Friday, August 12, 2011

Early Release

Yesterday's GH.. gave us an eyefull or what!!? Maybe this is the outfit she does the trapeze in!!
ONE LIFE TO LIVE TODAY:  David Vickers and the TODD'S!! ahahahahaa! Be still heart! They were so fun on the couch!!!!! ahahahahaa. IF you can see it on You Tube later, do it. They even sit the same!!  "We Todd's don't bargain"!!
"Somebody moved the island"! Oh, Delphinia. Dang, I hope the people working on OLTL know how much I LOVE THIS SHOW!! 
Did I say that already??  
Destini's story is good too-- very well played and I love Mommy Evans.

I'll write a bit about GH:
I guess I'm glad Olivia and Carly are pals...we so need that. Pasta..and a "Connie" mention
Robin and Jax...
Matt Siobhan
Sonny Sam...
Monica Sam...

GH was pretty boring today.  That's all. BY THE WAY, in case you missed it, Emma's about 4 or 5 now!! LOL I almost fell off my dang chair! she's huge!!


  1. where do you find these pictures?

  2. What a great show today!!! The time went too damn fast! Karen you found today boring? DOH! :)

    Papa Z and Johnny: WOW Papa Z gave Johnny a piano!!! :) Of course Johnny grabbed him but he has a PIANO! :) And Johnny played it!!! :) It's the little things that get me excited. :)

    Papa Z, bald headed dude, and Pauly Shore drug dealer: Awww they are BFF's! :) *snicker* Oh be careful tho! Papa Z can kill you! :)

    The hospital: More Monica YAY! Great Monica and Sam scene! Great Shivon and Matt scene!! :) Chem test? Shivon and Matt should be a couple. I love how Matt was venting to her. :) And then Matt vented to Robin. Love that too. Especially when Matt hears a baby crying and Emma talking. And Sonny sees it. And that bald headed dude is around Shivon! Gonna kill her?

    Robin's home: Robin changed wet Joss's clothes awww! :) Listen to Robin Jax! Do the right thing! Shawn shows up! Jax does the right thing! YAY! :) Great scene. :) I love how Jax explained to Robin about Brenda and that he didn't go with her to where she was going. Oh Sonny just barges in!!!! Damn!

    Carly and Olivia: GREAT SCENE! :) I love that Olivia fed her! :) They talk and are getting along. :) I will call them Carvia! :) Olivia leaves and Shawn gives Carly her daughter back YAY! :)

    Lucky and Liz: She saved him and protected him! LOVE IT! :)

    Gee no strip pool scenes with Coleman and his gang? :) We have to wait until Monday? And no Rosie the doggy scene. :( We probably won't see Rosie anymore. Too bad. :(

  3. I loved that Johnny played the piano...gets me excited too....I still think he should open a piano bar...
    The two todds are really funny...if the show had more time this could be a permanent duo....Delphina is always a Hoot!
    loved the Carly Olivia scene
    Loved it when Shawn walked in with Joss...
    between both shows today...happy happy!!!

  4. I wonder if Jax brought Jocelyn to Robin's thinking she might be able to help him hide a tree.

  5. Why would Shawn have thought to check Robin's AND how did he get in the house? I assume Mac would of ensured Robin had a security system?

  6. Drug dude is more like "Jeff Spicoli" from Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

    Sonny is...well...there really are no words for him. Sonny always seems to get pissed at people for acting the way he does. Yikes.

    Love to listen to Johnny play the piano.

    Love that Anthony isn't just crazy. He is finally being written as very methodical while trying to appear crazy to others.

    Love that characters are ACTUALLY characters and not caricatures.

    Liking most of the changes so far.

  7. When Emma woke up I was like "wow...uh...she sure grew up..." *lol*

  8. Loved David and the 2 Todds. Wonder if there is anything in the diary.
    I get where Mrs Evans is coming from but I thought the slap was a tad out of line. I also get Nora's feelings that this might be all they have of Matthew, plus they have said that they will raise the child if Destiny can't. Sorta like what Mrs Evans did with Destiny. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
    Can't wait for the meeting with Irene Manning. Hope Vicki can face off with her.

    So, Jax gave Joss to Shawn to so he could take her to Carly and Sonny is STILL going after him. Shows this is all about Brenda and not Joss. Listen idiot, Brenda left because of YOU not Jax. Get over it.

  9. Frisco..."in a tree!"


  10. With all the recaps I might have to watch the show. Speaking of the show...Karen when did you add the Hulu to the site with the GH episodes on it? Is that new or am I just now seeing it?


