Friday, August 5, 2011

All My Zombies...

Oh All My Children is so awesome--very brilliant yet bizarre concept with the Orpheus stuff. I love the premise and I LOVE Kate Collins as Janet.  She is having a ball with that part. 
LEO!! The flashbacks...they were so young!!! eeeeeeeeeeee.  They were perfect....*sigh*  MARION AND DIXIE go to Erica's!! 
OMG  I'm not telling you what happened at the END of AMC but I am NOT had better be a double-blind switcheroo! LOL was so good!! THAT'S HOW IT'S DONE! 

ONE LIFE TO LIVE: The Faces. :) HEH What if New Face is an ANDROID!! You know, from Star Trek Deep Space Nine! I LOVE both RH and TSJ. Marty could tell. John mentioned  Tea's vein in her forehead heh...that envelope is giving me a headache.
Starr totally GOT Old face with the Todd Book!! Who knew there was a Todd Book? Not me! Oh, Starr tells him about baby Hope!! "I have a granddaughter with Marty Seybrook"?? HEH.

Poor Destiny. Geesh, She said Shaun should stay out. Shaun gets an anxiety attack and uses Alexis' paper bag. 
HOW CAN I LOVE BOTH TODDS?? HOW? ;/ I'm brainwashed. 
IF YOU know the results of the DNA please PLEASE don't spoil it for me.  I want to watch Monday!

GENERAL HOSPITAL:  Sonny and Olivia look delish together, sorry!! HE certainly was flirty!We got more Sonny/Olivia stories. Vinny Espisito. LOL. "I like your neck" --they were cute together today
I guess he'll find Kate in Bensonhurst and that will start up a bit. Still not happy they recast her.

Siobhan is such a screaming shrew, I think she got a brain injury from that operation. OY! They just flipped  her over.

Sam is talking about wedding card stock? ugh.. She should just let Maxie do it. I hope their colors are black, purple and gold. 

Lucky has Liz visions. He looked like TG to me when he was crying... Tony cried like that with "Laura" ...Liz is so LUCKY'S LAURA!! eeeeee nice scenes.

Josslyn was cute, although it should have been Alberta in there not "Rufus" thank you. Mercedes!! Jax locks her in the laundry room! 
GOD and Carly stomps around and instead of checking on Joss goes to JASON'S! ;/ what.ugh. I hate that dress too. I am calling it the "Green  Booger Dress". Jax and Joss--did you see her yell "Mommy'??! 

IRONY of today? Or Synergy? Liz/Jason hit each other on a rainy night---Jake much?


  1. Karen! Yes on OLTL that damn envelope!! It's driving me nuts! Just open it already!!! :) I can't wait until Monday! Shawn uses Alexis's paper bag hahahaha! Good one. :)

    On to GH...

    DANGER.. DANGER WILL ROBINSON! DANGER! If you haven't watched the show today, Don't read my thoughts because their WILL be spoilers! In fact, DON'T COME ON HERE AT ALL!!!


    Lucky: Woah great scene! Where he "sees" Liz and then they show young Liz when they got "married" in the church!! Nice touch headwriter Wolfie. :)

    Shivon and Liz: Oh Liz stop arguing with her! She won't listen to you!!! She has to go to a doctor!! Just walk away from her! Oh oh Shivon falls down the stairs. Oh oh is she going to be the new Carly? Who falls down the stairs a lot? :) I hope not UGH! Oh they are in Liz's car now that's good. Oh oh Shivon has passed out! Or is she dead?

    Sam and Jason: Oh forget that wedding crap! Just elope! :) They had a nice scene until Carly comes barging in without knocking!!! BOUNDARIES CARLY!!!! :)

    Olivia and Sonny: Sonny stop hitting on her! Olivia you should have asked him if he is taking his meds!!! So Robin is the only one talking to him about his meds! They talk about the past which I am confused on. Why did Sonny rip the necklace from her neck when they were 14? Cus she went to the church social with someone else?

    Skye and Edward: LOVE IT!!!! :)

    Carly and Joss: Adorable scene!!

