the whole L&L2 thing A LOT.
    As a L&L fan from way back, I've had my share of rage at GH, believe me! LOL. I don't even get into couples anymore because I know I'll just be upset in the end.

  4. Ohhh Karen do we want to go there with Liason fans? I was so into them 110%. Not just because of their past friendship but because I wanted Jason to have a family. I wanted to see Carly finally have to accept it too! I wanted Jaso to put Liz and jake and Cam above tyhe mob. I agree with andrea about the luke/lucky chemistry. Luke has lost some respect from us as of late esp cuz of Ethan. Puttin him first was not the Luke we know. I did like the scene when he welcomed Liz back into the family, he was so sincere. We haven't seen that Luke in ages! I still hold out hope for Liason in the future, nothing is ever over really. And JJ only signed for 6 months. With being tied to Jake there has to be interaction. But if they give Jasam a baby I will just not understand it. We did get a little smidge of hope when Jason held Liz in the hospital about jake. To sign off, I think Liason fans are pretty loyal and patient. What used to be the Sonny show is now the Jason and Sam show and the comparisons are unbeievably off kilter to the number of dys they are on the tube versus what Liason was..

  5. I am a Liason fan but I was a Liz and Lucky fan FIRST so if they do this RIGHT, I won't be too sad for Jason/Liz. After all, I am liking how they are doing this version of JaSam. Sam is not the whiny, pathetic thing she was last time (at least not yet). If they do Liz and Lucky right, they should make Jake be Lucky's son and be done with it.

    I think it is a weird and disrespectful that they are referring to an actor as Liz's first love, however.

    I never liked Greg's version of Lucky but that wasn't his fault; It was the writing!

    But I haven't been this excited for GH in a looong time!

  6. Hate that they are trying to push Liason even further apart. I agree that TPTB just love Jasam (or just kemo)and want them to be the next Robert & Anna, Luke & Laura, Old Jesse nad Angie on AMC type of adverture couple. Sorry, just not buyin it

  7. I will PO'D if they make Jake Lucky's after all

  8. I don't think they will make Jake Lucky's. Can't happen. THey would lose a lot more fans if they did that, including me. First, if Maxie switched the tests, like many people want, wouldn't she want to tell Sam right away so Sam and jason can have their happy ending? And if they have Sam and Jason have a baby, I will probably completely check out. I am already puzzled how Jason can be around all those kids and people and not worry for their safety. If they gave him another kid, that would be a mess I wouldn't watch for all the money in the world.
    Plus, they have Jake looking more like a Jason baby than a Lucky baby.
    I agree that if they can get Lucky back to the old Lucky, there may be a chance for him and Liz. Then they can have their Spencer baby, But I think it is too little too late.
    -I'm going to have to try your way of thinking about not putting much stock into couples, unless they are a dynamic duo like an Alexis/Diane or Luke/Helena....


  9. A question: I thought all the mob guys used hand guns, so why was Johnny cleaning a rifle?

  10. I FEAR they brought JJ back on a 6 month contract so they could write Liz out...she and Lucky go off screen in 6 months.

    I was not a Jason - Sam fan the first time around but am liking them this time...perhaps because Sam is showing strength and not crying all the time. They just seem to fit. As much as I liked Jason and Liz I can not picture her as part of the current Claudia storyline Jason is in.

    Is there any news of more screen time for Audrey once Steven Lars reappears? The resurfacing of this character does give me some hope that Liz might not be disappearing soon.

  11. My only fav couple on this show is Carjax. Thats all, They better not break up either.

  12. I agree with J, I too was a fan of Liz & Lucky before Liason. If the writers can pull this off, it will be great.
    I have been watching GH since birth, and one of the all time best stories was Liz's rape and how JJ's Lucky got her through it. Those of you who didn't watch when JJ was on, take a look on YouTube - they were amazing together.
    I liked Greg Vaughn, but he was never given a chance. Hopefully this will bring back the
    Lucky (and Luke, and Liz) we all now and love.

  13. I was a Jason/Liz fan and don't really like Sam/Jason but I loved JJ's version of Lucky and am going to see how it all plays out. I feel awful for the way Greg Vaughn was treated and written for and really hope he gets a great gig somewhere soon.
    Although I can't stand the mob violence and the cops being written as idiots on GH I will be glad to say adios to Claudia. SJB is a great actress but I don't like the role at all.
    I can say I've been watching a bit more GH lately.