  11. Sonya, speaking of the little thing I just want to say that I was really exicited to see Carly's unkempt, crazy, frizzy from the rain, hair!! Normally their hair looks perfect even though its supposed to be raining like crazy - but if you have the same kind of hair LW and I have, if you get caught in the rain your hair is DONE! I loved it!

  12. Stephanie yeah I noticed Carly's hair too!!! So realistic!!!! :) I loved it too! :)

  13. I'm sorry but Liz and Lucky redo is boring. Come on GH again? Couldn't you find someone new and better for Liz/ Terrible. Jason and Sam are boring. Monica you're jason's mother and have every right to make thsi decision. Carly and sonny need to be off screen.Garin may have more interaction between characters but the only positive , so far , is monica.

  14. This show is going off air soon.

  15. I actually enjoyed today's ep too. Boy is Sonny ever manic.

    I was glad Jax came to his senses and gave Joss back and that it wasn't Sonny who gor her back.

    I liked the scenes with papa Z and Johnny.

    And I was disappointed that there was nothing with Coleman and the girls. I guess Mac still hasn't regained his power of

    I also think the suspense over Jason's condition and the possibilities of him recovering has really been diminished though by the fact that we have a date for Jasam's wedding. Obviously he's going to survive and be ok and be hihself. Too bad. there were such possibilities for change there.

  16. I read an article about JFP in soap opera digest asking fans to support GH and that her and garin are trying to save the show. Ridiculous , because the show is going off air to internet as the rights have been sold. She , Frons and the disney higher ups are the reason that this show is tanking so they can put on their beloved Couric, The chew, and the revolution. What a joke.
    She and frons wanted this mob-centric show, they wanted to kill the Q's, get rid of older actresses, have jasam front and center as their golden couple, and portray all women as needy and dependent, and get rid of or trash beloved characters. They got what they wanted and now GH is in 5th place ratings.
    She asked Steve Burton to take his shirt off to get ratings, but you'll need more than that to have everyone continue to watch this shell of GH.

  17. Two questions.... 1st Why are they acting like Jason might have a personality change when they've already announced the Jasam wedding date which clearly tells us he'll still be Jason Morgan not Quartermaine... and 2nd What happened to Ethan & Christina? Did they decide to let this relationship die off? I thought they were supposed to share their first kiss during the storm. Confused!

  18. They really need to not try and redeem Sonny. They need to show that he's not merely a manic depressive, but a lying psychopath.

    Recall when Taggart was on the show? He knew Sony as a kid and knew his stepdad, and said none of the beatings went on as Sonny said. A good writing team would work on that, show that Sonny crafted an intricate lie about his childhood so he could make excuses for his evil.

    Recall a few years ago when Sonny, on camera, ordered the murder of nine men from another gang and Jason and co. killed them at the Metro Court?

    It's time Sonny's past caught up with him and someone finally toppled him and sent him to jail. A year of Big House scenes for MB wd challenge him as an actor. Sonny as a character is despicable because he's evil but written heroically, and as a character he's BORING!

  19. I have to disagree about TAggert...
    he was a bully, his habit of Calling Jason 'quarterbrain' showed what he really was...that was a horribel thing to say to any one with a disability, and he did that all the time
    what happened to Sonny as a child left him damaged, and that added to his illness makes him what he is. He is as much a victim as a villan. because it did happen...the truth about Deke came out, he was a bad man...
    I freely admit I love Sonny. he's certainly flawed but not always!!!!

  20. I must have fallen asleep at the end of the show. I don't remember seeing Emma, nor do I remember Jax giving up Jossie....I will have to rewatch on soapnet this weekend.
    When did Robin & Jax become friends? What am I forgetting??

    I didn't think the show was boring. Didn't compare to Thursdays episode though. Diane & her posse kicked those priceless scenes out of the ballpark!!!!

    Love the chemistry (Papa/John) have together. Play off each other brilliantly.

    Lucky & Liz. That is probably what put me to sleep. I saw the 'murderer' take out her needles to insert into Lucky, and I wanted to reach thru the screen and strangle that skinny neck of hers!!!!!

    Anything Monica is a treat to watch.

    FYI..there is an article out that clearly states that GH is NOT part of the PP deal. There is NO plans of them at this point going off air. GW is hoping with the high ratings he is planning on bringing to the show, abc will keep them.
    Maybe not the same time slot, but he stated that the probablity of 2 new shows being a 'hit' is highly unlikely and abc NEEDS GH. Not sure if we can post websites on here, if so I will post the information.
    Do not write this show off soo fast.
    OLTL..Best line: RH walking into the living room and he looks at TSJ and says 'how can Tea look at that ugly face every morning'? lol

    Clint is on his way home! To Vicki's, where he belongs. How does Kimmie's return fit into all this?