    Jax and Joss: :( Poor Jax!!

    Carly, Jason, Shivon, and Liz: CAR ACCIDENT OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I get Jason Q back? :) Or at least have him remember ALL his Q memories? :)

  2. how funny it would be if Jason woke and thought he was still with Robin!!!
    Or started looking for Keesha!!!

  3. "DANGER.. DANGER WILL ROBINSON! DANGER! If you haven't watched the show today, Don't read my thoughts because their WILL be spoilers! In fact, DON'T COME ON HERE AT ALL!!!" ROTLF!!!!!!!

    I am definitely spending part of the weekend watching what I missed on OLTL/GH and parts of AMC. They are turning into must watch


  4. Karen--Thanks for the head's up about AMC with Leo/Greenlee scenes and flashbacks. Squeeee. Just watched a clip of their scenes today on YouTube and it brought back so many happy memories. But the twist at the end---auauauauugggghhhh. :-| Not so happy. Leoooooo. Nooooo!

  5. It amazes me that people can call posters like Linda stupid and tell posters like her "Don't come on here at all" and not get their posts removed. They make fun of her opinions but it is okay by KD's standards because obviously she approves of that feedback. The more I read, the more I see Linda's point.

    thank you

  7. And PS. It is MY BLOG for GOD SAKES!
    I'm so done.

  8. Still not happy on how Jax is being written out. This is dumb! What I would like to see is lady Jane come to town and take on Carly & Sonny! In the end you see Lady Jane returning Joss to Jax!

  9. KD that is true but everyone knows who she was speaking about and swearing at the same time."People are some DAMN stupid sometimes."
    It really doesn't matter who she was speaking about,even though we know it was Linda. Calling people stupid and swearing is worse than whatever was removed before.

  10. Batgary I'm glad you like my danger Will Robinson warning! :)

    Anonymous Mike huh?!!?! You are not listening/reading what I'm saying. :) I am telling people IF they HAVEN'T watched the show YET, then DON'T come on here because there are A LOT of spoilers on here! It's just common sense!


  11. AND NO one even COMMENTED on my FRONKEY PICTURE? that was hilarious! LOL

  12. Karen, I'm kinda glad you're not doing any polls now, as I get to see my beautiful Sonny's beautiful smile every time I go to the scoops page (at least until you do another poll).

    Driving me crazy: Everyone I know plans weddings about 1 1/2 years in advance, only in PC can people plan a wedding for a few weeks later, send out invitations, and everyone can come (of course, in PC, about 4 people come to your wedding).

  13. @Hope I use to love Jason and Keesha I know alot of people thought they were boring but I liked them. That's why I was happy at the rumor that Maya had a little sister they were going to bring on and pair with Micheal sort of like a Jason/Keesha redo. But they scrapped that and now we have Micheal/Abby.....{sigh} o well!!!


  14. Mike thanks for having my back. However, KD is right-it is her Blog and enough is enough. All her friends have her back which is okay. I just wanted to express my feelings that she offended me by removing my post,which is her right. I will now make everyone on this site happy and wont post again here. I am sure this "mean" person wont be missed.

  15. Anonymous Mike! I NEVER said People are some DAMN stupid sometimes.

  16. Sonya I never said you did. It was Dori Aug 5th 9:07am

  17. Oh sorry Mike I thought you were talking about me.

  18. Love the Fronkey wedding photo, Karen. Made me laugh. You gonna see Rise of the Planet of the Apes? More Franco! More Monkeys! Wish he could have gotten Steve Burton a cameo, or had a scene with a TV with GH on in the background. That woulda been awesome!

  19. YES!! I AM going to see the movie--just for Franco though. I finally watched 127 hours and it was AMAZING... it should have gotten best direction.

