Friday, October 2, 2009

Lint Challenge GHers for AIDS WALK LA!

Gwaddie’s Great Lint Challenge!GH Fans, it’s time to collect some lint! If you’re a JOLIVIA fan, I’ve got an extra incentive for you to go lint hunting!!

Everyone has lint (and no, not belly button lint!). It’s time to dig for your lint. Look in the couch, look in the car change holder, look under the bed, look in your desk drawers. The lint I’m talking about is the lint that’s connected to pennies, dimes, nickels and quarters.

Now, chances are these coins are gonna be ugly—afterall, they’ve been abandoned and neglected. But you know what? They can serve a purpose. They can change lives. Yes. Linty coins can change lives. $2.50 can provide medication for nausea relief, buy food for the food pantry, provide bus fare to a clinic-that’s much better than letting those coins lounge around in lint, doing nothing!I’m going to collect all the ugly, linty coins I can until October 14th. I challenge you to do the same. I will post how much change I’ve found and DARE you to see if you can beat my total! Heck, I might even take a group photo of my linty change!

My challenge to you is to go search out those ugly, linty coins. Gather them up. Count them up and use them to donate to
Team Scrubs Wubs AIDS WALK LA You’ll feel awesome, I promise AND since you weren’t using those coins anyhow, you won’t miss them!

Everyone that accepts my challenge and makes a LINTY COIN donation will be eligible for a random drawing for a JOLIVIA signed Team Scrubs Wubs Aids Walk LA tote bag. Brandon Barash and Lisa LoCicero will be signing a tote bag to help make Aids History. When making your donation, please put an (L) in the dedication section of the form (you can also add any other phrase or dedication—just make sure that the (L) is in there!)So…..go find the lint and let’s put those ugly coins together to save lives! LINT RULES!

***also coming: win a signed Jonathan Jackson hat!! Rick Springfield rare remix CD/DVD set..details to come. The walk is October 18th...

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  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...