    Destiny's Mama ROCKS!! Do I need to say more?

    Not 'sold' on this John and his posse on a hunt to find out information. Why is John ALWAYS the hero???
    How realistic is all this? Irene being alive after all these years?
    Not buying it.

    Tea & Dani scenes were authentic. Dani walking down the steps in her jammies looking like she had just 'woken' up?
    Thank you. No Starr & James yesterday.
    I shudder knowing Bazz is coming back. WHY??

    Why can't Natalie leave the show early??

    2 Todd's at Vicki's...PRICELESS.
    Throw in David!!

  21. I didn't find it boring!!

  22. I also disagree about Taggert. I did like the character, but he had a vendetta against Sonny because of Deke, but more than one character (Sonny) has stated that Deke was abusive and to try to change that now and make it that Sonny lied would be them changing history again, which is part of what has already caused the downfall of GH.

    My2Cents2, right up until the day it was announced, ABC and TPTB denied that AMC and OLTL were being canceled...just a caution that you can't believe everything you read.

    Irene being alive might not be realistic, but how realistic is it that there are 2 Todds? It's a Soap, and it rocks!

  23. Why does everyone hate Liz so much she's not a murderer, it was Anthony Z who had Lucky drugged not Liz Duh.

  24. My2Cents2 said...

    Lucky & Liz. That is probably what put me to sleep. I saw the 'murderer' take out her needles to insert into Lucky, and I wanted to reach thru the screen and strangle that skinny neck of hers!!!!!
    Wait what? What are you talking about? How is Liz a murderer? And when did she insert the needle? You mean in the church? That was to counteract the drugs that were already in him. She saved him.

    Not 'sold' on this John and his posse on a hunt to find out information. Why is John ALWAYS the hero???
    I thought John, Tomas, and Brody on the hunt, punching people, and finding information was HOT and sexy! :)

  25. I thought John, Tomas, and Brody on the hunt, punching people, and finding information was HOT and sexy! :)

    Now if they would just take their shirts off. :-)

  26. lol..sorry but Liz inserting a needle into Lucky is my definition of a murderer!!
    How can she do that when she doesn't know what he was injected with to begin with?? Anyone who would do something like that, in my eyes is a murderer!!!!!
    She was counter acting what he was injected with? Why didn't she go to the hospital and get proper care? Because of his career?? YIKES

  27. Why does everyone but me find John HOTT?? What am I missing!! lol

  28. Batgary said...

    Now if they would just take their shirts off. :-)
    ROFL! Yes please! :)

    My2Cents2 said...

    lol..sorry but Liz inserting a needle into Lucky is my definition of a murderer!!
    So her trying to save Lucky who is ALIVE makes her a murderer? Wow! I didn't know there are two definitions of what a murderer is. Thank you. :)

  29. 'So her trying to save Lucky who is ALIVE makes her a murderer? Wow! I didn't know there are two definitions of what a murderer is. Thank you. :)'
    By 'chance' he is alive. She had no business injecting anything in him. She is not qualified to make that decision. Especially since she doesn't know what he was originally given. She got 'lucky' again with her crap, Lucky didn't die.
    So YES, to your question I classify her as a murderer.

    Thank You :)

  30. I loved yesterday's show, too. Finally Sam has some good dialogue. Nice to see Johnny at the piano again - GW must have remembered that he once played and very well. Sonny is despicable and is coming off even crazier than AZ. As for Liz, this is TV, not real life. I'm fine with suspending belief a little bit because she is trying to save Lucky. I still adore them together, even though I loved her with Jason. Definitely an improvement can be seen in this show.

  31. Did you all know that Johnathan Jackson's brother was on a Ally Mcbeal episode? I watched it last weekend. :) Damn he is hot too! He looks like Johnathan. And sounds a little like him.

    Starts at 4:27. :)

  32. Carly's wrist sure got better when she picked up Joss from Sean's arms, hu?

  33. I'm sorry but GH will go off air as per Disney. The announcement will be made over the coming months.
    I wonder if this show will stay on for 1hr or half hour in the next few months? Higher ups are smarter this time , waiting before announcing this so that by the time backlash comes from fans, it will be too late.
    I loved what GH used to be but so many of the characters I loved are gone or trashed.
    I don't like the neat little packages they try to tie up the show with. Make the fans accept LL2 (that will keep Liz busy, and get rid of pesky liason fans, LOL ). Shove jasam down their throats ( you will like sam, you will like sam, LOL :) because Frons likes sam. Create daytime sopranos and you've got gold ( Guza style ). This show flopped.
    Now , whatever clips I watch involve monica mostly.

