Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday Surgery...All the Goods

I'm Podcasting today!! Dishing with Belinda and Luke about all things ABC!! woo hoo!

Things that are out there: I hear that Robin/Patrick are going to do some CSI work and they are bringing in some guest stars ala St. Elsewhere for this. First name up? Demi Lavato, who's the star of Disney's "Sonny with a Chance". We'll see. Hopefully, there are some ADULT stars coming on. (with big pustial growths. heh)
Also, Patrick's ex "Lisa" may be coming on. That was the whole thought behind "Louise" talking about Pat's wild past. I'm hoping she's for Dr. Matt. 'member him?
Tristan Rogers and GREEN Magazine TV! take a gander!
Daytime Confidential keeps breaking's phenom. Jamey G is the new uber guru of soap scoops. When the podcast is up, I'll let you know.
I'll get the scoops up later today I hope!

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My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...