  14. I too hope they can resurrect the chemistry JJ and RH once shared. Initially, I thought I might like Liz/Nik, but now that JJ is back, they need to make it work between Liz and Lucky. Gonna be hard to do w/this Liz/Nik drama. I didn't realize that JJ is only back for 6 months. Hope they dont' write them off. How would they do that . . . they go off w/Laura or what? And how would Jason react to never seeing his son??? Unless, as someone said, maybe Jake really is a Spencer, but yes his looks favor Jason. Anything's poss on soaps though. Can't wait to see JJ tomorrow. I was a HUGE Liason fan, but loved Liz and Lucky of old. Hope they can make magic again! Nov sweeps is gonna be SO good w/what's coming up this week! Looking forward to my fave show everyday!

  15. Johnny had some girly ass hands in todays show. Look at his scenes and you will see pasty white girly hands. Elbow up he's hot!

    Loved Liason, but they're done. I can accept that. Still don't want Jake to be Lucky's just in case liason has a chance to resurface! I love Carjax also and look forward to some angst. I know they will make things right once they both look at their baby girl! Don't even want to discuss Jasam since it goes against everything Jason stands for to be with her.

  16. Well, this liason fan would much rather see Liz & NuOld Lucky than Liz and Nik. That's just wrong. Why must they always tramp Liz up?

  17. lol I just love reading everyone's comments, you guys are so awesome!

    I'm really digging the build up towards Claudia's swan song. Love it or hate it you guys have to agree that it is so nice to get a storyline that Guza actually will tie up. Think of how many stories we've watched drop since the Black & White ball. I feel it's kind of miraculous lol

    Johnny and the shot gun was the end all for me today. I just busted out laughing and then there is Dante looking in the window of the door... no blinds, no cover, nothing. Anyone could have seen him with that gun and/or shot him through that window. Gawd such classic Guza lmao

  18. So JJ just signed on for 6 6 months does he disappear into the fog (ala Laura?) or is he killed (thus killing Luke inside for some juicy scene chewing)or does JJ re-sign for more time and we get a retry at romance ...of course JJ could always go back from whence he came, and we could get GV back! for me!! Somehow I just don't buy Liz falling madly in love with this half shaved scrawny specimen even if he is a fantastic actor...sorry

  19. I also remember the rape storyline and loved Liz and Lucky back then...but then JJ left and they introduced Liason...I love Greg Vaughn and was able to get into Lucky and Liz again, but then they went back to Liason again...then this Niz storyline, which I absolutely hate. If GV were still around I could maybe get on the side of Liz and Lucky again, but not with JJ back. Come on, put SB and JJ side by side and who in their right mind is going to pick JJ? I just can't see it- he is a little boy and SB and GV are men...

  20. Here is my guess about JJ 6 month contract. JJ and AG will both exit GH at that time, opening the door for Liz/Nic after bringing down Valentine.

  21. maybe JJ just learned from SJB and didnt wanna sign and and get backed into a bad corner they cant write him out of. after all lucky has gone from front burner(when JJ first played him) to token cop player/liz's backup plan. now they are going to write for him again, i think its smart he only signed on for 6 months lol

  22. JJ and Becky had such chemistry back in the day! Can they recapture that so many years later? I think so,I hope so!
    But I am definately one that is NOT happy about nor was I happy about the pairing of Nik and Liz! I see no chemistry and the whole thing is just so gross! I couldn't even watch they're sex fest.
    I am hoping that jj and Becky still have it,but the storlyline sucks right now! Too cliche!

  23. Wouldn't this Lucky/Liz/Nik storyline work better with Laura in Luke's role? She witnesses Niz and is torn to tell Lucky and get in between her sons?

    With JJ back, they can dig up that old resentment that Nikolas had for Laura leaving him and raising Lucky. Throw Lulu in there and she can be bitter too for being robbed of years with her mother.

    I just don't get the hold up in bringing Genie back. Atleast she wouldn't be sleep walking through the show like Geary seems to do.

    Here's another idea for Laura.. Edward hires her at ELQ just to piss Tracy off.

    Or, we find out she knew Kate during her days of running Deception and starts working with her and the girls at the magazine?

    See Guza, it's not so hard to come up with ideas for a character played by an actress, who in a sane world would be GH's Susan Lucci and Erica Slezak.

  24. The show is not even 5 minutes in and I'm happy. I LOVE JJ. So good to have him back.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...