  34. Wow I just don't get the whole murderer calling on Liz. She may be a lot of things, murderer isn't one of them. You sure you don't mean Jason or Sonny? She's a nurse and she is the best chance Lucky had. Anyone think it's strange no one is investigating the car accident? Cuz Liz the murderer is responsible for that too, I'm sure.

  35. Not sure where you are getting your info from, but Disney is not releasing GH...can we post websites here?
    Would like all to read the recent disclosure.

    I am going to go find the website and post it, if it isn't allowed they can remove it.



  37. 'Wow I just don't get the whole murderer calling on Liz. She may be a lot of things, murderer isn't one of them. You sure you don't mean Jason or Sonny? She's a nurse and she is the best chance Lucky had'

    DISAGREE. The best chance Lucky had is if Liz would have done the 'right' thing. And that is to get help.
    She is not certified to diagnose and treat anything.So IMO YES she is a murderer.
    We are all entitled to our thoughts on here, mine being what Liz took upon herself to do and how she handled this entire situation are reasons for her license to be pulled permanently.

  38. @My2Cents2 Look, all Liz did was what Lucky asked. He didn't want backup or to go to a hospital. She honored that, and did the next best thing... treat him herself. She's a nurse, and as a nurse, injecting ppl w/ things isn't anything odd out of her profession. Besides, keep in mind that Dante, the cop, was in on the secrecy regarding Lucky. So, was he an accessory to murder? At any rate, keep in mind that this is a SOAP, full of suspended belief and in this case a move made by the writers to position LL2 closer together... Liz as his savior for a change, not vice versa like it's always painted.

    But let me ask you this. Was tending to Jason's gunshot wounds TWICE, instead of taking him to a hospital, grounds for murder accusations as well?

  39. @Hope
    Tony Jones called Jason "Quarterbrain". I don't recall what Taggart called Jason, "Anger Boy", perhaps?

  40. '@My2Cents2 Look, all Liz did was what Lucky asked. He didn't want backup or to go to a hospital. She honored that, and did the next best thing... treat him herself. She's a nurse, and as a nurse, injecting ppl w/ things isn't anything odd out of her profession'
    What Lucky asked?? Are you serious?
    He was so strung out, he didn't know if he was coming or going.
    He was in no way capable to make a decision about his health.
    And YES as a nurse, Liz can give an injection, she can not steal anything out of the medicine room and inject him or decide what to inject him with. Especially since she has no idea what he had in his system to begin with.
    This is undisputable.
    As far as Dante goes, he is not much better. He is a cop. Shame on him. However, I don't refer to him as a murderer because he didn't steal or inject anything into anyone. He was an accessory!!
    Let me ask you this.
    I don't remember Liz tending to anyone's wound in the past.
    Was stealing meds and shooting someone in the arm involved??
    If not I say nothing is wrong with what she did.
    If she did, then her luck is going to run out one of these days.

    I have spent the past 2 years in and out of hospitals. I know how strict laws are with distributing narcodics. I don't know what she gave him, but it wasn't her call to make.
    Sorry if you don't agree, and I apologize if you are offended by me calling Liz a murderer, however, her behavior has not only been extremely immoral, but illegal as well.

  41. Anonymous said...

    I don't recall what Taggart called Jason, "Anger Boy", perhaps?
    Yup!!! Taggart called him anger boy! I just saw a clip recently when he called Jason that! :)

  42. Tabatha...your not a nurse are you?

  43. My2Cents2 GH is just a soap opera! Not real life. You have got to relax.:)

  44. lol are right!!
    I just can't believe anyone would do something so stupid and irresponsible as she did. Then to have people come on here and defend her, is unreal.
    We aren't talking Sonny here. We are talking liz. She knows better!

    OK..what else should we talk about??

  45. I just want to chime in for a minute- as someone who works in the legal field- Liz is not a "murderer" because nobody died. Were her action unethical, absolutely, illegal, yes, but not murder.

    HOwever, My2Cents2 has an opinion, which she has the right to, and she voiced it. People can disagree with her, as is their right, as long as we keep it nice. My2Cents2 does not like Liz-there have certainly been people on this blog in the past that have not liked Liz. Let's please just be respectful of each others' opinions.

  46. Thank You Mosbp for your support.

    It isn't that I don't like Liz, and I apologize if you take that away from my posts, what I have a problem with, is how this character is put on a pedalstool like she is. WHY?

    I also have a problem with Lucky & Liz's co-dependency on one another. It is so unhealthy. And people take it as love??

