Thursday, October 1, 2009

Rachel Ames "Audrey" back on GH Oct 19th!

Seems Rachel Ames is coming out of retirement for a bit to play Audrey starting again in Oct. 19th! It just keeps on coming...
Ingo (Jax) is getting married this Saturday!
SPOILERS are up on the WubsNet. DOMte wears a wire, Carly goes into premature labor and Nikolas saves the day. Have a great night guys. I'm tired, it's been a HUGE day!


  1. I love Audrey, the only original cast member left! She continues to look wonderful!!

    And, dare I hope, my beautiful Brender reunited with my beautiful Sonny, who soon will be single? Let us all send out collective hopes and prayers . . . for the IT couple, the hottest couple ever seen, to reunite soon . . .

  2. Carly having baby issues....shocker.

  3. Any details on Audrey's storyline? I hope they are not bringing her back just to kill her off. I have always thought they should do an alzhemiers storyline with her.

    I wonder if Audrey's return will be like Bobbie at the Spixie wedding? Actually, I am still not convinced JZ was actually there...I think they actually took the old Laura wig, gave it a dye job and propped it up on a chair!

  4. LOL FRISCO...I swear I never saw Bobbie either, lol...what a missed opportunity! We've had a family joke about Audrey for years...she cries but there are never any tears...back in the day she cried for months on end, but never ever did we see one drop of water, lolol.She became our name for actresses who can't manage to cry, the actress, but let's have her smile a lot this time,ok? hahahaha.An Alzheimer's story would be a poignant way to bid Rachel goodbye. She's certainly earned a juicy plotline...but who will watch Liz's kids?

  5. Invisible Gran the babysitter is back!! Love Audrey - but I hope this doesn't mean LMP is going to be preggers again. Please, give Gran a good storyline, not just to be LMP's go to person.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...