  20. OH! When you see the movie, you'll have to have a blog post about it. With recaps. ;) It looks awesome, but those monkeys look a little scary for my tastes...I'm sure I'll see it anyway.
    Thanks for letting me know about 127 Hours. I still haven't seen it. I'd watch that for AmTam if nothing else. :)

  21. Carey, it wasn't that bad and I closed my eyes on the arm part. It's made so well--

  22. Hey!! Fronkey is in Toy Story 3!! He is like security for the toys in the daycare and catches toys trying to escape!

  23. I have to admit..I sobbed when JJ was on the floor in the church at the end. JJ is such a great actor. I do not understand how he has not been a smash in the movies.

    I loved the double vision scenes of Liz. I know a lot of people do not want them back together; but I do want much. If JJ leaves the show and that does not happen I will be so bummed.

    On All My CHildren..the Leo and Greenlee parts were so wonderful. Josh is pure magic in that role. I knew the 1st day that he was on AMC that he was going to be a short timer on the show and would be in the movies. He just sparkles

  24. Jason and Sam were too sweet for words (:

    Then Carly happened >.<

    Lucky in the church was amazing!

    I for one don't want Jason Q. back just because personally I wasn't a fan, but if he was still Jason Morgan and remembered his time with the Q's then that would be better than good.

  25. OMGosh AMC and OLTL kicked butts today.....Sonja love the Danger Danger Will Robinson ya Sonya

  26. Mamaspat Ole hahaha thanks and love ya too! :)

  27. Hope, I thought the same thing about Jason waking up and asking where Keesha was. LOL! Then he'll wonder why he has all those black t-shirts and no reindeer sweaters. lol!

  28. I will miss you, Linda!

  29. Something tells me Mike, Linda & "r" are the same anons. Just sayin. Karen, make people sihn in or we will see this person return under another fake name.

  30. Karen, I want to thank you for this blog that I have started reading since the Metro Court disaster. But, I am just going to quit reading it now. I am tired of the arguing between whoever and then when it is finally ignored enough, someone has to bring it up again and then the blog tends to be more about people arguing than talking about GH. I roll my eyes for every post that starts the argument, advertantly or inadvertantly. Again thanks!!

  31. Andrea yeah I know it sucks! But don't stop reading. :( Maybe just take a week off and then come back? :)

  32. Karen, I love your blog and have been reading it for the past 3 years. I don't watch GH anymore but keep up by reading your blog. The same goes for OLTL. What a wonderful show!

    Sonya, I look forward to your recaps. If people don't want to read them, they can scroll down. :)

  33. Jen why would you think that?? I don't even know Linda or R. Just because I agree with Linda you assume we are the same person.As for R maybe that poster just likes drama. You shouldn't assume.

  34. I've been saying that "signing in" (or, heck, at least typing in your "Name/URL") should be mandatory. Even when the Anonymi are CONTRIBUTING to the conversation. I think it's ridiculous when someone responding or agreeing with a post has to put "I agree Anonymous 4:56p" or something like that.

    It took me TWO SECONDS to select "Name/URL" and then type my name. Is it really that hard for some people?

    Oh, and, I stopped watching the show a LONG TIME AGO...but could someone (like Will Robinson :)) tell me how AMC ended? Karen's post got me curious..


  35. Loving some OLTL and finally loving GH! I am a huge Liason fan. I loved Lucky and Liz back in the day, but then loved Liason. I did not under any circumstances want Lucky and Liz back together and then Friday happened. I completely fell in love with them again and they weren't even together! I love the new writing! Yay!

    Andrea, don't leave. I think you have a great idea. If we just ignore the 'fighters' they will get bored and leave.

  36. DJ Rogue said...

    Oh, and, I stopped watching the show a LONG TIME AGO...but could someone (like Will Robinson :)) tell me how AMC ended? Karen's post got me curious..

    ROFL! AMC ended when Greenlee woke up and saw ZAK!!! :) He was sleeping! :)

  37. The Lucky/Liz scene yesterday was wonderful. I'm pulling for them again. I would have liked to knock Siobhan down the stairs myself - what a pain she is. Glad to see olivia get some scenes. Joss was adorable with Jax.

  38. This can't actually work, I suppose like this.

  39. No doubt, the writer is completely right.



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