    The sick dependency Liz and Lucky have with one another is uncomfortable to watch. Taking his arm and shooting it up with drugs that she stole isn't a little unhealthy to do?
    They have a sickness. A codependency sickness that is very unhealthy for them BOTH. Could they get help to grow and have a better relationship? SURE! Anything is possible. Until then, I cannot watch. It makes me too sad and sick at the stomach.

    They can't make it as a couple. To listen to people gooing over

  47. mosbp2003 sure My2Cents2 has opinions about characters she doesn't like. I know how that feels. I hate Courtney Matthew! UGH! :) Glad she is gone. But My2Cents2 seems upset. I just want her to calm down and have fun here! :) *BEARHUGS to both of you.* :)

  48. Thanks Sonya...hugs back.
    btw though......

    I LOVED Courtney!!!! lol

  49. I like Liz and she's not the first woman on GH to break the law for a loved one....hell I think they all have! As far as Liz/Lucky I don't mind them together even though part of me wish that they would give her a new guy.


  50. my 2cents: I beg you to go to old U tube clips of Liz & lucky. You will be moved, I promise you. JJ doesn't have that tough guy sexuality like Jason. but he has a tenderness with Becky that only super couples are made of. Simply beautiful. Havcing said that, there have been so many awkward moments that were illegal or just morally wrong that brought couples together. It's a soap opera, remember. Everything is forgivemn. Everything goes.

  51. My two cents, how can u say you don't like Liz? You want to reach in the tv and strangle her. Hmm sounds like hate, girlfriend. And that's ok, we have all hated a character. For me, it's Carly. No matter who plays her(and all have been excellent minus the 3rd temporary one)

  52. My two cents,
    What is a pedalstool? Did you mean pedestal?

  53. @my2cents2 What pedestal?? Liz has been berated by damn near the whole cast, and paid for her several mistakes... time and time again. I'll tell you who's on a pedestal... Sam. All of her gross and intentional indiscretions have been swept under a rub, with no consequence, as she prepares for marital bliss, all the while giving Liz advice.

    Liz may have the backing by a few of PC's men, but the character Sam and maybe even actor who plays her is loved by TPTB.

  54. Liz will lose her nursing license anyway. She will pay a price, unlike Sam who truly did pull off cons and did not pay.
    Anyway, I won't go there. I think it has been 3 solid years of a poor storyline for Liz and it continues on. Liz is the doormat like jax. I would be happy if she was pulled from Lucky's orbit and given a new storyline but they will continue to write poorly for her as they didn't even want her as part of the show.

  55. Mrs B...thank you but I have no desire to watch old clips of L&L. I have watched this show since 1975.
    I don't watch present one's of them anylonger since I saw Liz's recent behavior.
    I can't get past shoving a needle in someone's arm instead of calling for help. That is love??
    Not in my world.
    LaTanya.of course others have broken laws for those they love.
    Never to the degree IMO that Liz did. Liz had choices. She is suppose to be a professional.
    Calling in sick, then sneaking into the hospital to steal drugs, instead of asking for help is selfishness, as she wanted to be the one to play G-D.
    Keeping information from Lucky's wife? I HATE Sio. But that is Lucky's wife. NOT Liz.
    'Anonymous said...
    My two cents,
    ' What is a pedalstool? Did you mean pedestal?'
    Really, is this the best you can do? Your ignorance is one thing, your cowardness to hide behind a name is another.
    Why does everything have to turn back to Sam? Tic for tac. Is that the best you can come up with for what Liz did?

    I am unscribing from this thread.
    I refuse to have discussions with people of ignorance. People who don't know how to discuss, but throw jabs at. Grow up.

  56. Thank you thank you mytwocents! Unsubscribe! Unsubscribe!

    I actually have liked both Sam & Liz. I think both have been very immoral and very Soapy. Cause, oh yeah, this IS a soap! I almost forgot.

  57. My2Cents2 said...

    Thanks Sonya...hugs back.
    btw though......

    I LOVED Courtney!!!! lol
    You did!?!?! ROFL!

  58. Wait...I hope I didn't offend anyone I was just trying to be apart of the conversation!


  59. My 2 cents,
    Goodbye. You take this show much too seriously. And for your information some of us can only post anonymously and are not hiding. If anyone is ignorant it is you.


  60. My two Cents:
    There is no such word as cowardness. For you to accuse others of ignorance is laughable. I hope you are truly gone. You are ruining Karen's blog for me and I love Karen's blog.


  61. I am ruining nobody's board.
    You people are.
    Because someone speaks there opinion, and you don't like it, like animals you come out to attack.
    If that isn't ignorance, I don't know what is. :)

  62. I think every person should glance at this.

  63. It won't truly have success, I believe so.



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...